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After Surgery Help


New member
Nov 27, 2012
I had open heart last Feb. just did blood work an my test is a whooping 38. I’m 54 a went from 310 to 240. At what point will training become “beneficial” again. Just started Doing 100mg prop ed front load an Cyp 250 1 shot a week .


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Your question is confusing

Beneficial in terms of what, like is it safe for you to train?
And did you go from zero gear to 100 prop Ed ?
Last February as in 2024 or 2023?

If you have those answers from your doctors/specialist why are you asking a bunch of bodybuilders on a forum?

Either way- follow cardiac rehab and trust your doctors. Training and gear will never be the same again after open heart surgery.
Feb 2023 was my surgery, looking for anyone with the same experience
There are a few guys here that have had heart surgeries and are active in the gym. Just can’t remember their board names off hand. Hopefully they’ll see the thread and chime in for you.

I had open heart last Feb. just did blood work an my test is a whooping 38. I’m 54 a went from 310 to 240. At what point will training become “beneficial” again. Just started Doing 100mg prop ed front load an Cyp 250 1 shot a week .
I had open heart myself and had a mitral valve replacement. I do not know what you had done nor am I a Dr. so I am just going to tell you what I have done. I did all the rehab I needed.to do. I think I missed the final month due to covid hitting and the hospital closed the cardiac rehab part down temporarily. I did just walk around outside to stay on top of my cardio. My Dr cleared me for hrt after six months and I just did that and cardio I wanna say for about a year and half. I got a gym membership at that point. Then I got rhabdo and that was about 5-6 month ordeal. Was again cleared for hrt as my kidneys were the issue now. Started back at gym lifting and did 200mg cyp and 200mg deca. Doubled that dose after two months and ran it for 2 more then added another ml of each so 600/600 for another 2. I started cyp/eq/drol and I think it was 1200cyp/750eq/50mg drol day. I think I was on this a few weeks then I had three partially torn tendons in my shoulder so was out for 11 months as I had to have surgery and deal with a bunch of bs on that. So I started back on and went to half ml of sus/prop/mast/tren eod after a month I went to .75ml eod of each but one or possibly all of those drugs messed up my INR as I take warfarin so if you take that now be careful. So just went back to my eq cycle and got covid and was out for a couple weeks and now just take 480cyp/450eq Once a week for the past month and going to do that for awhile just to see if I can stay healthy. As if you can't tell I m getting tired of dealing with health issues but what can you do!

I just really enjoy training so I do it twice a day if I can. Or will do one long session.

Nice job on losing the weight man that is huge! I am 46 myself and I think I take juice so one-day I can look like some of the older(than me) guys on this board. If you had surgery like 1-1\2 months ago I can only urge you to stop immediately and wait for your dr to clear you. If it was over a year ago I would say just roll in easy. Make sure you can take it. You can always add more later. Again if your on Warfarin specifically for your blood thinner be careful when you add in new things as they made my blood so thin one day I wound up in the er.. Tell us what you had done please? I think their are guys who have had quadruple bypass on here and a couple of us with mitral valve replacements. Oh and when I started back at the gym I was so weak it was funny. Good luck man!
I had open heart myself and had a mitral valve replacement. I do not know what you had done nor am I a Dr. so I am just going to tell you what I have done. I did all the rehab I needed.to do. I think I missed the final month due to covid hitting and the hospital closed the cardiac rehab part down temporarily. I did just walk around outside to stay on top of my cardio. My Dr cleared me for hrt after six months and I just did that and cardio I wanna say for about a year and half. I got a gym membership at that point. Then I got rhabdo and that was about 5-6 month ordeal. Was again cleared for hrt as my kidneys were the issue now. Started back at gym lifting and did 200mg cyp and 200mg deca. Doubled that dose after two months and ran it for 2 more then added another ml of each so 600/600 for another 2. I started cyp/eq/drol and I think it was 1200cyp/750eq/50mg drol day. I think I was on this a few weeks then I had three partially torn tendons in my shoulder so was out for 11 months as I had to have surgery and deal with a bunch of bs on that. So I started back on and went to half ml of sus/prop/mast/tren eod after a month I went to .75ml eod of each but one or possibly all of those drugs messed up my INR as I take warfarin so if you take that now be careful. So just went back to my eq cycle and got covid and was out for a couple weeks and now just take 480cyp/450eq Once a week for the past month and going to do that for awhile just to see if I can stay healthy. As if you can't tell I m getting tired of dealing with health issues but what can you do!

