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Got spanked at the New Englands AGAIN!...


Aug 19, 2007
Hey guys first of all I want to thank all of you for helping through my contest prep. I know you all got sick of looking at my ugly mug every week when I posted my progress pictures. All of the input and support was really appreciated. For the first time this year I really felt like I had a chance. The last 2times I did this show I got spanked and new I was just to small. So I took last year off to put on size. in 06 I was 215lbs. This year in 08 I was 234lbs on stage. So in that I deffinetly feel like I improoved though had the same crappy result. I got dead last in the super heavies. Go figure I really thought I had a chance. Everyone is quik to say dont worry about it you are so young ( I am 22) But I have honestly been training seriously sense 16 years old. started in the gym at 13 ( my father was a bodybuilder and I always wanted to follow in his foot steps in hope to impress him) I honestly dedicate my life to this sport eating/training is the only thing that matters to me. It sounds pathetic but this is the only dream I have had sense I was a child and I want more then anything to succeed.
What I am looking for is some advice on what i need to improove and possibly how to go about doing so I will indefinetly be doing the show again next year and am willing to do whatever it takes to do well. Any advice or opinions are appreciated please let me know what you think. Good or Bad. If you really feel like I am wasting my time feel free to say so. I can take it anything you say will only make me work harder. I cant wait to get back in the gym on Mon please give me the fuel to have my best season yet and bring my best to the New Englands in 09... Thank you...







Dude, your upper body is jacked!!!! All i would say is work hard to bring up your wheels so they are even with your top. Nice work
Rick, two things beat you this time, conditioning was not good enough, you were too smooth and still carried some body fat, not all water. Legs, you do need to improve the overall size of your legs. Upper body has the right size, right shape and proportion. But your legs are well behind the rest of you. Now with better condition on stage you would have placed higher. You will need to concentrrate on dieting longer next time to give your body a chance to drop that last bit of fat and then come in nice and hard. You have all the potential, you just need to fine tune your diet next time.

I hate criticising but this is meant to be constructive bro, I would love to see you peeled like an onion, now that would be very impressive!!

Cheers rick and remember, this is all a learning process. Learn from this show, build on your next.
You came in leaner than I thought you would...just needed more time. Definitely stay lean this off season and pound those legs. Quads aren't bad, but hamstrings need a lot of work.
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Your post is very touching, Rick. Especially the part regarding your father and the model he used to be when you were a child.

As far as the pics are concerned I'm no one to judge others but will still tell you what I think... basically what Oldfella said! :) ;)

You have the size, look great from the front, and your upper is definitely a stong bodypart.

You should just have taken a few more weeks to improve your conditionning.

Hammer your legs this upcoming off-season to match your torso, and next year show could very well be yours! :)

Good luck bro!

1. What if you do not have the genetics to ever win a show?
2. What if you tear a muscle and cannot compete?
3. What if you look good but others just look better and continue to place ahead of you?
Get my point? I feel like you see yourself as a failure........this comes from shallow thoughts about yourself and is a dangerous way to live. What else do you have in life to make you happy or that pleases you?
I agree with all that's been said so far but I'd like to add that if you're not doing them already, add deadlifts. That would help bring up the hamstring problem and add some size to your back as well which seems a little shallow. The arms and shoulders look good from the back and with better conditioning they'll look even better so deadlifts will complete the look from the back. Good luck man, with the attitude you've got you can make anything happen.
1. What if you do not have the genetics to ever win a show?
2. What if you tear a muscle and cannot compete?
3. What if you look good but others just look better and continue to place ahead of you?
Get my point? I feel like you see yourself as a failure........this comes from shallow thoughts about yourself and is a dangerous way to live. What else do you have in life to make you happy or that pleases you?

Why do i get the feeling your trying to tell him in a nice way to take hint and do something else?

I agree with all that's been said so far but I'd like to add that if you're not doing them already, add deadlifts. That would help bring up the hamstring problem and add some size to your back as well which seems a little shallow. The arms and shoulders look good from the back and with better conditioning they'll look even better so deadlifts will complete the look from the back. Good luck man, with the attitude you've got you can make anything happen.

