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Has anyone used eco oils.sust or test e.


New member
Aug 25, 2007
Im about to purchase,depending on your advice, eco oils sus or test e.
I believe some brands of sus can be painful, i dont want to spend hard earned cash on something that is going to be painful. I had a couple of free satchets of ND from them with my last order and they were good.Im concerned because they are much cheaper than the 10ml vials, is this because they are cheaper to produce, are under dosed, or just harsh.
Anyone with experience of these brands? Your help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Mars/Mark.
I've used Oco-Oils sus, eco-oils ND, and eco-oils Test e, people say they are underdosed but they seemed to work good to me. Better that some other stuff I have got from board sponsors that was more expensive. The injects were fine, no diff than any other brand I have used. I say thumbs up!
I've used Oco-Oils sus, eco-oils ND, and eco-oils Test e, people say they are underdosed but they seemed to work good to me. Better that some other stuff I have got from board sponsors that was more expensive. The injects were fine, no diff than any other brand I have used. I say thumbs up!

Mnay of these have tested low or nothing at all. The Stealth line has been tested independently many times,,and always has been top notch for potentcy and purity.
they are just painless placebo! I only trust Alin's stealth
they are just painless placebo! I only trust Alin's stealth
Are you saying there is no active ingredient in them.
That they are fake. I have read ppls experience with stealth,mixed reviews,but most ppl say its good strong stuff.I have just registered with alinshop, so will maybe go with them for an order, but am not sure about WU in the uk, they dont like MGRAM, dont do credit cards,and wont take a cheque, and we only live 22mls apart, maybe an email might bring something productive. I wont waste my money on eco oils if you say their fake.
But dont want to go stealth if inj's are painful. Basically im still no wiser, ill just have to suck it and see. Thx for the reply.
I was not saying the eco-oils were as good as stealth products, I loved the stealth products I have used. I am just saying in my experience eco-oils weren't as bad as everyone says. But givin the choice Stealth is the best way to go for sure.
Are you saying there is no active ingredient in them.
That they are fake. I have read ppls experience with stealth,mixed reviews,but most ppl say its good strong stuff.I have just registered with alinshop, so will maybe go with them for an order, but am not sure about WU in the uk, they dont like MGRAM, dont do credit cards,and wont take a cheque, and we only live 22mls apart, maybe an email might bring something productive. I wont waste my money on eco oils if you say their fake.
But dont want to go stealth if inj's are painful. Basically im still no wiser, ill just have to suck it and see. Thx for the reply.

WU in the UK is no problem. You can do it online, but you'll have to ring up to confirm a few details and tell them 'no' when they ask if your buying services or goods, and say its for a friend. No problem with small amounts of money at all.
I would buy the Stealth line if given a choice just based on the solid reputation of the source.

But I can tell you that the eco oils are good and do work. I used their brand of sustanon and EQ.

They may be inconsistently dosed at worst. Just be certain to maintain sterility during handling.
I would buy the Stealth line if given a choice just based on the solid reputation of the source.

But I can tell you that the eco oils are good and do work. I used their brand of sustanon and EQ.

They may be inconsistently dosed at worst. Just be certain to maintain sterility during handling.
Thanks for that, I think ill try the sust it's sold as 300mg/ml so if its a bit underdosed no probs, for the price good. Any pain with their sust?
If not then ill go ahead. Ill try alin for the stealth and compare the products.
Im sure he's good from what ive read. but mine's brill never not arrived always within 7dys, and they take visa simple, so i'm a little nervous about change.

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