....You can't measure GH's potency by sides.
Every legit GH manufacturer openly states/declares their hormone product promotes
certain sides - though most state their noted sides to be "dosage dependant".
Humatrope, arguably one of the top 3 GH manufacturers, if not the best, when discussing sides noted:
"In patients with adult-onset GH deficiency, edema, muscle pain, joint pain, and joint disorder were reported early in therapy and tended to be transient
or responsive to dosage titration."
AND another particular note:
Symptoms abated in these patients after dosage reduction."
Sides vary depending on manufacturer. In other words, Saizen, another reputable GH manufacturer references many additional sides occurring with their therapy than did Humatrope.
Now it should be expected -- if the 'best of the best' GH producers are incapable of creating a product that's unable to avoid sides, then it's competely unreasonable to expect or even believe China's generics are any better. In fact, I'll say it right here - they're quality will be MUCH LESS.
China's own FDA Lab, GenSci and another (if not better) GenHeal still create sides.
An important note -- Joint Pain and Water Retention seems to be the most a common between ALL GH manufactures. In fact, not one reputable manufacture's product appears to be able to avoid these effects if increased dosages are present.
So......while I agree, it's hard to measure GH potency based on sides, you can however:
1. Discover it's authenticity. Sides = 191 or 192aa.
2. Depending on the required dosages administered to promote sides, gauge it's potency. Example: 20+ IU's creates joint pain = you're either dealing with outdated or seriously diluted GH. It's also common for this type not create a single
lingering bubble if agitated.
Of course, the smaller the dosage required to promote joint pain or water retention the better! Though again, 191 or 192aa are capable of this.
Some people don't get them for months or ever.
Please show me some of these people and I bet we'll discover why they aren't experiencing sides of
any type.