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HGH in syringe


Jan 1, 2009
How long is it before it goes bad while its loaded in a syringe??
Same as it is in the vial with whatever kind of water you use...
Shovelhead82 is correct. Air has nothing to do with it SR. What is loaded into the syringe will last just as long as what's in the vial.

Thats true. Many inject air into the vial to reduce the pressure for drawing. The air still stays in the vial. So with air in either containers, they will both last just as long.
Thats true. Many inject air into the vial to reduce the pressure for drawing. The air still stays in the vial. So with air in either containers, they will both last just as long.

Exactly Taba. :) I just didn't want to explain it (to this person) until I heard his reply. I was guessing he'd either figure it out or dig himself in deeper.
I have never pre-loaded my GH, however it would be convenient.

What contamination issues can arise from pre-loading the insulin syringe and using hours later? I mean can bacteria attach themselves to the pin, which is wet from drawing?

Or do you just alcohol swab the pin prior to injecting?

It is certainly different than pre-loading an IM needle that can be removed and replaced with a clean tip prior to injeciton.
Air out bro. These guys say opposite whatever i do- and do what ya will but air will certainly shorten life. why ya think preloaded pins have no air? Waiting on reply from other post so I will post pics. Why do vials come vacuum sealed. NO AIR. They are sealed with bacteriostatic NITROGEN.
but air will certainly shorten life. why ya think preloaded pins have no air?

So you've grabbed your brand new vacuum sealed vial of GH. Good for you. The second you introduced a syringe into the vial and released the pressure you introduced AIR into it. Of course, then you added water into the GH vial for recon, including having to equalize the pressure (water/air). The GH vial now has an adequate amount of air and substance ready for pinning.

Let me know if this isn't clear enough for you.
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We dont all relieve pressure. Thought about it. Vacuum sealed for a reason. Found way to introduce bac water gently whie KEEPING seal. So I guess there are other ways of doing things than you preach- as usual. The air going in vial is certainly not sterile or bacteriostatic- so why take chance and leave in syringe. Not everone uses bac water either so that furher complicates stored pins and introducing bad air. Clear enough for you?
We dont all relieve pressure. Thought about it. Vacuum sealed for a reason. Found way to introduce bac water gently whie KEEPING seal.

Wow!! You're saying you've found a way to inject water into the vial without relieving the pressure?? AWESOME!! Could it be that your rubber seal is just soooo tight that air is incapable of escaping?? If so, I wish we all had rubber seals like your supplier provides. What worries me though is IF this was possible, wouldn't the recon water in the loaded syringe virtually spit itself into contents (puck) of the vacuum sealed vial/GH? Worse, how would one withdraw the recon'ed GH? If it's vacuumed, contents wouldn't withdraw.

Of course, perhaps you know of another way I haven't thought of, if so, please explain exactly how this because the best I know, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!
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WHAT???? You have found a way to inject water into the vial without relieving the pressure!!! AWESOME man!!! Could it be your rubber seal is just soooo tight that air is incapable of escaping?? If so, I wish we all had rubber seals like your supplier provides.

Of course, perhaps you know of another way I haven't thought of, if so, please explain exactly how this because the best I know, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

Ok this shows me how bright you are. It is a vacuum seal meaning it sucks in water. I can get water in without breaking seal on syringe not on vial. before-even when holding back plunger water was rushing in withoutplunger moving. Now sou you comprehend I can get it in gently against vial without breaking nitrogen seal- hence without relieving pressure and not contaminating lypolized powder with air. duh. So where your pics big man? I stood up.
Ok this shows me how bright you are. It is a vacuum seal meaning it sucks in water. I can get water in without breaking seal on syringe not on vial. before-even when holding back plunger water was rushing in withoutplunger moving.

Once again it is you that are misunderatanding the facts.

1. Your vacuum sealed vial, upon recon, WILL not retain a seal. Air pressure will be relieved - FACT.
2. Because of this, AIR has now contaminated the vial contents - THEY ARE EXPOSED TO AIR - FACT.
3. Both the GH vial and the Water vial will have AIR in them - FACT.

Now for your enjoyment, the question was:

(bmf4life) Q. How long is it before it goes bad while its loaded in a syringe??
(shovelhed82) A. Same as it is in the vial with whatever kind of water you use...
(strongrhino) A. with all air removed yes

The conclusion to your answer was IF the air was removed from the syringe, the syringe contents would remain good just as long as the vial would.
You are so screwed up man- fact. Funny when I draw with the slin AFTER water in I get a negative pressure-FACT
Thus retaining nitrogen vacuum seal and NO air contamination-FACT
You really just run your mouth. Where are your pics bro? Mine should be up any minute-FACT
You are so screwed up man- fact. Funny when I draw with the slin AFTER water in I get a negative pressure-FACT
Thus retaining nitrogen vacuum seal and NO air contamination-FACT
You really just run your mouth. Where are your pics bro? Mine should be up any minute-FACT

Lmao... You guys are killin me. FACT. :p
You are so screwed up man- fact. Funny when I draw with the slin AFTER water in I get a negative pressure-FACT
Thus retaining nitrogen vacuum seal and NO air contamination-FACT

Let's get something straight again.

1. By your own admission, you're purchasing Rip's. They are NOT nitrogen sealed. Nor are any GH sponsors on this board.
2. I OTH do have nitrogen sealed pharmaceutical GH and ya know what? It along with any other pharmaceutical I've used has never had a seal perfected that once the needle was inserted, air didn't pass by.
3. Whatever water you are using, expect the same - air does seap in.
I have never pre-loaded my GH, however it would be convenient.

What contamination issues can arise from pre-loading the insulin syringe and using hours later? I mean can bacteria attach themselves to the pin, which is wet from drawing?

Or do you just alcohol swab the pin prior to injecting?

It is certainly different than pre-loading an IM needle that can be removed and replaced with a clean tip prior to injeciton.

There is a clip on Youtube about this successful longevity doctor. The clip shows him opening his fridge. On the door shelf on display is a paper cup filled with preloaded hg slin pins. He took out a pin and demonstrated how he administered his hg shot. He swabs his thigh when he injected. I love this clip. He looks fantastic for 67yrs old.

YouTube - hgh usage
There is a clip on Youtube about this successful longevity doctor. The clip shows him opening his fridge. On the door shelf on display is a paper cup filled with preloaded hg slin pins. He took out a pin and demonstrated how he administered his hg shot. He swabs his thigh when he injected. I love this clip. He looks fantastic for 67yrs old.

YouTube - hgh usage

Every weekend I preload a weeks worth of slin syringes. I swab each vial (B.water and HGH) with each use. I put each syringe in it's own ziploc bag. I then put all 7 bags within a larger freezer type ziploc and then place a plastic bag around all and stick in fridge drawer. I've never had any issues with preloading. I've been doing the same with HCG. As long as you don't dwell in a damn sewer, you'll be fine.

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