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green tops


New member
May 17, 2010
ive got a bunch of kits from south of the border (thats a hint of who the sponsor im buying from is) and my question is, does anyone like em? i was thinkin they were aight but then again i have no sides at 4iu per day, i gave some to my boy and he says that after 20 days or so on em, that they are garbage?
any help is much appreciated
ive got a bunch of kits from south of the border (thats a hint of who the sponsor im buying from is) and my question is, does anyone like em? i was thinkin they were aight but then again i have no sides at 4iu per day, i gave some to my boy and he says that after 20 days or so on em, that they are garbage?
any help is much appreciated

Sides dont necessarly mean quality. I didn't get sides for a month or more. Theres really no way to tell with out testing. Get your IGF levels checked. You should no then.

FYI. You can send them to me and I will test them on myself. :D
wow not very good that your the only one to respond on this topic...for a board sponsor you would think more people would rep them :confused:
Is he a sponser here? Say his damn name, South of what border... You asked a classic noob question, Thats why no one will reply. Not being a dick, Just sayin.
I believe he is referring to Mx.
Have you run gh before?
Sounds like the answer is no or you'd know what to expect.
Ok, I get it now... You can't see in the sponser threads because you don't have 50 posts. You have some good GH... How old is your friend? I'm sure he doesn't have a clue what GH does. Just guessing.
mexy is legit brotha.. What the hell does your friend expect in a few weeks? :banghead:
Theres really no way to tell with out testing.:D

Wrong. ;)

Among sides, which are stated to be dose dependant by the majority of legit rhGH manufacturers, there are numerous other methods avaible to the consumer whereby one may determine their vials GH pontency. While IGF-1 testing is nice, it's not the *end all*. In fact, many substances other than GH raise IFG levels. Thus creating the question - are you really using rhGH??

This topic has been exahausted in depth throughout this board (by me).
on the green tops now and I'm seeing a lot of fat loss.

doing 5iu EOD, with T4/T3 and Test Cyp.

also doing a low carb diet which is key if you want to lose fat with GH.
Just wanted to chime in and share my experience. I am running Mexy Greens for the first time as well.. I honestly have felt minimal sides. Started at 2iu/day ED for a month then bumped to 3.. now 4iu/day ed.. I have felt numb hands at night about once a week or so. I do sleep better, but other than that I haven't really felt much. You have to understand that GH isn't as noticeable as you would think. Many here on the boards will tell you that you need to run it for 6months to really see any benefits. They will also tell you to throw in some AAS and maybe slin..

I am only running GH. My diet is spot on, training is in check. Have I gained size? Yes. Have I Gained Strength? Yes. How much can I attribute to GH? I don't know. It's expensive, and it definitively wont make you double your size overnight. You have to give it time. Everyone here vouches for Mexy, and I know most of them don't know the diff between shitty and good GH, but I'm sure many do. So as everyone say, trust your source and be patient.
To be honest I was on my second kit of his greens and they did not seem to be doing much, I switched over to nd blues and I am starting to get results again. Hard to tell for sure but I also did not get any sides on greens till I switched the brands. I think Mx has killer service by the way, I would hate to think it was a bad batch or something. I think people expect a miracle with gh and It mostly comes down to your diet and training with this stuff.
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Im dont know how many more times it can be said but HGH is not the holy grail overnight. Its somethign you need to run for 6mo atleast. You are not gonna wake up shredded one day. i use 7.5 IU/ Day every day. I have no tingling in my fingers, no bloatedness, no sides. I do know that my shit is real as hell. You have to trust the source you get it from. Your boy who ran it for 20 days dosent know wtf he is talking about. What is his background and what makes him qualified to say its bunk? Let me guess car salesman who works out 3-4 x wk? Point being, read through posts and read other peoples replies how have used this guy and his products for feedback because what you are basing this on ( side effects) is completely irrational.
To be honest I was on my second kit of his greens and they did not seem to be doing much, I switched over to nd blues and I am starting to get results again. Hard to tell for sure but I also did not get any sides on greens till I switched the brands. I think Mx has killer service by the way, I would hate to think it was a bad batch or something. I think people expect a miracle with gh and It mostly comes down to your diet and training with this stuff.

so you ran 2 kits of greens at prob 4 iu /day which means that totaled about 8 weeks. Then you switched to blues and started to notice results which means around week 10-12 or 2.5 to 3mo in (which is typical) the results were noticeable. See my point? You switched brands right around the time you should start noticing results so again this proves absolutley nothing. And incase you wonder, im not using greens, im not a friend of mexys nor have ever even spoken to him. Im just tired of everyone thinking there gh is fake and that is why they dont see resluts. Theres 1k other factors that will come into play on why your not getting results.
Do not worry freinds review speak for itself and true user of many year, and as always our product isnt sit for 1 year and traded amount buyers like alot of supplier in china, we are manufacturer, you want pink top? you can have it. hehe

we make many gh

it is pharma grade
Do not worry freinds review speak for itself and true user of many year, and as always our product isnt sit for 1 year and traded amount buyers like alot of supplier in china, we are manufacturer, you want pink top? you can have it. hehe

we make many gh

it is pharma grade

Mexy is good to go, dont question it!
Do not worry freinds review speak for itself and true user of many year, and as always our product isnt sit for 1 year and traded amount buyers like alot of supplier in china, we are manufacturer, you want pink top? you can have it. hehe

How about rainbow sherbet tops? Well, it is summer :D
I didnt know he was speaking about mexite, i thought mexy was someone else. Ive been using his shit for yrs. I have never once questioned it. Its as real as it comes and mexite is golden.
In the orginal post he stated "south of the border" Mexite "Mexy" might have confused him as to it coming from Mexico. Mexite is g2g.

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