In this sport this is not cant make anything happen. You are going up against guys that have just as much right to be there as you do with as much if not more god given ability. As soon as you see that this sport is not fair, the easier it is to cope with a "loss". This is not football or wrestling where you can really get your ass kicked. No one looses or wins, it is what it is.
Compete against yourself and you will get the results you want. If you are making improvements, never look at it as a failure. If I put my phsyique up to some of these guys on this site, I would look like sh#t, but if you ask me when in 2 years when I approach 50 will I look better than any one close to my age, Hell Yes!!

Why do i get the feeling your trying to tell him in a nice way to take hint and do something else?

I am not saying that. I am saying to forget about "winning"...there is no winning in this sport. This sport will take over your life and spit you out.......realize that and you will be ok. If you think I am harsh.........this aint shit compared to what is coming down the pike. Have a life, a happy and do not judge yourself by physical attributes will burn by them if you do.
In this sport this is not cant make anything happen. You are going up against guys that have just as much right to be there as you do with as much if not more god given ability. As soon as you see that this sport is not fair, the easier it is to cope with a "loss". This is not football or wrestling where you can really get your ass kicked. No one looses or wins, it is what it is.

I didn't mean that I thought the changes would get him a win. I should have worded that differently as I was more trying to encourage him to improve on what he has and achieve a new personal best. But you are right, you can only work with what you have.
couple of comparisin shots...


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couple of comparisin shots...

so you came last out of 4?? You look at it as last place.. or you can look at it as 4th place. You dont look bad at all compared to others.. I bet in a few years time with the right coach, and some good workouts you will get to a teh front iif not the top of taht show man..
last one...

Not really sure how to take some of these comments. I am a competitor and offcorse I want to win. yes I know that progression is #1 in this sport and to be happy with my progress. Though it is sounding like I dont have a chance at doing well. I feel I am still learning so much about my body and I honestly feel if I keep progressing at this rate. I do have a shot at doing well in this sport. I appreciate all of you just taking the time to comment and try to help. I am not going anywhere so I will be updating you all on my progress and will achieve my goals. With more back and legs I feel it is not a longshot to think I can win this show in the next couple of years. Next year or 4 years from now I will win this show. Yes that is important to me. I want to feel what its like to finally have my number called as the winner. Thank you all for your time and I look forward to hearing more comments...

Phidas- I really appreciate your comments I am a fan of your physique and hope I can achieve half of what you have as a competitor


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bodybuilding for 90 some odd % of us is a journey of self improvement.. it is not the winning of a trophy that should be the important factor.. it is improving from one show to the next and one year to the next.. THERE IS ALWAYS A CHANCE THAT YO BRING YOUR BEST PACKAGE TO THE STAGE AND THERE IS SOMEONE WHO WAS BEHIND THE GENETICS DOOR TWO FOLD.. and beats ya.. it is the same in every sport or game.. it means nothing.. step back and give it a try next year.. did you beat rick from the year before??? then you won.. in other words, dont get down.. beat your previous best.. live life and be happy.. the small accomplishments add up in time.. and we all have time.. some more than others lol..;)
but, at the end of the day, you looked great... nothing.. i mean nothing to get down about.. you looked very good.. now just strive to make little improvements next time.. the trophy mean nothing.. but, the journey of self improvment means everything.. that goes for family, friends, and yes.. for us bodybuilders, physique.. but, they are in that order..;)


1. " I know you all got sick of looking at my ugly mug every week "
2. " Go figure I really thought I had a chance" .
3. " my father was a bodybuilder and I always wanted to follow in his foot steps in hope to impress him" .
4. " I honestly dedicate my life to this sport eating/training is the only thing that matters to me. It sounds pathetic but this is the only dream I have had sense I was a child and I want more then anything to succeed."
5. " am willing to do whatever it takes to do well. Any advice or opinions are appreciated please let me know what you think. Good or Bad" .
6. " If you really feel like I am wasting my time feel free to say so. I can take it anything you say will only make me work harder"

These statements bother me........YOU asked for feedback........YOU GOT FEEDBACK. WHAT SHOULD YOU THINK ABOUT THE FEEDBACK? It is what it is.
Are you friggin kidding me Rick? Buddy, you did great! YOU ARE 22 YEARS OLD! You are a baby to weight lifting. I personally think you have a huge amount of potential. With another 2 or 3 weeks of dieting you probably would have gotten second in that contest. Just keep doin what you are doin. I know your down now, and that's ok, as long as you move on, which I'm sure you will. I predict you'll win that contest within 2 years.

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