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HGH Shake Test?


Active member
Nov 7, 2008
I understand that shaking your HGH violently will cause your HGH to become unstable or degrade. My question, is this a test that can be done to help verify if you have active proteins in your solution. What should happen with the shake test? Should the reconstituted vial foam really good at the top? I understand if you shake anything enough you will get some bubbling, but should legit hgh cause considerable foaming action?

I understand that shaking your HGH violently will cause your HGH to become unstable or degrade. My question, is this a test that can be done to help verify if you have active proteins in your solution. What should happen with the shake test? Should the reconstituted vial foam really good at the top? I understand if you shake anything enough you will get some bubbling, but should legit hgh cause considerable foaming action?


It can be considerable if you continue to shake. Those using pharm grade GH readily note the vast amount of bubbles able to be obtained. However not everything bubbles, well at least yielding bubbles which linger. For instance shake your bac water and you'll get bubbles - however they quickly dissapate. Not so with HGH. Bubbles created via HGH protein molecules will remain for a VERY long time - even more than 30 min. in most cases.

If you are unable to create bubbles AND bubbles which remain for long lengths of time, you either have little or no protein in your vial = little or no GH.
Thank you

Thank You,

You answered my question spot on! Looks like I'm going back to the drawing board.

It can be considerable if you continue to shake. Those using pharm grade GH readily note the vast amount of bubbles able to be obtained. However not everything bubbles, well at least yielding bubbles which linger. For instance shake your bac water and you'll get bubbles - however they quickly dissapate. Not so with HGH. Bubbles created via HGH protein molecules will remain for a VERY long time - even more than 30 min. in most cases.

If you are unable to create bubbles AND bubbles which remain for long lengths of time, you either have little or no protein in your vial = little or no GH.
123cctv nailed it - Spot on. You'll also notice that the HGH solution will get cloudy and take a few minutes for it to clear back up.
I understand that shaking your HGH violently will cause your HGH to become unstable or degrade. My question, is this a test that can be done to help verify if you have active proteins in your solution. What should happen with the shake test? Should the reconstituted vial foam really good at the top? I understand if you shake anything enough you will get some bubbling, but should legit hgh cause considerable foaming action?


I would rather buy from a reputable source than waste 10iu of GH.
woudnt regular bac water buble anyway?


Bac water bubbles - but as said above, they do not remain - they begin dissipation immediately once the shaking stops. Real GH lingers for a very long time.
I would rather buy from a reputable source than waste 10iu of GH.

Shaking vigoriously *may* damage rhGH and even then, not entirely. It would take a continual vigorous shaking to eventually ruin it. However the purpose here is to give it one or two shakes and if no bubbles appear, then what you got there isn't worth worrying over anyhow = either a weak or non GH solution.
shaking it

Well, I had fake hgh that passed to so called boil test,, and the shake test. It foamed up and everything. Labs came back and it was bunk.
Just buy some somastim ;) lol

I still think the best thing to do is the get blood work done.
Terrible way to tell if its real or not... Could very well just be ghrp in there.. You would get the same response..
It can be considerable if you continue to shake. Those using pharm grade GH readily note the vast amount of bubbles able to be obtained. However not everything bubbles, well at least yielding bubbles which linger. For instance shake your bac water and you'll get bubbles - however they quickly dissapate. Not so with HGH. Bubbles created via HGH protein molecules will remain for a VERY long time - even more than 30 min. in most cases.

If you are unable to create bubbles AND bubbles which remain for long lengths of time, you either have little or no protein in your vial = little or no GH.

To add to this....rHGH is a recombinant protein. So is rHCG, those that I know that run test tests have found that some "GH" samples that were purchased are actually a much cheaper rHCG. If you do the shake test, rHCG will also foam much like good rHGH. So all the shake test will really do is show you may have some type of recombinant protein.

From my experience, you can buy HGH from one good batch, have it tested and the next batch from the exact same source/lab may be shit or at minimum way under dosed. Kind of a bait and switch game used to fuck us all out of money. It is really getting to be a crap shoot buying GH now.
All generics can test differently even within the same kit.

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