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Getting more results out of Orals!!!

Big Hock

Sep 17, 2002
I got this from Triedia's Board Thanks to Hooker:

Here's some info that many of you may know or have seen posted elsewhere. Basically, if you drink 250ml of grapefruit juice with your oral medications, it will increase their absorbtion, blood serum concentrations, etc...There was a study done specifically with some 17A drugs, but I decided not to copy it here. The article I did copy (below) is alot more reader-friendly and less technical.
If you are too lazy to read the article, here's the summary:
Drink 250ml of grapefruit juice (thats 8.4 ounces) with your oral steroids, and you just need to drink it once per day, even if you take your orals spread out throughout the day.
I've seen studies where absorbtion of some drugs was increased by up to 500%!
Also...before you ask about the effects of grapefruit juice on oral rec drugs the answer is YES, this applies to ALL ORAL MEDICATIONS/DRUGS.
Here's the article:

James Maskalyk
Editorial Fellow, CMAJ

Grapefruit juice interacts with a number of medications. This unusual discovery was made serendipitously in 1989 during an experiment designed to test the effect of ethanol on a calcium-channel blocker.1 The observed response was later determined to be due to the grapefruit juice delivery vehicle rather than the alcohol. In the past decade, the list of drug interactions with grapefruit juice has expanded to include several classes of medication, precipitating a recent advisory from Health Canada.2

The interaction: As little as 250 mL of grapefruit juice can change the metabolism of some drugs.3 This drug–food interaction occurs because of a common pathway involving a specific isoform of cytochrome P450 — CYP3A4 — present in both the liver and the intestinal wall. Studies suggest that grapefruit juice exerts its effect primarily at the level of the intestine.4

After ingestion, a substrate contained in the grapefruit binds to the intestinal isoenzyme, impairing first-pass metabolism directly and causing a sustained decrease in CYP3A4 protein expression.5 Within 4 hours of ingestion, a reduction in the effective CYP3A4 concentration occurs, with effects lasting up to 24 hours.6 The net result is inhibition of drug metabolism in the intestine and increased oral bioavailability. Because of the prolonged response, separating the intake of the drug and the juice does not prevent interference.

Individuals express CYP3A4 in different proportions, those with the highest intestinal concentration being most susceptible to grapefruit juice–drug interactions.5 An effect is seen with the whole fruit as well as its juice, so caution should be exercised with both.7 The precise chemical compound in grapefruit that causes the interaction has not been identified. There is no similar reaction with orange juice, although there is some suspicion that "sour oranges" such as the Seville variety, may have some effect.8 A recent study, however, that tested the known interference of grapefruit juice with cyclosporine showed no similar effect with Seville oranges.9

There is some interest in the potential therapeutic benefit of adding grapefruit juice to a drug regimen to increase oral bioavailability.3 The limitation is the individual variation in patient response. However, if the chemical that causes grapefruit's CYP3A4 inhibition is elucidated, there may be an opportunity to modulate that pathway in a controlled fashion.

What to do: Much of the data obtained on grapefruit juice–drug interactions involved measuring serum drug concentrations in small numbers of healthy volunteers. Because of the limited data and only occasional case reports,10 it is difficult to quantify the clinical significance for individual patients. One may assume that the interaction occurs primarily with oral medicines, and only with those that share the CYP3A4 metabolism pathway, with the consequence being increased oral bioavailability, higher serum drug concentrations and associated adverse effects.

Physicians should review medication lists often, with the goal of warning patients about adverse interactions. A list of medicines with which patients should not consume grapefruit is provided in Table 1.3,11,12 In the case of several medications that share the CYP3A4 metabolism pathway, but for which a clinical effect has not been elucidated or is theoretical, patients should be advised to consume grapefruit cautiously and be monitored for toxicity.
It all looks good on paper. But didnt really help much for me-I did it during an all oral bridge.
Grapefruit juice

I get zanax prescribed to me and it is said that you are not supposed to take grapefruit juice with it because it will intensify the effect. i have taken grapefruit juice plenty of times with it and experienced nothing different.
Is it a specific type of grapefruit juice? Ruby red vs. the yellow kind, vs. grpfrt jce cocktail?.....
yellow and the reason I say that is, I have only gotten good fatloss from that kind. It has alot more "tang" to it, obviously not as much sugar or filler.
This was an interesting reading and it got me thinking.

I often cycle T3 with Var (other injectables also obviously) come summer months.

My best cutting cycle was when I was drinking 1 litre of pure grapefruit juice divided throughout the day...

You sure got me wondering if the grapefruit actually had something to do with the results!

By the way, mine was the red grapefruit.
specifically should be white grapefruit juice, from Duncan grapefruits. those are the ones with the most naringin in them. Otherwise just pick up some bioperine tabs and narginin tabs or bulk, its easier
I get zanax prescribed to me and it is said that you are not supposed to take grapefruit juice with it because it will intensify the effect. i have taken grapefruit juice plenty of times with it and experienced nothing different.
maybe they meant grapefruit and Absolut together,lol!!yeah i'm on it too and didn't notice the effect they're claiming
This diet worked for me in the past.

2 strips bacon
2 HB eggs
6oz grapefruitjuice (catalyst)

2 HB eggs
salad with blue cheese dressing
6oz grapefruit juice

Sensible meal

Lost 25lb in 8 weeks, no exercise.
interesting..considering i am an RN in the behavioral health field and part of our discharge teaching is to avoid citrus juices when taking medication, mainly grapefruit...maybe something with pschtropics? oh well, what the hell who can ya trust..maybe it's a conspiracy from the pharmaceutical companies against juice.
That's because some medication is timed release or meant to be taken in slowly, and GFjuice speeds the uptake of most all medications. I'll definitely be incorporating this into any future oral cycle.
Wow I already started doing this because grapefruit juice masks the taste of liquid orals really well. That's a coincidence.
definately gonna give it a shot.
This is the one I found that tastes the best by far.......... :)


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so have many people tried this and seen any results as of yet?
I noticed a difference with the Var for sure...... it seemed like the dosage I was taking was more effective/potent. This might not make sense , but to me It feels like it makes it last longer or extends the halflife for me .........
Grapefruit juice & really trying to consistently space out the tabs evenly throughout the day made all the difference in the world for me.
I read about this several years ago and added it to my bulk cycle which had A-50 for the oral and did notice a difference. I tried it too with my cutting cycle and got the best results ever with it. now its another part of my diet and I love the taste
it kinda seems like its hit or miss based on the responses ive read. i guess it doesnt hurt to try it.. i think ill give it a shot for the first few weeks of my cycle to see if it helps before the test kicks in.
it kinda seems like its hit or miss based on the responses ive read. i guess it doesnt hurt to try it.. i think ill give it a shot for the first few weeks of my cycle to see if it helps before the test kicks in.

That's because not all drugs are broken down by the enzyme that grapefruit inhibits.
I tried this coincidentally with a joke...I took 25 milligrams after a night on the town, with some Grapefruit juice and it worked like I had taken a LOT more and it worked into the next day. Tried it again later with the same effect.

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