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Dec 20, 2007
I put two cc of prop in my tris. One in each arm. MY wife is a nurse and everthing was done correctly(you would think). Four days later my left arm at the injection area has an egg under the skin that is the size of a jaw braker. We have rubbed it out over a dozen times and it comes back in less than 45 minutes. This even when holding cold packs on it after the rubbing.
We stuck it and tried to draw anything from it and nothing came out. The area feels a little warmer than the rest of my arm. Also a lower area of my tri that is about two inches from the injection point is hard to the touch as well.

To say the least, it's a total freakout and I have never had this happen before. Yes I'm a dumb ass for doing this just before a show. It cost me the Philly show and threw away my prep. It's a lesson I'll never forget.

Anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this. I was thinking about hiring a deep massage on it.
keep pounding on it

i mean have her stand on it
digging her heal in there

it'll be fine
I used to get the same thing back in the days of denkall T400. it used to go away after a week or so but that cant be good for ya. Id see a doc make sure its not an ebcess that needs to be removed.
Rubbing it and deep massage are not good ideas. Ice packs followed by warm moist packs/heat. You can make up warm moist packs in your microwave with a wet towel wrapped in a dry towel.

Take ibuprophen, naproxen as directed on the bottle for several days. Keep icing the areas.

I too am a nurse. Could be an abscess, but, I have had the same thing in the distant past and it subsided. Now, if you develop fever, drainage, or the area starts exhibiting infection symptoms (your wife should know these), then get to the doc.

This kind of thing just takes some time! Keflex is a good antibiotic for skin related infections if you need to take one!
quite using prop.
you can be just as lean on test e. my friend is...
the gear is dirty etc and i would not shoot it again. was it the same bottle that got your delt irritated? i had a friend who kept using same gear and had same result ir irritation, lumping etc. swithed to different bottle and no probs.
Rubbing it and deep massage are not good ideas. Ice packs followed by warm moist packs/heat. You can make up warm moist packs in your microwave with a wet towel wrapped in a dry towel.

Take ibuprophen, naproxen as directed on the bottle for several days. Keep icing the areas.

I too am a nurse. Could be an abscess, but, I have had the same thing in the distant past and it subsided. Now, if you develop fever, drainage, or the area starts exhibiting infection symptoms (your wife should know these), then get to the doc.

This kind of thing just takes some time! Keflex is a good antibiotic for skin related infections if you need to take one!

Solid post. I have had the same thing happen to me as well and never massaged anything, just iced and heated while taking anti-inflammatories and it always flattened out without me having to do anything else but took weeks.
sounds like a dirty shot bro

if you start getting a fever that means the infection is going systemic and you need to get medical help asap for antibiotics to knock it out.

Or ride it out (but this is dangerous infections can go to the brain and you can die).,
Ive had the same thing happen in my arms. They seem to be sensitive. First pin ever there got my first infection. Never really knew what one was like til I got it, but I can say my experience was this. It doesn't get just, "warm" to the touch, it's actually hot. The area also becomes, "hard". Mine also became very itchy and red on the surface. Since then I have had the pea, balls, knots under the skin but no infections. I ride it out for a few days as long as the symptoms don't progress. It's not too usual anymore though so long as I stick with the usual stuff.

Good luck. Let us know how you make out.

I am telling you right now............you have cellulitis.......it will only get harder and hotter, so go to the doc RIGHT NOW and get antibiotics and HOPE they help at this point....and I mean RIGHT NOW........get off the computer and go
Wrong thing to do.......

I would never massage it out and then stick a pin and draw out. You probably got Test Depot. Cyp or Enan and it did what it was suppose to do.

I get little knots with Prop but nothing like the longer acting esters.

You 100% sure it was Prop?
I get that every time i pin triceps or biceps. Its so painfull to the point i cant mve my arms. I take ibuprofen and it goes away in 3 to 4 days.

