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Glucosamine and Chondroitin Ineffective?


Jan 15, 2008
A two-year study of how well glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate slows cartilage loss in patients with arthritis could not show that the popular nutritional supplements worked any better than sugar pills. Geez, I hope Bob Wilson doesn’t read this post cause he swears by the stuff!

“We don’t have good evidence that it slows (disease) progression,” says rheumatologist Allen Sawitzke, professor of internal medicine at the University of Utah and lead investigator.

Glucosamine & Chondroitin

The combination glucosamine chondroitin is very popular amongst bodybuilders and competitive powerlifters and is the sixth-top-selling supplement in the US, with annual sales of $831 million in 2007. This study is a follow-up to a 2006 study that looked at whether the supplements did a better job than sugar pills or the arthritis pain medication Celebrex in diminishing pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Researchers continued to give patients the supplements, sugar pills or Celebrex, and measured whether the space between their knee joints decreased (a measure of whether the cartilage was breaking down). The two-year study didn’t show that anything worked better than the placebo to slow the progress of the disease.
you post an awful lot of these threads, i dont know whether its legit or spewing bs anymore

that said, i use animal flex everyday and will till i die
I have used Cissus myself and with others with succuess and I dont believe it to be placebo...i always thought gulcosamine and chondrotin were BS
I've heard it's a building block that increases the effectiveness of other joint support supplements, but isn't overly effective on its own? If budgetary concerns are front of mind, it could probably be dumped in favour of fish oils/cissus. I'm not convinced it does a lot for me but I maintain a small dose ATM.
you post an awful lot of these threads, i dont know whether its legit or spewing bs anymore

that said, i use animal flex everyday and will till i die

As I said in a different thread, I'm just contributing info to the board.

How am I spewing BS if I post abstracts of studies to back up my claims? Everyone has their own opinion, and sparking feedback is what makes the forums so great, Wasp!
most of your posts are of the type questioning the effectiveness or usefulness of supplements that have been used for decades...............dont you think this has been addressed hundreds of times by others? for conversational purposes i see where your coming from, again, what i meant by bs was, are you just looking for feedback or are you stirring the pot so to speak over and over?

personally i dont even read your threads anymore, but yes, this is a great site no doubt :D

as for the effectiveness of gluc and chon on joints, when mixed with fish oil it is proven........................i was blown away when my vet told me to get my dog on gluc and chon for his aging joints, and she said studies have shown when mixed with fish oil the effectiveness is greatly enhanced...............ill be damned i said
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why are you doing this to this board?
interesting study. i use glucosamine chondroitin/MSM religiously because i have severe osteoarthritis in my shoulder. Never tried Cissus though, heard great things about it. is it worth it?

reading this study wont stop me from buying gluco/msm/fish oil
Did absolutely nothing for me. I think people who thought it helped probably would have gotten better anyway without it.
I took some last night because my shoulder was hurtiing so bad I couldn't move my arm. I woke up and my shoulder feels great. I didn't take any other product so what does that tell you. It is not a plecebo effect I assure you. I know you mean well but your post seem like you just want to see how many people will respond to you.
It didn't work for my wife nor myself.

We should always doubt things. Being skeptical is good.
Did absolutely nothing for me. I think people who thought it helped probably would have gotten better anyway without it.

How long did you use it for and at what dose?
why are you doing this to this board?

Doing what?

I made a post about my opinion about Proviron.
I re-posted an article made about Tren and its different esters
And I posted this study.
I took some last night because my shoulder was hurtiing so bad I couldn't move my arm. I woke up and my shoulder feels great. I didn't take any other product so what does that tell you. It is not a plecebo effect I assure you. I know you mean well but your post seem like you just want to see how many people will respond to you.

It takes awhile to build up in your system so popping a pill or two before bed once in awhile isn't going to cure a shoulder ailment. I suspect the rest did you just as good.

Just because the rest of the sheep use a product, doesn't mean you can't question the validity or effectiveness of said product. I think the OP is well within his right to question the so-called experts. Opinions change over time.

My best advice would be try it for yourself for a period of 3-4 weeks and assess its effectiveness for YOU. If it makes a difference then good. But you may just be over-trained and some time away from the weight room could be a nice relief for your joints too.
I took some last night because my shoulder was hurtiing so bad I couldn't move my arm. I woke up and my shoulder feels great. I didn't take any other product so what does that tell you. It is not a plecebo effect I assure you. I know you mean well but your post seem like you just want to see how many people will respond to you.

I mean no disrespect to this board.
It takes awhile to build up in your system so popping a pill or two before bed once in awhile isn't going to cure a shoulder ailment. I suspect the rest did you just as good.

Just because the rest of the sheep use a product, doesn't mean you can't question the validity or effectiveness of said product. I think the OP is well within his right to question the so-called experts. Opinions change over time.

My best advice would be try it for yourself for a period of 3-4 weeks and assess its effectiveness for YOU. If it makes a difference then good. But you may just be over-trained and some time away from the weight room could be a nice relief for your joints too.

Thank you, much appreciated!
WELL 90 days of glucosamine chondroitin helped my shoulders to the point of not having surgery. dont care about the study its working on me.
I took some last night because my shoulder was hurtiing so bad I couldn't move my arm. I woke up and my shoulder feels great.

Now this is what I am talking about. You are not better because of the glucosamine, which is not supposed to work this way, you only think you are.

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