My wife has recently started using birth control again and she is having a horrible problem with sex drive and weight gain. She is a natural fitness competitor and tries to stay lean.. but has recently gained about 10pounds.. and the only different is her birth control. She has been back on it for 5months..and switched 3 different brands to see.. but she used to have a good sexual arousal, but she could go a month without it. This last time we havent had sex is over 4 weeks, because she cannot get aroused. ANyone out there had this problem? She is thinking of quitting the birth control and going back to me using condoms, but I thought I would post on here to see what everyone thinks? Any women had this prob? What did you do about it? We thought of her starting a cycle to harden up and get her libido back.. but I dont know what she needs to use for that. Any input would be helpful