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help my hair loss..

Jun 24, 2003
There is not trace or gene for hair loss on either side of my family for as far back as i can go so i know for a fact the hair loss is from DHT and the juice...i have been balding big time for 10 years now and have shaved my head for about 6 years so i do not look like i have a cat curled up around my neck...Does anyone knkow if there is some real legitamate products out there that can lower my DHT levels and open my clogged hair folicles again so i can get my hair back or is that still science fiction and my hair loss is gone forver at 37 years of age ...

i thought i didn't miss it but the more i look at my dome the more i miss hair above my used to be thick and flowing and long past my shoulders but now it is all but gone over 50% of my head..I MISS YOU HAIR !! COME BACK...

It may work for you (propecia) as this stops DHT conversion. However other roids can still cause the hair to fall out. Im on Propecia and its only been about 4 weeks and it keeps looking bald. However in the literature it states 3-6 months to see a difference. I too am beginning to miss my hair. Im only 26 and like I said im getting a little Yamikah shaped area on the back of my head. The bummer is im only 5'6'' so everyone sees the damn thing. Oh well what can I do.
zephyr22 said:
It may work for you (propecia) as this stops DHT conversion. However other roids can still cause the hair to fall out. Im on Propecia and its only been about 4 weeks and it keeps looking bald. However in the literature it states 3-6 months to see a difference. I too am beginning to miss my hair. Im only 26 and like I said im getting a little Yamikah shaped area on the back of my head. The bummer is im only 5'6'' so everyone sees the damn thing. Oh well what can I do.

i hear that bro i am 5ft 6in too and i am a bouncer soon to be a teacher in high-school at 37 years old...propecia can give you wee-wee problems and what good does a full head of hair do me when i meet a hot chick and my missle won't rise to the occasion or stay risen..i do not need more drugs to keep me hard..i got enough of a chemistry experiment goin on in my blood system..thanks for the feed back AVACORE worth looking at...
thats why I got some Penegra....

Penegra is a generic for Viagra. However in is sold in India. I however have a freind in India. Its super cheap as well as propecia. I have to admit my labido has felt a little down though since I went on the propecia. Dont know anything about Avacor???? Is a prescription or over the counter?? Also try the minoxidil (generic rogaine) if its back of the head area.
I just did a huge report in school on hair loss for men. There is a gene they've discovered that been dubbed the " Sonic Hedgehog " gene, and its responsible for restarting all your follices that are in the telogen ( rest phase) back into the anagen stage which is the growth phase. Everything Ive said this gene is about 3-5 years away from widespread use.
if you go to they have a 15% solution, combine that with the 5% topical spiro cream and you will be well on your way to lowering the DHT in your scalp
Jarconis said:
I just did a huge report in school on hair loss for men. There is a gene they've discovered that been dubbed the " Sonic Hedgehog " gene, and its responsible for restarting all your follices that are in the telogen ( rest phase) back into the anagen stage which is the growth phase. Everything Ive said this gene is about 3-5 years away from widespread use.
Thank Jarconis and Mr Oz..i think i will have to wait till this new stuff comes out in 3-5 years but till then i will go too minoxidel and get a head start..thanks guys
you look good bald, and you have a GF, so no chnace of runnng into a hot chick.

GF..hmm...does that stand for WIFE ??? I think not :D ..GF means i am still looking for a wife :p back to our regular scheduled program... :rolleyes:
Queefer said:
How bout a man wig?

LMAO...when i was loosing my hair i did the man-wig thing for about 18 months..i looked almost 10 years younger but i got nervous when i went out cause people who knew me woudl look at me and wonder why i looked so different and it was uncomfortable to act normal...I had soo many friends who talked me out of wearing it after a while that when i took it off i shaved my head.I have to say that i am one fo the very select few who look good bald but sure woould be nice if i had a was nice while it lasted...thanks Queefer.....
Got a freind...

I got a freind who was like bald like Bozo when about 25 even before he started saucing. Now hes 50. Still saucing and looking awesome I shit you not. The only thing is he has a hair weav. It looks real and you prob woudnt know if you did not know him before. His confidence totally changed after the weav. The only thing is it cost him 55.00 a hair cut as they have to do it at the weav shop. One time he rode his harley to the gym and when he took off the helmet his forehead looked like it grew 2 or 3 inches. I think it slid out of place. I laughed my ass off. Not in front of him of course but it made me giggle. hehehehheheh..........

