A very knowledgeable bro from another board wrote this in response to a ? when I asked if the frag is a more concentraded form of the fatloss part of GH.
Well the fragment is 176 (or 177) to 191, which means it is 14 (or 15) amino acids long. Let's use 15. The full GH molecule is 191aa obviously, so 15/191 = 7,85% weight. That is, the fragment weighs a guesstimate of 7,85% of the full weight of the GH molecule. This means that by weight, there are 12.74 times more frag molecule than GH molecule. This is an approximation because every amino acid weighs different, hence it's a guesstimate.
Again, in other words, shooting 200mcg of fragment is roughly equivalent to shooting 2,5mg of GH, in terms of just that fragment obviously. I think it's 3ui's per mg? So 200mcg of frag contains as much frag as 7.5iu of GH. That's a lot of fragment right there