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Aug 9, 2005
Has anyone tried GABA longterm for fatloss ie GH release?

Does it work at all, it is quite cheap and sounds promising. Or is it a cheap imposter?
Did not like the way it made me feel. A bit of a dizzy sick feeling.
I used it back in the day.... It made me very sleepy. Hard to say whether it did much for fat loss, I was working construction and have a pretty fast metabolism, so I stayed in the single digits for bodyfat anyway.
I used it about 12 yrs ago so I'm not sure if its the same formula anymore. When I did it I didn't notice anything. What I did notice was a burning like I could feel it in the arteries in my neck(both sides). That was wierd but I never got dizzy or tired. I was constantly jacked on ephedrine at the time, too, so it might not have been able to tire me out.
Gaba can't cross the the Brain barrier according to many sources. If you took GHB it would do the trick. The problem is it can be addictive due to it's funtion of releasing dopamine from your brain. The people addicted to it were
Mick Hart (Bodybuilding Guru and Nick Nolte ( famous actor). Some people don't get addicted but it is a class one drug. If you get caught with it the penalty is the same as Heroine, Cocaine etc. There were a few studies that concluded it increased the release of more Human Growth Hormone anywere from 8 to 16 times normal but these were small studies.
steve123456789 said:
Gaba can't cross the the Brain barrier according to many sources. If you took GHB it would do the trick. The problem is it can be addictive due to it's funtion of releasing dopamine from your brain. The people addicted to it were
Mick Hart (Bodybuilding Guru and Nick Nolte ( famous actor). Some people don't get addicted but it is a class one drug. If you get caught with it the penalty is the same as Heroine, Cocaine etc. There were a few studies that concluded it increased the release of more Human Growth Hormone anywere from 8 to 16 times normal but these were small studies.
Are saying that gaba is illegal or ghb. You must be talking about the ghb part because I buy gaba all the time. So what is ghb anyway?
I gotta give the supplement I just bought from Hi-tec a push. Somatomax. It works very well for a non-ghb supplement. It has standard aminos's plus phenibutryic acid and gaba in a hefty dose. It knocks you out with one serving and will make u retarded at double dose!!! I heard if you drink just a small amount on it, ur toast! It put me in sucha deep sleep I almost pee'd myself, and I ALWAYS wake up to eat and piss.
FutureFreak said:
I gotta give the supplement I just bought from Hi-tec a push. Somatomax. It works very well for a non-ghb supplement. It has standard aminos's plus phenibutryic acid and gaba in a hefty dose. It knocks you out with one serving and will make u retarded at double dose!!! I heard if you drink just a small amount on it, ur toast! It put me in sucha deep sleep I almost pee'd myself, and I ALWAYS wake up to eat and piss.
Phenibutyric acid sounds like Phenibut. Do NOT use it every day, very addictive physically. Nasty withdrawals if you stay on it for a long period of time.
Gaba cannot cross the Brain barrier so it can't help you make more HGH. GHB is supposed to make HGH anywhere from 2 to 16 times normal in a few studies. The stuff is illegal and is calssified in the same catagory as Heroin etc. You get a hefty jail sentance. The stuff is highly addictive acording to Mick Hart (Bodybuiling GURU) . You can easiy make the stuff by mixing Sodium Hydroxide and GBL which you can get from Great Britain. I was going to try the stuff and decided to pass.
you can actually make GHB from GABA if you know the Sandmeyer RxN. Dont ask me for details as I wont give any. You could make GBL from GABA even easier in 1-2 steps.
bluto said:
Has anyone tried GABA longterm for fatloss ie GH release?

Does it work at all, it is quite cheap and sounds promising. Or is it a cheap imposter?

GABA can't not increase HGH because it does not cross the blood brain barrier. If it can not get to the brain then it can not increase HGH.
I was saying that GHB may increase hgh. there were 2-3 studies and the results were from 2 times to 16 times increase. the problem is that the substance is adictive. Mick Hart wrote a book called "Tears on a keyboard". Mick Hart is a GOO ROO on steroids and bodybuilding. He tries stuff himself. He made a big mistake with GHB as he got addicted and needed more and more and his life fell apart. ANother guy was the Famous actor "NICK NOLTE" he was arested driving while on GHB. Some people don't get addicted but I wouldn't take the chance.
Has anyone get some scientific studies on GABA? Can you join the references ?
Thank you
there was some stuff called p-gh a few years ago that was injectable gabba. weird stuff.... you got a big head rush and then slept real deep
Most GABA products have a listing of studies on the insert that support their the product. For example below. Of course they could be bias and you could probably find studies that state the opposite.