I just really enjoy training so I do it twice a day if I can. Or will do one long session.

Nice job on losing the weight man that is huge! I am 46 myself and I think I take juice so one-day I can look like some of the older(than me) guys on this board. If you had surgery like 1-1\2 months ago I can only urge you to stop immediately and wait for your dr to clear you. If it was over a year ago I would say just roll in easy. Make sure you can take it. You can always add more later. Again if your on Warfarin specifically for your blood thinner be careful when you add in new things as they made my blood so thin one day I wound up in the er.. Tell us what you had done please? I think their are guys who have had quadruple bypass on here and a couple of us with mitral valve replacements. Oh and when I started back at the gym I was so weak it was funny. Good luck man!

I had open heart myself and had a mitral valve replacement. I do not know what you had done nor am I a Dr. so I am just going to tell you what I have done. I did all the rehab I needed.to do. I think I missed the final month due to covid hitting and the hospital closed the cardiac rehab part down temporarily. I did just walk around outside to stay on top of my cardio. My Dr cleared me for hrt after six months and I just did that and cardio I wanna say for about a year and half. I got a gym membership at that point. Then I got rhabdo and that was about 5-6 month ordeal. Was again cleared for hrt as my kidneys were the issue now. Started back at gym lifting and did 200mg cyp and 200mg deca. Doubled that dose after two months and ran it for 2 more then added another ml of each so 600/600 for another 2. I started cyp/eq/drol and I think it was 1200cyp/750eq/50mg drol day. I think I was on this a few weeks then I had three partially torn tendons in my shoulder so was out for 11 months as I had to have surgery and deal with a bunch of bs on that. So I started back on and went to half ml of sus/prop/mast/tren eod after a month I went to .75ml eod of each but one or possibly all of those drugs messed up my INR as I take warfarin so if you take that now be careful. So just went back to my eq cycle and got covid and was out for a couple weeks and now just take 480cyp/450eq Once a week for the past month and going to do that for awhile just to see if I can stay healthy. As if you can't tell I m getting tired of dealing with health issues but what can you do!

I just really enjoy training so I do it twice a day if I can. Or will do one long session.

