Gorillas are our nearest relatives, about 99,5% genetic identically with us humans.
The are big and strong without eating lots of proteins. They eat mostly green leafs. Also chimpanzees, they are much stronger than we humans without whey protein an things like that all day.
well here we go. i wish it wasnt so late cause i dont have time to give a lecture in basic biology. where to start.....
this argument is COMPLETELY invalid. did you ever see a gorilla? did you notice they have HUGE stomachs? they arent fat, they have about 5 times the length of small intestines that we do. thats cause they are herbivores, they are biologically desgined to eat plant material. humans are omnivores, we are designed to eat plants and meat. meat is much easier to digest, so we dont need that lengthy small intestine. cats (that includes big cats) are carnivores, they are deigned to eat meat soley. ever see how sleek they are? (dont imagine your fat lazy housecat either) lions and such are sleek cause they have an even shorter small intestine, cause they only eat meat. what all this means is that gorillas are able to assimilate virtually all the nutrients of plant material, whereas we cant. so the same plant food for them is much more nutritious, cause they are able to extact everything from it, we cant. besides this, they eat constantly all day. an adult male is 600lbs average. can you imagine the amount of calories they eat? shit if i ate 10000+ calories per day of carbs, i bet i would be getting more protein than i eat now. not to mention they assimilate it much better than we do.
as far as that 99.5% DNA thing, most people have no concept of how complex DNA is. 99.5% dont mean crap, as far as comparing DNA a 0.001 % difference is VAST.
we share 50% of our DNA with a bananna. yes a bananna. 50% is 1/2 right, so we are 1/2 bananna? it dont work that way, not even close.
** interesting fact, cats eat meat. what major vitamin is lacking from their diet? vitamin C. did you know cats make their own vitamin C? thats pretty cool