1. Involvement of growth hormone-releasing factor in growth hormone secretion induced by gamma-aminobutyric acid in conscious rats. Murakami Y, 1985 Endocrinology 117(2), 787-789 (1985)

2. Evidence for a GABAergic control of the exercise-induced rise in GH in man. Steardo L, Iovino M, Monteleone P, Agrusta M, Orio F Eur J Clin Pharmacol 28 (5): 607-609 (1985)

3. Growth hormone secretion of the neonatal rat pituitaries is stimulated by gamma-aminobutyric acid in vitro. Acs Z, Makara GB, Stark E Life Sci 34 (16): 1505-1511 (Apr 1984)

4. Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), a modulator of anterior pituitary hormone secretion by hypothalamic and pituitary action. McCann SM, Vijayan E, Negro-Vilar A, Mizunuma H, Mangat H Psychoneuroendocrinology 9 (2): 97-106 (1984)

5. Effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man: influence of pimozide and domperidone. Cavagnini F, Benetti G, Invitti C, Ramella G, Pinto M, Lazza M, Dubini A, Marelli A, Muller EE J Clin Endocrinol Metab 51 (4): 789-792 (Oct 1980)

6. Effects of some gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic drugs on the dopaminergic control of human growth hormone secretion. Koulu M, Lammintausta R, Dahlstrom S J Clin Endocrinol Metab 51 (1): 124-129 (Jul 1980)

7. Effect of acute and repeated administration of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) on growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man. Cavagnini F, Invitti C, Pinto M, Maraschini C, Di Landro A, Dubini A, Marelli A Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 93 (2): 149-154 (Feb 1980)

"A single oral dose of 5 g gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) was given to 19 subjects and serial venous blood samples were obtained before and 3 h after drug administration. A placebo was administered to 18 subjects who served as controls. GABA caused a significant elevation of plasma growth hormone levels (P less than 0.001), but did not consistently alter plasma prolactin concentration since only 5 out of 15 subjects showed an increase of the hormone. Eight additional subjects were submitted to an insulin tolerance test before and after per os administration of 18 g GABA daily for 4 days. Protracted GABA treatment significantly blunted the response of growth hormone and enhanced that of prolactin to insulin hypoglycaemia (P less than 0.01). These results indicate that pharmacological doses of GABA affect growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man. The precise nature of GABA's effects as well as its mechanism of action remains to be clarified."

8. Growth hormone release by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid (GABOB) in the rat. Abe H, Kato Y, Chihara K, Ohgo S, Iwasaki YEndocrinol Jpn 24 (2): 229-231 (Apr 1977)

9. Regulation of growth hormone secretion Kato Y, Chihara K, Daigo S, Iwasaki Y, Abe H Horumon To Rinsho 25 (2): 131-141 (Feb 1977)

10. Pharmacological evidence for a dual GABAergic regulation of growth hormone release in humans. Steardo L, Iovino M, Monteleone P, Agrusta M, Orio F Life Sci 39 (11): 979-985 (Sep 1986)

11. Involvement of alpha-adrenergic and GABAergic mechanisms in growth hormone secretion induced by central somatostatin in rats. Murakami Y, Kato Y, Koshiyama H, Inoue T, Ishikawa Y, Imura H Brain Res 407 (2): 405-408 (Mar 1987)

12. Evidence for a sex difference in the basal growth hormone response to GABAergic stimulation in humans. Monteleone P, Maj M, Iovino M, Steardo L Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 119 (3): 353-357 (Nov 1988)

13. Role of hypothalamic factors (growth-hormone-releasing hormone and gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the regulation of growth hormone secretion in the neonatal and adult rat. Acs Z, Lonart G, Makara GB Neuroendocrinology 52 (2): 156-160 (Aug 1990)

14. Possible mediation of GABA induced growth hormone secretion by increased calcium-flux in neonatal pituitaries. Acs Z, Zsom L, Makara GB Life Sci 50 (4): 273-279 (1992)

15. Potent agonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone. II. Zarandi M, Serfozo P, Zsigo J, Deutch AH, Janaky T, Olsen DB, Bajusz S, Schally AV Pept Res 5 (4): 190-193 (Jul 1992)

16. New Gaba-containing analogues of human growth hormone-releasing hormone (1-30)-amide: I. Synthesis and in vitro biological activity. Mezo I, Kovacs M, Szoke B, Szabo EZ, Horvath J, Makara GB, Rappay G, Tamas J, Teplan I J Endocrinol Invest 16 (10): 793-798 (Nov 1993)

17. Neuroendocrine regulation of growth hormone secretion in sheep. VII. Effects of GABA. Spencer GS, Berry CJ, Bass JJ Regul Pept 52 (3): 181-186 (Aug 1994)

18. Growth hormone secretion and activation of cyclic AMP by growth hormone releasing hormone and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the neonatal rat pituitary. Mergl Z, Acs Z, Makara GB Life Sci 56 (8): 579-585 (1995)

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