Nice job on losing the weight man that is huge! I am 46 myself and I think I take juice so one-day I can look like some of the older(than me) guys on this board. If you had surgery like 1-1\2 months ago I can only urge you to stop immediately and wait for your dr to clear you. If it was over a year ago I would say just roll in easy. Make sure you can take it. You can always add more later. Again if your on Warfarin specifically for your blood thinner be careful when you add in new things as they made my blood so thin one day I wound up in the er.. Tell us what you had done please? I think their are guys who have had quadruple bypass on here and a couple of us with mitral valve replacements. Oh and when I started back at the gym I was so weak it was funny. Good luck man!
480cyp/450eq ? and you want to stay healthy?
480cyp/450eq ? and you wa?nt to stay healthy?
You don't think its enough? I am just kidding man, I get my bloods done all the time and i am good on much higher doses than this. Blood pressure is 70/80 over 105-115. My kidneys are fine. I think my liver values were slightly elevated last blood test but that's the first time since I started juice. I know I am not at the top of this board as far as Dr monitoring but I can only think of 3-4 guys that post that are monitored more. Anyway what you got for me, where you going with this my man?
I had aortic auruism,an aortic valve replacement Feb 2023. Took 1 year off from training just did my Cardiac Rehab. My natural test never rebooted So when I had my blood work done I was at 38. So off to Endocrinologist I went. With Advice I’m front loading 100mg test prop daily then add 250mg cyp weekly hoping in 3-6 weeks I feel human again lol
Well good to see you made it through!! What type of Valve did you go with? I went with a artificial so I am stuck on coumadin/warfarin. I am guessing you went with an artificial as they opened you up. Have you seen any x-rays of your chest yet? Those are pretty trippy. Test at 38 is pretty low, I am sure you'll feel better soon. Your endo gives you 100mg prop a day with 250mg a week or did you get advice from someone else?
You don't think its enough? I am just kidding man, I get my bloods done all the time and i am good on much higher doses than this. Blood pressure is 70/80 over 105-115. My kidneys are fine. I think my liver values were slightly elevated last blood test but that's the first time since I started juice. I know I am not at the top of this board as far as Dr monitoring but I can only think of 3-4 guys that post that are monitored more. Anyway what you got for me, where you going with this my man?
Is your body and health is up to you how you treated.
I had aortic auruism,an aortic valve replacement Feb 2023. Took 1 year off from training just did my Cardiac Rehab. My natural test never rebooted So when I had my blood work done I was at 38. So off to Endocrinologist I went. With Advice I’m front loading 100mg test prop daily then add 250mg cyp weekly hoping in 3-6 weeks I feel human again lol
The Endocrinologist advice you to inject 100mg prop per day and 250mg cyp?
I had open heart myself and had a mitral valve replacement. I do not know what you had done nor am I a Dr. so I am just going to tell you what I have done. I did all the rehab I needed.to do. I think I missed the final month due to covid hitting and the hospital closed the cardiac rehab part down temporarily. I did just walk around outside to stay on top of my cardio. My Dr cleared me for hrt after six months and I just did that and cardio I wanna say for about a year and half. I got a gym membership at that point. Then I got rhabdo and that was about 5-6 month ordeal. Was again cleared for hrt as my kidneys were the issue now. Started back at gym lifting and did 200mg cyp and 200mg deca. Doubled that dose after two months and ran it for 2 more then added another ml of each so 600/600 for another 2. I started cyp/eq/drol and I think it was 1200cyp/750eq/50mg drol day. I think I was on this a few weeks then I had three partially torn tendons in my shoulder so was out for 11 months as I had to have surgery and deal with a bunch of bs on that. So I started back on and went to half ml of sus/prop/mast/tren eod after a month I went to .75ml eod of each but one or possibly all of those drugs messed up my INR as I take warfarin so if you take that now be careful. So just went back to my eq cycle and got covid and was out for a couple weeks and now just take 480cyp/450eq Once a week for the past month and going to do that for awhile just to see if I can stay healthy. As if you can't tell I m getting tired of dealing with health issues but what can you do!

I just really enjoy training so I do it twice a day if I can. Or will do one long session.

Nice job on losing the weight man that is huge! I am 46 myself and I think I take juice so one-day I can look like some of the older(than me) guys on this board. If you had surgery like 1-1\2 months ago I can only urge you to stop immediately and wait for your dr to clear you. If it was over a year ago I would say just roll in easy. Make sure you can take it. You can always add more later. Again if your on Warfarin specifically for your blood thinner be careful when you add in new things as they made my blood so thin one day I wound up in the er.. Tell us what you had done please? I think their are guys who have had quadruple bypass on here and a couple of us with mitral valve replacements. Oh and when I started back at the gym I was so weak it was funny. Good luck man!

What does you diet look like ?
480cyp/450eq ? and you want to stay healthy?
No, he fears the loss in size and losing his identity over tapping the brakes (going on true TRT) and
transitioning to a reasonable bodyweight that doesn't put him in an early grave.
No, he fears the loss in size and losing his identity over tapping the brakes (going on true TRT) and
transitioning to a reasonable bodyweight that doesn't put him in an early grave.
@Reload please show me one example from the 20 years you've been a member here where another member has disparaged your hormone use and what you do out of nowhere like this.

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