This is from Grunt76...I am sure he wont mind me posting his answer should help clear things up a little for you. Question was asked:
Hey bros....any intelligent bros out there want to settle on what ARE acceptable stacks for peptides? And in what doses?
such as Do Dos - HGH + IGF-1...... IGF-1 + MGF?..... Hexarelin + GHRP-6 etc.
dont dos.... Hexarelin + HGH fragment within X ammount of hours?
his answer:
Gee that is quite the question there bro... I have a feeling that Gavin is "deferring" to me just because he doesn't feel like writing a whole book on peptides on here. Because that's what it would take to properly reply to your question.
The quick and dirty answer is that it is OK to stack all the peptides you can think of.
As far as an OPTIMAL mix, well there you have to get into writing a book.
HGH/ IGF-1/MGF/Insulin can all be stacked in whichever combination of these you can think of. The best combo is ... you guessed it ... ALL of them. But not all the time, here we come across some extremely complex timing issues that would make about half the said book.
Hexarelin & GHRP-6 : absolutely. A dose X of each of them taken together produces a greater GH response than X*2 of either. Stacking the fragment with these is very OK although I would dose either the GHRP's or the frag at any given moment, and wait a few hours, then do the other.
The rest can all be combined in many very beneficial ways too numerous to mention.