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Got my Syntherol


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 29, 2002
I received my syn yesterday in the mail and of course had to take my first shot immediately. After reading the bottle 10x for enjoyment, I took 4ml in each arm. My bis and tris sucked up the oil like a thirsty cheap ho. Although there was no pain yesterday, today I'm pretty damn sore. It feels like I did 50 sets and hurts when I flex or touch. Should I go ahead and do another set of injections with the same amount or less. Or should I wait another day. There are no lumps anywhere. Thanks.
Whether you do shoot again today or wait until tomorrow has to do with your pain threshhold. It won't hurt anymore if you shoot again today though.
The pain is the fascia being stretched. You will get used to it and there will be hardly any pain after a few shots.
yo Cooter....

Keep us posted on your results bro!
Good look my friend.....
when you get big arms show a pic please befor and after ok!

what is syntherol?
i dont want to sound ignorant, but i am on this one. could somebody tell me what this is and what it is used for?

what is syntherol?
i dont want to sound ignorant, but i am on this one. could somebody tell me what this is and what it is used for?

Go to the Article's Forum and read the thread 'Site Enhancing Oils - a how to guide'
Hey Jahguide, what A said.
I've used 4 days worth so far and am sucking down the bottle quicker than I thought I would. I ordered another one today because I'll be out by Friday. I hope the new one comes before I run out. The first 3 days hurt like a mofo, but the pain has let up a little each day and right now there is little to none. Today being the fifth day, I'll use 8ml per arm, and when I get the next bottle I'm going to try 12ml until I get the desired result.

i read the enhancing oils article thoroughly and ended up at the synthtek website, another evening of immersing myself in crash course learning...
now, you are using it just for your arms? i was thinking it would be cool to use it for those muscles that are more stubborn to grow. one thing i figured was i am going to wait for a year on this one and grow as much as i can with the GH Test cycle i will do but this is the bomb product though.
to blow your chest out, how would you do that with syntherol? maybe 1/2 cc injects over 4-5 sites on each pec? also, your back... are you gonna get someone you trust to hit all those inject sites, trying to imagine myself doing this in my mind, some sites would be very hard to hit and then vigorously massage the specific site so as not to cause clumping...
i will say this, i love this site! you guys, big A, ry roid and many others are really schooling me much!
much respect, holler bACK QUEEFER!
you know dudes,
i was just thinking about this cool ass product- syntherol...
watch some fat, out of shape pillsbury doughboy senator who does nothing but enviously jock bodybuilders, watch him go and try to make this illegal like everything else...
they sit there all day long lending their ear to some strung out mom who has a personality disorder crying about her 15 year old kid using gear, and all the cool and responsible body builders have to pay for this while punk ass doctors dont rock the boat and guys like me at 35 sift through the internet like a true patriot trying to learn and help myself...
to me, sites like this are true american and one of the last places where real democracy exists.
for all spies and scammers and narcs who sweat sites like these y'all should be ashamed to the bottom of your heart and try to get over your brainwashing and go find osama somewhere or better yet, bust them cats at enron and raise them up...

i read the enhancing oils article thoroughly and ended up at the synthtek website, another evening of immersing myself in crash course learning...
now, you are using it just for your arms? i was thinking it would be cool to use it for those muscles that are more stubborn to grow. one thing i figured was i am going to wait for a year on this one and grow as much as i can with the GH Test cycle i will do but this is the bomb product though.
to blow your chest out, how would you do that with syntherol? maybe 1/2 cc injects over 4-5 sites on each pec? also, your back... are you gonna get someone you trust to hit all those inject sites, trying to imagine myself doing this in my mind, some sites would be very hard to hit and then vigorously massage the specific site so as not to cause clumping...
i will say this, i love this site! you guys, big A, ry roid and many others are really schooling me much!
much respect, holler bACK QUEEFER!

Do a Search for Syntherol and you will find a few threads that discussed using it in the pecs.
you know dudes,
i was just thinking about this cool ass product- syntherol...
watch some fat, out of shape pillsbury doughboy senator who does nothing but enviously jock bodybuilders, watch him go and try to make this illegal like everything else...
they sit there all day long lending their ear to some strung out mom who has a personality disorder crying about her 15 year old kid using gear, and all the cool and responsible body builders have to pay for this while punk ass doctors dont rock the boat and guys like me at 35 sift through the internet like a true patriot trying to learn and help myself...
to me, sites like this are true american and one of the last places where real democracy exists.
for all spies and scammers and narcs who sweat sites like these y'all should be ashamed to the bottom of your heart and try to get over your brainwashing and go find osama somewhere or better yet, bust them cats at enron and raise them up...

Why would they ban it? It is an external only use product for bodybuilders to rub on their bodies to make them shinier before they walk on stage. That shiny effect makes the muscles appear larger... :)
The company is not liable for the ways that bodybuilders use it, just like a glue company is not liable for kids sniffing their product.
you are right big A
i think i got ahead myself with happiness for a cool product and it seems like everything cool is something that ends up on a bill getting banned, but right, it is external and your analogy regarding glue and kids sniffing it vs it's intended use, rings true...
I personally wouldn't use it for chest or back. It would take 9 or 10 bottles to do your chest and double that for the back. I don't want anything besides my arms loaded with oil, and the potential for screwing up the look would be much higher in those larger bodyparts.

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