There is a lot of research in the field of growth hormone, growth hormone receptors & intracellular signaling as well as research on animals. In addition there is a lot of clinical research on human beings with deficiencies. It is inaccurate to state that the "most credible research" is centered on a study or three that support an all over the place dosing scheme.
If we are going to give someone in our community credit for discovering that growth hormone works better when it is administered every other day then we should give it to MassiveG who stumbled upon it and shared it with the community many years ago.
On & off growth hormone & resensitization is something I have discussed from the scientific literature as well as other things that are needed to reset all the intracellular signaling pathways.
So there is nothing new in Carl's "discovery" in that regard.
Lets see... we have growth hormone...we have growth hormone binding proteins (sloughed off receptors)...we have prolactin binding proteins (which bind to GH w/ high affinity). Those factors will determine how much GH is free. Perhaps 90%+ of GH ends up bound by the binding proeins.
We have growth hormone receptor synthesis. We have growth hormone receptors that translocate to the cellular membrane where they can bind with growth hormone. We have growth hormone receptors that actually move to a cell nucleus and mediate events without ever coming in contact with a GH ligand.
Then we have the "what happens when GH binds to a receptor events". These are the intracellular signaling pathways all of which need the absence of GH to resentsitize and some of which also require the presence of insulin in the trough period.
These signaling pathways are activated proteins which move to the cell nucleus and the events they mediate are gene transcriptions which will result in the synthesis of proteins which mediate metabolism events and even result in IGF-1 synthesis.
We also have an event that occurs when too much GH is present. Too much GH clogs up the receptors and renders them null. So as strange as it may seem to most higher and higher levels of GH may actually result in less activity then lower doses.
Yet all people seem to be capable of is discussing amount and timing of the growth hormone ligand.
At any rate when one speaks of results ...such as "the results I had were better with this scheme then that" it is appropriate to ask them to quantify and as a first step to identify precisely what those results entailed.
Was it fat loss? Was it recovery? Was it feeling good for an older/deficient person? Was it muscle growth? Etc.
Then some claims need to be met with a skeptical eye such as muscle growth. GH needs testosterone and at least periods of high physiological/ low pharmacological levels of insulin to be anabolic in a bodybuilding sense.
I am pleased that Carl experimented with his GH dosing. I really don't see a reason to be so variable sometimes skipping 2 days sometimes 4 other days 3 with doses varied.
I don't really see support for the statement that "The amplitude of those pulses vary in size at different periods of the month". When I see stuff like this I get concerned. It makes me think of Suzanne Summers and how she ruined the good parts of her hormone replacement book by including sections on the Wiley protocol in estrogen replacement and treating such non-science/non-medecine gimmicks as imperatives.
Carl, Carl, Carl...sigh. Did you really have to extrapolate from your sample of one experiment to give the following summary advise?
"Although my dose were very conservative by any standard IMHO
a more random injection schedule will get better results with less sides."
Randomness is chaotic. Chaos does not lead to the type of order that leads to complexity. Complexity is required to build a human being. Our biorhythms are certainly worth identifying and duplicating but those biorhythms do not involve events that are random...rather they are predictable, functional and with purpose.
Dat, whats your opinion on what was said in this post?:
A post by Carl (aka Triceptor) on another board with all due respect:
The most credible research we have that shows any glimpse of what works best with frank GH injections is derived from idiopathic short stature studies. Several studies have shown that regularity of injections may actually be counter productive. In one such study two groups of children were given one of two dose of GH - 5IU's a day ED for 6 month or 5IU's every 4th day. The latter experience significantly more growth. Other studies have pointed to this as a result of the body's possibly becoming less sensitive to the effects of continuous GH presence.
If we extrapolate these results and apply them to our own goals it appears that a more random injections schedule may be more effective at bestowing the desired effects of GH administration.
Men pulse GH about every 3 hours and women even more frequently. The amplitude of those pulses vary in size at different periods of the month. I have experimented with a more random injection schedule and have good results. I took my daily dose and skipped a number of days - this varied - I would skip 2, 3 or even 4 days but the day I injected my GH I accumulated the doses from the missed days into that one day I injected. I was using very conservative 2IU's a day. If I skipped three days I injected the 6IU's that day. Of course I observed sensible timing - first thing AM, PWO and before bed. I did not have sides when I used GH. Although my dose were very conservative by any standard IMHO a more random injection schedule will get better results with less sides.