Propecia and Proscar stop DHT. However like was said before, it take 64-6 months to see real results. If you buy Proscar 5mg and cut it into quarters, you pay about half the price you would for Propecia 1mg. Both are finasteride and thus both would work the same way. Both are Rx only.

Avacor is the new updated version of finasteride. It's dutasteride. It supposedly is more selective for DHT. However, this doesn't mean it's necessarily better. It also cost six times as much per month. Haven't heard much of this one. I expect it to fade away.

Minoxidil also helps stop hair loss especially when applied topically. You have to use the extra strength solution (5%) as a spray on or topical twice daily to work best. Combining Minoidil with finasteride doesn't produce better esults only faster results. Is it worth the money to combine, probably not. But I would switch to minoxidil if finasteride doesn't work.

There are also is evidence that hair loss is partly inflammatory. Meaning if you calm down the inflammation, you may not get as much hair loss. So using a 1 or 2% ketoconazole shampoo (Nizoral) has helped a lot of people. Also, this works in lowering some DHT as well as supposedly washing away.

Oh yeah, just a little extra word. Deca actually protects hair loss. When combined with finasteride, it just doesn't get converted to the active compoind that helps prevent hair loss. however Deca is only available as Rx only as well and not for recreational use.
does propeica have negative affects on hypertrophy?


im still young but i have hairloss in my family and i dont want to experience what every male did in my fam, so is there anything i can use that is safe for me (18yo) and will prevent hair loss, and wont have any negative affects on test or hypertrophy. i ordered nizoral shampoo last week which i heard is good. any feedback is appreciated.
JnJ23 said:
does propeica have negative affects on hypertrophy?


im still young but i have hairloss in my family and i dont want to experience what every male did in my fam, so is there anything i can use that is safe for me (18yo) and will prevent hair loss, and wont have any negative affects on test or hypertrophy. i ordered nizoral shampoo last week which i heard is good. any feedback is appreciated.

Nizoral and/or minoxidil shampoos would definitely be safe.
Finasteride does NOT change test levels. It just stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT. DHT has been said by some to cause a hardening effect of the muscles but never been proven as a true active compund in my opinion.
Also what hypertrophy are you talking about? The prostate? If you're talking about this, finasteride stops hypertrophy of the prostate. It also makes it less detectable. So, if you have men in yor family that have died of prostate cancer, then I don't think it's goo d to use finasteride because it slows the detectability until it's very far advanced. Also, finasteride had never been tested on 18 year olds. I would wait until 23-25yo to start taking it. Just to make sure you don't screw anything up. But al that is my opinion.
PharmD27 said:
Nizoral and/or minoxidil shampoos would definitely be safe.
Finasteride does NOT change test levels. It just stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT. DHT has been said by some to cause a hardening effect of the muscles but never been proven as a true active compund in my opinion.
Also what hypertrophy are you talking about? The prostate? If you're talking about this, finasteride stops hypertrophy of the prostate. It also makes it less detectable. So, if you have men in yor family that have died of prostate cancer, then I don't think it's goo d to use finasteride because it slows the detectability until it's very far advanced. Also, finasteride had never been tested on 18 year olds. I would wait until 23-25yo to start taking it. Just to make sure you don't screw anything up. But al that is my opinion.

thnx pharm. i was actualy reffering to muscle hypertrophy, LOL. but it's good to know about the effects it has on prostate and thankfully no one in my fam has had any problems with that. so for now i think il stick with nizoral and hopefully that will put a couple more years to a full head; but il stop thinking negative and say i wont lose my hair at all! and if worse comes to worse a couple years down the road il start something like minoxidil.
looks like nizoral is what i am going with along with minioxidil..thanks..

Hair weave is very costly and the guys i talked to that got it said it was no picnic,it was uncomfortable and i guess i am a wuss when it comes to adding more pain to my diet right now..i'll try to take the scrup and rub way right now...
has been said by some to cause a hardening effect of the muscles but never been proven as a true active compund in my opinion.

From experience I have found it to the opposit get you soft and flat. I believe it increases progesterone a great deal. From my experience thats what it did to me.

Nizoral,minoxidil,topical spironolactone and copper peptide shampoos and conditions work pretty good.

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