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HCG detection time? Testing??


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
Got a buddy who fights and has to watch what he takes so it clears for fights,etc.. He's gonna stay on pretty long and I told him he should run some HCG but first I wanted to fig out if anyone knows if that can be tested and if so whens it clear? Im presuming its pretty quick like 3 or 4days but was wondering. thanks
It's very easily tested for, yes. That's what pregnancy tests check for, so the technology is very sound and very cheap.

The half-life is around 3-5 days, so it would take at least a good 2-4 weeks to clear out of the system enough to avoid detection.
It's very easily tested for, yes. That's what pregnancy tests check for, so the technology is very sound and very cheap.

The half-life is around 3-5 days, so it would take at least a good 2-4 weeks to clear out of the system enough to avoid detection.

wow 2-4wks thats longer than prop
I know hcg will increase test levels but i think its only for 3 or 4 days thats why its common to dose it 2x per week. What im wondering is if the actual hormone "hcg" can show up and if so if they test for that and how long that stays in your system for a piss test.
wow 2-4wks thats longer than prop
That's not the time where it's providing stimulation of the testes, that's the time where it's detectable by tests.

I know hcg will increase test levels but i think its only for 3 or 4 days thats why its common to dose it 2x per week. What im wondering is if the actual hormone "hcg" can show up and if so if they test for that and how long that stays in your system for a piss test.
Yes, the tests detect the actual hormone hCG. That's how (most) pregnancy tests work. The time that it's still in your body at detectable levels depends on how much hCG you've built up in your system. If you've been dosing heavily, it can take a handful of weeks to clear out to undetectable levels.
Well he's gonna start at 500iu 2x per week and I told him to drop it along with his prop about 2weeks before the fight, then switch to suspension and drop that 2days before the fight. Im thinking that will be best plan of attack.
That's not the time where it's providing stimulation of the testes, that's the time where it's detectable by tests.

Yes, the tests detect the actual hormone hCG. That's how (most) pregnancy tests work. The time that it's still in your body at detectable levels depends on how much hCG you've built up in your system. If you've been dosing heavily, it can take a handful of weeks to clear out to undetectable levels.

do you have anything to back this up? a link maybe? I'm not trying to be a dick, i've just never heard that. :)
Your bud is still going to test positive. If you think dropping suspension 2 days out wont show up your mistaken. How are you going to explain the high test levels upto that point?
Your bud is still going to test positive. If you think dropping suspension 2 days out wont show up your mistaken. How are you going to explain the high test levels upto that point?

what do you mean? Suspension is out of your system in 24hrs, so i told him 48 to be safe. Say he takes 40mg suspension per day and has been 2weeks before the fight. Fight is a saturday, he wont get tested if he even gets tested till the fight is over that night. If he drops the suspension thursday if anything it would show low test.
what do you mean? Suspension is out of your system in 24hrs, so i told him 48 to be safe. Say he takes 40mg suspension per day and has been 2weeks before the fight. Fight is a saturday, he wont get tested if he even gets tested till the fight is over that night. If he drops the suspension thursday if anything it would show low test.

don't they test for synthetic hormones not high or low test?
do you have anything to back this up? a link maybe? I'm not trying to be a dick, i've just never heard that. :)

Well, I don't know what tests they would use, but I'm assuming they would use the same chemical hCG tests that physicians use to check for pregnancy. The sensitivity of the tests (especially checking the blood) is very good, as it has to be to detect pregnancies early, since the levels of hCG in a woman's blood are fairly low at that time. To the best of my knowledge, the most sensitive tests can detect levels as low as 5 mIU of hCG per mL of blood. That concentration of hCG (equivalent to 5 IU per LITER of blood), is far too low to produce any significant stimulation of the Leydig cells. Just compare, we're talking about 25 IU of hCG in the ENTIRE blood supply, and the typical dose of hCG is what, at LEAST 500 IU a week?

Now given that the half-life of hCG is pretty long, and that there are about 5 L of blood in an adult, and assuming your friend is running about 1000-2000 IU a week, we're talking a sizable amount of concentration in the blood after running it for a few weeks. It's going to take some time to clear that much hCG to get below the 5 mIU/mL threshold.
Well, I don't know what tests they would use, but I'm assuming they would use the same chemical hCG tests that physicians use to check for pregnancy. The sensitivity of the tests (especially checking the blood) is very good, as it has to be to detect pregnancies early, since the levels of hCG in a woman's blood are fairly low at that time. To the best of my knowledge, the most sensitive tests can detect levels as low as 5 mIU of hCG per mL of blood. That concentration of hCG (equivalent to 5 IU per LITER of blood), is far too low to produce any significant stimulation of the Leydig cells. Just compare, we're talking about 25 IU of hCG in the ENTIRE blood supply, and the typical dose of hCG is what, at LEAST 500 IU a week?

Now given that the half-life of hCG is pretty long, and that there are about 5 L of blood in an adult, and assuming your friend is running about 1000-2000 IU a week, we're talking a sizable amount of concentration in the blood after running it for a few weeks. It's going to take some time to clear that much hCG to get below the 5 mIU/mL threshold.

they only do urine tests
Well, urine tests will still pick up hCG urine levels starting at about 15 mIU/mL, so he'll still need a few weeks to clear it.

so would think 2weeks would be good to stop if he's using 500iu 2x per week
guy on the texans just tested positive for HCG.and i quote "i dont know how that got there" rofl
Hmmmmmm this guy is gonna be on for 16weeks b/c he's got 3fights in that time frame. He's at week 5 now. Im thinking maybe he should just do the oldschool method with hcg and and at the end of his 16weeks just shoot like 1000iu EOD for 20days with nolvadex and then start his PCT.

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