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HGH or Syntherol with my cycle


New member
May 21, 2010
I am going to be running a cycle of 750mg test e with 800-1g of EQ for 16 weeks. I am contemplating three options, 10 months of 3iu 5 days per week or 5 months on 5iu 5 days a week or syntherol in shoulders, bi's and triceps as these are my weak points. What do you think will improve my body parts the most hard work with hgh or hard work with syntherol?
I am going to be running a cycle of 750mg test e with 800-1g of EQ for 16 weeks. I am contemplating three options, 10 months of 3iu 5 days per week or 5 months on 5iu 5 days a week or syntherol in shoulders, bi's and triceps as these are my weak points. What do you think will improve my body parts the most hard work with hgh or hard work with syntherol?

I don't care what anyone says, that little GH is a waste of time unless you are old.

I'd do 2.5 months on 8 to 10IU per day every day.

Regarding the comparison between GH and Syntherol - it's like comparing, say, testosterone and T3. Different animals. Syntherol will definetely improve you weak parts the most, and the gains in size will totally overshadow the GH.
The GH on the other hand, will improve your overall look, making you leaner and more "quality".
I honestly dont think massaging is all that necessary. Maybe for some people. I found when i used it i never got any lumps, I never massaged it.
I just want you to be prepaired for the fact that syntherol might not work on you. As it didn't work for me and a verrry small percentage of others on here.
How did it not work for you??

it is generally believed that my (and others) body's metabolize the oil to quickly for any substantial amounts of oil to buld up in the applied area. I saw nothing at 1ml, nothing at 2ml, even went to 3ml a few days early til day #30 and my bi's did not budge even 1/2 inch. I used 27 1 1/4" needles into the bis.
it is generally believed that my (and others) body's metabolize the oil to quickly for any substantial amounts of oil to buld up in the applied area. I saw nothing at 1ml, nothing at 2ml, even went to 3ml a few days early til day #30 and my bi's did not budge even 1/2 inch. I used 27 1 1/4" needles into the bis.

I cant say because i have nevr used it, but did you follow big a's protocol to the t? Honestly the only feedback i have seen on syntherol has been positive, but they followed big a's protocol, and they were very happy with the results; which is why one day when im healthy, i will give it a go.
it is generally believed that my (and others) body's metabolize the oil to quickly for any substantial amounts of oil to buld up in the applied area. I saw nothing at 1ml, nothing at 2ml, even went to 3ml a few days early til day #30 and my bi's did not budge even 1/2 inch. I used 27 1 1/4" needles into the bis.

Didnt work for me either. Same here - Big A suggested i was one of the few that metabolized the oil too quickly.

I thought i was the only one, everyone else gets such great results. Im almost happy im not alone :D
I honestly dont think massaging is all that necessary.
Maybe for some people. I found when i used it i never got any lumps, I
never massaged it.

For the most part i agree, for me the only semblence of a lump i think i got
was one time, the whole day and next day I was stretching and massaging
VERY frequently to try and spread the oil out in time for the next shot in that
place 2 days later.

Otherwise I still massaged daily several times but stretched probably twice
as much as that, as it alleviated quite a bit of tightness for a little while.
I cant say because i have nevr used it, but did you follow big a's protocol to the t? Honestly the only feedback i have seen on syntherol has been positive, but they followed big a's protocol, and they were very happy with the results; which is why one day when im healthy, i will give it a go.

I followed his protocal and advice to a T.
Didnt work for me either. Same here - Big A suggested i was one of the few that metabolized the oil too quickly.

I thought i was the only one, everyone else gets such great results. Im almost happy im not alone :D

lol I hear you bro, I was really hoping it could take me to the next level and i could work with the newly stretched facia but now hope has quickly dissapated about the ideas of my bis being my best feature.
HGH is good for an overall effect, but you won't find a better tool for enhancing a certain muscle then Syntherol.
Personal, i dont like these oils...i think is cheating, but im not here to judge.

why dont you run hgh at 8iu ed for 6 months.
great results on me!

Question fo those of you running the high frequency/high dose HGH (namely Big A & Vesne); how long have you been running GH for?

8iu every single day for 2.5 months (Big A) or 6 months (Vesne) is a sh*t ton of iu's to go through in a relatively short period of time.

Is this something that a first time user would have to follow to get similar results? I could see a few times a week at 8-10iu but daily seems like you'd just exacerbate oversaturating receptors. I'm getting ready to start a protocol and would like to optimize it, but this regime seems pretty aggressive, especially to the new user.

Is there any analogy to AAS use? For example, you would most likely recommend 400-500mg/Test per week as opposed to 1.5g to a beginner. So should this also apply to GH or can you not make that comparison? Thanks.

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