Name one, besides only to embarress. Why cant a simple yes or no suffice with out any "Ding Dong" comments...?
Well you are right. I was a bitch with my comment.
Stump has a point, some of these people ask questions to learn.
And I'm sure that there were times that I had no clue about stuff and the questions I asked were common sence to others but me.
So I am sorry.
Here is my two cents to the question:
Most people only count calories that are digested by the body.
Some oral supplements do have nutri values but it's not worth the time to count it into your diet since it is a very small amount. Your body uses more calories to digest it than what it actually contains.
Injects are not nutrients to our body since muscle or fat do not digest.
It acctually stores as waste in our body. Oil based injects cause acne. (some of us has it worst than others, that is depending on your diet...)
The acne is caused by that (waste, garbage) in our body.
To get rid of that waste you can simply run a cleansing diet once in a while...
Lol. This is a little more info than asked for but hope it helped