Just a quick glance but seems overly generic / simplistic. I suppose that's how most AI is right now, and will improve over time. But if you lack the experience / knowledge to know that it's
overly generic / simplistic, you'll think it's "correct", when it's not.
(Granted, I'm a "getting old and perhaps cranky" kilo member.)
Dante (Doggcrapp) was my first online coach, back around 2001, so my memory isn't exactly stellar on this, but some things that stand out:
It says rest pause is hitting failure, then again 2-3 times. Like it's optional? It's just 2 more times, Dante was pretty adamant about this, 3 being too much to recover from, and potentially unsafe.
Standing overhead barbell press for a rest pause set of 11-15 reps? Hmmm..... ok. Good luck rest pausing that. Sounds safe.
I don't remember rest pausing any stiff-leg deadlift movements (Romanians are listed above) - he has a special method for those (unless this has changed over time)
And this is just so extremely generic as to almost not be helpful:
- Barbell Back Squat (Quadriceps): 2-4 warm-up sets, 1-2 straight sets of 6-12 reps, optional "widow-maker" set of 20-25 reps