I'm 33 year , 6ft1 and 250 pounds and train for about 16 years with 1 cycle a year because when i cycle i always get nasty acne on my back.
is arimidex on cycle recommended to block estrogen ?
or what gear should i use with HGH ?
i did it before with sustanon (500mg a week) and Decadurabolin (400mg a week)
in 12 weeks i gained 35 pounds but 5 weeks later the acne break out on my back , real heavy acne , so bad i even could take my shirt off.
in 12 weeks it was mostly gone with Minocycline (mino50 100mg a day)
Who can help me to make a cycle with HGH and Post cycle ?
is arimidex on cycle recommended to block estrogen ?
or what gear should i use with HGH ?
i did it before with sustanon (500mg a week) and Decadurabolin (400mg a week)
in 12 weeks i gained 35 pounds but 5 weeks later the acne break out on my back , real heavy acne , so bad i even could take my shirt off.
in 12 weeks it was mostly gone with Minocycline (mino50 100mg a day)
Who can help me to make a cycle with HGH and Post cycle ?