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The perils of ibuprofen


Active member
Sep 22, 2022
Everyone knows how bad ibuprofen is, but this is a cautionary reminder to those who know and maybe new information to those who don’t. I recently underwent rotator cuff/bicep tendon surgery. Of course, they prescribed me Percocets for the pain which was substantial. When I was younger, I would take one with a beer and have a great time and never think anything about it . In the last decade, the world has changed . The headlines are flooded with horror stories about people getting hooked on these things not to mention I have had a circle of people around me with pain med issues. For whatever reason the thought of popping those in my mouth these days gave me a slight anxiety and really bad vibes in general, which defeated the reason for taking them in the first place. Stress is definitely not conducive to healing. The obvious thing to me was to substitute ibuprofen instead. I’m in my 50s and have used ibuprofen and never had any issues. Once I switched, I was taking 1800-2000 mg per day which seemed to be the bare minimum I could take to tolerate the pain,and was due for my blood work. My BUN came back elevated. I was a 39 and a 7-25 normal range. This shocked me because I have been through the full gamut of orals,tren,etc. And never been out of range. I do have one old associate who had kidney transplant about 10 years ago and this prompted a call to him. For whatever reason I always assumed it was tren and orals that did him in but we never had that conversation. I likened it to asking someone about the details of a bad car accident instead of just focusing on the recuperation side of the equation .When I reached out to him, he said that his nephrologist had told him that ibuprofen was what almost certainly what killed off his kidney, not the anabolics. This also prompted a call to one of my old 300+ pounds Gorillas i trained with for years, who I recall, used ibuprofen on a small dose, consistent basis, similar to me in the past. To my dismay, I found out that he had also been diagnosed with a fatty liver in recent years. His doctor also concluded that it was not anabolics that caused his issue, but ibuprofen. He was one of those genetic freaks that takes almost nothing(200 mg test per week)and balloons to be one of the biggest guys you’ve ever seen who hasn’t stepped on a pro stage. I immediately eliminated the ibuprofen, and still having my reservations about the Percocet, switched to a CBD/THC tincture. That masked/reduce the pain, and I was able to function appropriately as I healed. Most important of all I was able to sleep. For those of you who are lucky enough not to know, rotator cuff surgery makes it almost impossible to sleep longer than a half hour at a time without some type of pain management tool. You go from sheer exhaustion to sleep and then the minute you move you get adrenaline dump from the pain and you’re Wide awake again. Needless to say it’s a roller coaster. For anyone who is interested I also started taking kidney “stuff” which was recommended to me by a college training partner who took a run at getting his pro card, and is also highly touted by other well respected coaches. Six weeks later my bun levels are back in the range. Creatinine and EFGR are good too. Moral to the story is ibuprofen is like draino to your organs. Use it sparingly, if at all. No one wants to become an example of worst-case scenario for everyone else to see. Soon, I will be healed up and I look forward to responsibly stressing my body with much more “appropriate” chems. Not ibuprofen.
Everyone knows how bad ibuprofen is, but this is a cautionary reminder to those who know and maybe new information to those who don’t. I recently underwent rotator cuff/bicep tendon surgery. Of course, they prescribed me Percocets for the pain which was substantial. When I was younger, I would take one with a beer and have a great time and never think anything about it . In the last decade, the world has changed . The headlines are flooded with horror stories about people getting hooked on these things not to mention I have had a circle of people around me with pain med issues. For whatever reason the thought of popping those in my mouth these days gave me a slight anxiety and really bad vibes in general, which defeated the reason for taking them in the first place. Stress is definitely not conducive to healing. The obvious thing to me was to substitute ibuprofen instead. I’m in my 50s and have used ibuprofen and never had any issues. Once I switched, I was taking 1800-2000 mg per day which seemed to be the bare minimum I could take to tolerate the pain,and was due for my blood work. My BUN came back elevated. I was a 39 and a 7-25 normal range. This shocked me because I have been through the full gamut of orals,tren,etc. And never been out of range. I do have one old associate who had kidney transplant about 10 years ago and this prompted a call to him. For whatever reason I always assumed it was tren and orals that did him in but we never had that conversation. I likened it to asking someone about the details of a bad car accident instead of just focusing on the recuperation side of the equation .When I reached out to him, he said that his nephrologist had told him that ibuprofen was what almost certainly what killed off his kidney, not the anabolics. This also prompted a call to one of my old 300+ pounds Gorillas i trained with for years, who I recall, used ibuprofen on a small dose, consistent basis, similar to me in the past. To my dismay, I found out that he had also been diagnosed with a fatty liver in recent years. His doctor also concluded that it was not anabolics that caused his issue, but ibuprofen. He was one of those genetic freaks that takes almost nothing(200 mg test per week)and balloons to be one of the biggest guys you’ve ever seen who hasn’t stepped on a pro stage. I immediately eliminated the ibuprofen, and still having my reservations about the Percocet, switched to a CBD/THC tincture. That masked/reduce the pain, and I was able to function appropriately as I healed. Most important of all I was able to sleep. For those of you who are lucky enough not to know, rotator cuff surgery makes it almost impossible to sleep longer than a half hour at a time without some type of pain management tool. You go from sheer exhaustion to sleep and then the minute you move you get adrenaline dump from the pain and you’re Wide awake again. Needless to say it’s a roller coaster. For anyone who is interested I also started taking kidney “stuff” which was recommended to me by a college training partner who took a run at getting his pro card, and is also highly touted by other well respected coaches. Six weeks later my bun levels are back in the range. Creatinine and EFGR are good too. Moral to the story is ibuprofen is like draino to your organs. Use it sparingly, if at all. No one wants to become an example of worst-case scenario for everyone else to see. Soon, I will be healed up and I look forward to responsibly stressing my body with much more “appropriate” chems. Not ibuprofen.
Thanks for sharing this. My numbers were all out of range and now im literally spot on. I took tudca and kidney support products while taking gear at the same time and all my values are in range. I never touch NSAIDS like Ibuprofen.
Pretty much all NSAIDs are detrimental to internal organs to some degree. One of the reasons i avoid them. The only time i take anything is if i can't sleep due to the pain. And then the least amount for the shortest time. After my shoulder surgeries, one repaired and the other replaced i was off everything OTC and scripted in a week. Same with my spine surgery. Trading comfort for the potential to damage internal organs is not worth it to me. If i am going to do damage i make sure the benifits are worth it to me.
I have a buddy who was a collegiate baseball player (pitcher) with chronic shoulder pain. He lived on prescription NSAID's in order to keep playing. He's now in the latter stages of kidney disease and will eventually need a transplant. Totally fried his kidneys using that stuff. It's a shame because doctors make the NSAID's out to be completely safe, especially in comparison to opiate painkillers, so young athletes will take them with impunity thinking they are doing the right thing, only to have serious issues later on.

I'll take an Advil (one) in the morning on occasion if I wake up feeling like crap, and it will normally calm the inflammation down to a point where I can get back to sleep, but I think using the drug for chronic injuries is a mistake. Better to suck up the pain of the injury and properly rehab it, that's the only thing that will actually make the pain go away permanently. For those with crippling back injuries, well, I'm not well versed enough in how to properly manage that kind of pain. All I can say is I feel for you.
Occasionally is ok, but regularly or daily can definitely have a negative effect on the kidneys. It is also known to decrease inflammation associated with muscle tear/repair and can inhibit muscle growth in some studies.

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