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heres' some colored pics

hey buddy

:p I replied on mayhem forum but where did u get these pics from are they form friends + family or did u get them online somewhere, I'd like to get some pics of my fat butt if they are available. Thanx CG

hey gooey my gf took those pics , them fuckers from retrope haven't posted shit yet. i'm anxious myself to see, hit me up if you find something
damn that looks close deca, your lower body outshines his, but he has more of a v-taper and looks drier. I'd say it is a close call.-Josh
i hate to hear people bitch about their placing...but this time it is justified..i do not understand what the judges were looking for 1) you are bigger 2) you are harder 3) your back is much denser that his 4) your quads and hams are much larger and harder 5) your skin color is much better and your oil is also better applied. so i am stumped...
pictures ARE NOT enough to know if a man is a winner in a competition...

free style, posing and your minute of glory in coreagraphy is 1/3 of your final rate...
that may be true. But the comparisons aren't even close IMO!

I was at the show in pittsburgh helping my buddy for the masters, and you looked great but so did feldman. It was a really good show cant wait to be there next year. Everyone does say that its alot of politics, and who you know at that show that can decide your placing.
Babalilba said:
pictures ARE NOT enough to know if a man is a winner in a competition...

free style, posing and your minute of glory in coreagraphy is 1/3 of your final rate...

That is OH so true! And Deca - you did NOT look happy to be there, even before your placing was announced!

You're a doll and should SMILE more! ;)
HaHaaaaaaaaaa!! Even if you beat HIM you woulda still had to deal wit da heavy-weight baby...loool just messn wit ya dawg! I liked you're like a lot better! So much meat on you, this is bodybuilding not gymnastics an shit..u know Ed cohnors said he was gonna invite me up to his crib after it get built in Cali too, so I hope to see ya up there big dawg.


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HWT shoulda taken overall. End of story. Him n Feldman wasnt even close.
those two were better bodybuilders IMO

but Feldman was in better condition that night, was tighter, more crisp and looked better.

he just happened to look better on that given night. Not saying he's better than you by any means.

u looked huge in those off season pics so i'm sure next time it won't even be close
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here are a couple better pics of feldman.

heres another another one

**broken link removed**


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Deca19 v. Feldman

Looking at the photos of Feldman next to Deca19 gives me the impression the judges must have seen something in Feldman that is either a temporary phase, or possibly his posing was good. I don't see any strong assets, down to his drooping trunks.


Deca19, on the other hand, appears to have traits that clearly state "bodybuilder." His muscles are fuller and deeper, they taper well, he's balanced, and he has an overall thick look typical of bodybuilders.

I guess you had to be there to understand why Feldman was over Deca19. I think I see enough to tell it's the end of the line for Feldman, but Deca19 can easily keep going.

I've seen Elbasoni compete in prior years. From the photo I've seen, he appears to have significantly improved over prior years.
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Hey Deca,

Do you have any updated pics to show us...I would love to see the size you have put on this year...What show are you planning on ?

Good luck and best wishes...

Hey chris, I don't have any pics right now but i'm gonna take some here in the next week. i"ll post them as soon as i can. I"ll tell you this i'm 5'6 242lbs. i weighed 192 in the pics. I"ll be competiting in Nov. in Dallas at NPC Nationals. plan on comming in as a heavyweight this yr.

later chris

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