i think using HCG 500 to 1000iu/week while on will mentain testicular size and function so we are basically left with hypothalamus-pitutary awakening so for that clomid+nolvadex therapy Post cycle is very good idea.
I have got to give a big bump to Pharmcom Labs! The red tops appear to be working very well for me. I have been on the HGH for 2 mos., 12iu daily and it is working very well with the HCG and Clomid! I have lost very little size and strengh from my last cycle.
I beleive hgh is great in pct ;;I am only on 3iu day and i keep most of my gains ;; hcg should be used to keep the boys working (while in cycle );; I beleive if used in pct, it keep you shut down till you quit ( but this is 1 of 1000 opinions ?)