I get that every time i pin triceps or biceps. Its so painfull to the point i cant mve my arms. I take ibuprofen and it goes away in 3 to 4 days.

but you keep pinning them...?:confused:
just bustin your balls a little. funny to me.:)
but you keep pinning them...?:confused:
just bustin your balls a little. funny to me.:)

haha i know. Everywhere else i pin i have no problems, so i thought if i keep pinning bis and tris muscle will adapt.. :D
I am telling you right now............you have cellulitis.......it will only get harder and hotter, so go to the doc RIGHT NOW and get antibiotics and HOPE they help at this point....and I mean RIGHT NOW........get off the computer and go

I agree. I once had an area like that on my glute and tried to wait hoping it would go away. About 1 week later I went in and by that time it had filled with puss and had to be drained. After nearly 4 weeks of antibiotic therapy it never healed and I had to have a chunk of my ass cut out in surgery. Unless you want to risk losing a chunk of your arm, you better go in ASAP.

If you wait like I did, antibiotics may do no good. I waited long enough that I got a fever and thats the main reason I went in. Dont wait for the fever to start.
I agree. I once had an area like that on my glute and tried to wait hoping it would go away. About 1 week later I went in and by that time it had filled with puss and had to be drained. After nearly 4 weeks of antibiotic therapy it never healed and I had to have a chunk of my ass cut out in surgery. Unless you want to risk losing a chunk of your arm, you better go in ASAP.

If you wait like I did, antibiotics may do no good. I waited long enough that I got a fever and thats the main reason I went in. Dont wait for the fever to start.

Good advice above. Had that same thing happen in a quad once.
hit the e.r. get the antibiotics and quit suffering.
A nice Phil reply!

I am telling you right now............you have cellulitis.......it will only get harder and hotter, so go to the doc RIGHT NOW and get antibiotics and HOPE they help at this point....and I mean RIGHT NOW........get off the computer and go

Hey, thanks Phil. It was only hot for the first couple days. Now its the same temp as the rest of my arm and after taking Tenny's advice. My wife has been working it with her thumbs until they go numb. God bless her. If she didn't do all my meals and everthing else I wouldn't be able to compete at the Olympia this year:D We couldnt get my arm in a position for her to stand on it with out braking it though.
The result is it's noticably softer to the touch and the height has went down (a little) not much but it is much softer. I started taking the stuff you guys are suggesting.
I'm affraid if I walk into the doctors office and tell him the truth I could lose my medical insurance. Couldnt I?
Hey, thanks Phil. It was only hot for the first couple days. Now its the same temp as the rest of my arm and after taking Tenny's advice. My wife has been working it with her thumbs until they go numb. God bless her. If she didn't do all my meals and everthing else I wouldn't be able to compete at the Olympia this year:D We couldnt get my arm in a position for her to stand on it with out braking it though.
The result is it's noticably softer to the touch and the height has went down (a little) not much but it is much softer. I started taking the stuff you guys are suggesting.
I'm affraid if I walk into the doctors office and tell him the truth I could lose my medical insurance. Couldnt I?

Just tell them you injecte B 12 there. Sounds stupid but it works. I had it happen from suspension in my glute. You never would want to tell them gear, but you can say some type of vitamin injection. Go to the doc. Dont risk it.
It's good to know the real deal!

quite using prop.
you can be just as lean on test e. my friend is...
the gear is dirty etc and i would not shoot it again. was it the same bottle that got your delt irritated? i had a friend who kept using same gear and had same result ir irritation, lumping etc. swithed to different bottle and no probs.

You know the problem? Everything you read tells you one thing and then the guys like you that really know dont put it all on the table for the guys that trully want/need to know.

It always turns into "your going to die tomarrow doing that much shit" and so on. I couldnt believe when I read Phil's post about what he was doing back in the day. I printed it out and laminated it. Good stuff!
happened to me all the time when i used to use prop some years back... massive lump after 2 days that's hot to the touch.... would get better in 7-10 days and totally gone in 15 days
if you get a fever and feel like you have the flu, i'd advise you to go on antibiotics... if not, it'll go away... it just needs time.
I have had this happen with pinning bi's, calves, and once or twice with quads. Hot packs (not ice!) and massage, ibprophine and benadryl will all help reduce the swelling. In a few days it should be livable, and it should be gone in about a week.

This is exactly why I like to be off all injectables a week before getting on stage.

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