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New member
Jun 6, 2002
how long can gh that has been mixed with water last if kept refridgerated ?
Depends on your GH.

GH only mixed solution can be kept at cold for 24 hours ONLY !

GH + preserve ? substance can be kept at refrigerator for 3 weeks (mixed solution)

If you have Jintropin or others I think 24 hours.
I always thought it was about 4wks. The premixed nutropin lasts
longer-I had some for months and it kept working well.

if mixed with bateriostatic water it will lasr 3 weeks if keep cold!
thanks for all the input guys. except for that brand of gh made for animals.......regardless of the brand of gh you buy you can use bac water to dilute the gh powder correct???
or regular sterile water too correct?
Sorry - You guys have me confused

Too many different answers here.

I'm not a GH user - still trying to learn everything I need to know. Probably (hopefully) when I'm ready, the price will be more reasonable :)

Here's some info I found that not too many talk about - stability/sensitivity. I've read where the powder is very fragile (for no better term I can think of right now). To mix the water into the powder, you must let it drop into the vial (containing powder) by letting it hit the glass - not putting it directly into the powder. They say - NEVER SHAKE to mix it up. Also say to NEVER SHAKE after it's been mixed. Another thing they say is to ONLY USE the water that comes with powder (or is recommended by the manufacturer) as any different will breakdown/destroy the proteins (probably not the correct term/way to describe this).

I've also read where you should treat hcg the same way - as it's very fragile as well.

Am I blowing smoke here?!?!

Re: Sorry - You guys have me confused

xcelbeyond said:
Too many different answers here.

I'm not a GH user - still trying to learn everything I need to know. Probably (hopefully) when I'm ready, the price will be more reasonable :)

Here's some info I found that not too many talk about - stability/sensitivity. I've read where the powder is very fragile (for no better term I can think of right now). To mix the water into the powder, you must let it drop into the vial (containing powder) by letting it hit the glass - not putting it directly into the powder. They say - NEVER SHAKE to mix it up. Also say to NEVER SHAKE after it's been mixed. Another thing they say is to ONLY USE the water that comes with powder (or is recommended by the manufacturer) as any different will breakdown/destroy the proteins (probably not the correct term/way to describe this).

I've also read where you should treat hcg the same way - as it's very fragile as well.

Am I blowing smoke here?!?!


yes, if you shake GH will become inactive
well each vail only has 4iu's of powder so it wont last more than 1-2 days so sterile water will be fine. im just trying to figure out how much water to add. come on guys...lol...how much water...
thats alot of solution to shoot sub-q. why not just add 100units of water to the 4iu's of powder so i have 1iu of gh per unit on the slin pin??? did i do that math correct??
I also have Jintropin from genescience and have questions regarding how long it can stay refridgerated. As alin stated earlier the paperwork that comes with the jintropin says it will stay active with a preservative if kept between +2 to +8 C for 2 weeks protected from light. Now is the preservative bacteriostatic water or somthing else????? The insert does not say that the preservative is bacteriostatic water, it just says preservative and nothing else. Any help would be much appreciated.
Ok, GH is becoming the new fad drug this year, every year its something new, but with prices dropping and better quality brands coming out more and more are using these days, so a few helpful tips, so that your hard earned money isnt tossed out the window

- First things first, ALL GH must be kept cold, before and after reconstitution. Only Serono holds a patent on cells that can remain stable at room temp, Jintropin as well can remain stable for 7 days max, but the temp must not be more than 72 degrees, and it must be kept away from light.

- Know the reputation of the person you are purchasing from, we work on an honor system on the net, and those with good backgrounds should have kept their product in the conditions they need to be kept in for an effective product. Always make sure you get overnight delivery, and try and have them use a private courier as USPS has a tendancy to have overnight material land on your doorstep a week later.
Its best to purchase during cooler months, but if ordering during summer, please ask if said person would please put your kits on ice packs, the wont leak, as long as they are wrapped correctly and will reduce the chances of the cells going bad.

- If you are concerned with the legitmacy of the product, a home pregancy test is the best route to go, most GH is counterfited with HCG, since HCG is derived from the urine of pregnant females, the home testing kit will work.

- You must use bacteriostatic water, it will hold the GH in active state for 14 days after being mixed. If you should happen to purchase Serostim made by Serono DONT use the water that it comes with. The water that comes with it will only keep the concentration stable for 24 hrs. Some of our sponsors for SuperiorMuscle, carry bacteriostatic water, please secure a bottle of this before you begin your journey.

- This is and isnt a miracle drug, please dont have the understanding that this will change your body in the snap of a finger, this is something that takes time, if you dont have patience and are looking for overnight results, this isnt for you. People in the 20's and 30's will take longer to see results than someone in their 40's or 50's and beyond. I reccomend no less than 3-6 months too begin seeing results, the longer you stay on the better. I also reccomend a slight dose of T3 as it can supress thyroid function. Its benefits though are well worth the investment, as long as you put your all into what you are you doing.

Now lets get down to dosing, and mixing. I feel Ive broken it down to its simplest by doing it in this manner.
Most GH that BB's come across will be in the form of 126iu kits, generally 18, or 21iu a bottle, but there are many other brands out there that come in 4, 5, 10 and even 30iu per bottle.

Using a 1ml capacity syringe is going to be your best bet. The needle is scored by units of 10, there is a total of 100 units in a 1ml syringe.

I will use 3 different brands to to give a total understanding of what it breaks down to once you have added an ML of water to the gh in the vial
Serostim 18iu- would be broken down to 1.8 iu per 10units
Somaject 21iu-2.1 iu per 10 uints
Jintropin 10iu- 1iu per 10 units
When I say 10 units, that is the first marking on the insulin syringe. Jintropin breaks down the easiest, but with Serostim, and Somaject, getting a 5iu dose can be a bit tricky, but its actually very simple. Now these measurements will be accurate only if you use a 1ml syringe, so keep that in mind, so here we go...

Using the syringe, in order to get a measurement of 1iu per 10 units, you would use a total of 180 units of water for Serostim, for Somaject, you would use a total of 210 units, if by chance im confusing you, you would fill the needle to the 100 mark on the pin, and gently mix the water with the GH, you would then draw another 80 units, and waaalaaa you have perfect GH dosing.

One last thing to remember, occasionally the Gh may cake around the stopper, when mixing be as gentle as possible because shaking it can severly damge the cells, just give it a gentle swirl, and it will all dissolve.

Now get out there and grow!

gorilla2015 said:
I also have Jintropin from genescience and have questions regarding how long it can stay refridgerated. As alin stated earlier the paperwork that comes with the jintropin says it will stay active with a preservative if kept between +2 to +8 C for 2 weeks protected from light. Now is the preservative bacteriostatic water or somthing else????? The insert does not say that the preservative is bacteriostatic water, it just says preservative and nothing else. Any help would be much appreciated.

The water that comes in majority of kits is bacterioststaic, Serostim comes with sterile water, which will hold for 24-36 hrs, the entire vial is meant to be used in one day, standard dosing for HIV patients is 18iu
Jin water is bacteriostatic, 2 weeks is the generall shelf life once mixed, you have a 7 day time span from when its factory packed, and then left at room temp, before the cells go bad..the second its recieved it should be kept cold, as will all other brands.

Serono is the only company that carries the pattent on mammillian cells that can remain stable at room temp for long durations
MikeS said:
I always thought it was about 4wks. The premixed nutropin lasts
longer-I had some for months and it kept working well.

Nutropin Depot or AQ

AQ can hold a lil longer than most

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