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HGH shot irritation


Nov 4, 2007
just a quick question. i am using IP yellow caps HGH. so far i used 3 10IU bottles now with the 3rd one i have problems. injection spot is swelling and red.
i was reading that could mean its fake. but wonder why i did not have this then with the first 2 bottles.
anyone know what this could be?

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just a quick question. i am using IP yellow caps HGH. so far i used 3 10IU bottles now with the 3rd one i have problems. injection spot is swelling and red.
i was reading that could mean its fake. but wonder why i did not have this then with the first 2 bottles.
anyone know what this could be?


How much bact water are you mixing with your bottles?
i used to run 1cc, and it used to always give me those red welts.
i increased it to 2cc, and i was fine.

Try that first and see how that goes for you.
just a quick question. i am using IP yellow caps HGH. so far i used 3 10IU bottles now with the 3rd one i have problems. injection spot is swelling and red.
i was reading that could mean its fake. but wonder why i did not have this then with the first 2 bottles.
anyone know what this could be?


I was also given 3 bottles of IP's GH. The exact same thing happened to me on my 3rd bottle. Why the 3rd? <shrug> No clue. Regardless, red welts should have nothing to do with BW. Test this if you wish - inject just some BW and see if anything happens.

You'll eventually get over these types of reactions. However, that wont' be a good thing, because your body will have formed anti-bodies against the GH, yeilding that substance useless.
ME again,
still can not find out what my problem is.
changed injection spots. also injected just the Water. no problems then.
so it musrt be the HGH. also used different brand of hgh, also got red , swollen itchy sore. have to say not so bad like on the IP stuff.

what i found out so far:
could be angle of needle not deep enough..
could be HGH is fake...
could be GH antibodies. Some people produce these when external GH is added. I have not been able to get any good reports on the repercussion. Some say they will just render the external GH useless and some say it will also render your own natural GH useless as well.... very bad if so
Is the antibody story true ???
Could it possibly be a sterilization problem? Maybe try alcohol swabbing the vial and ur skin aswell. i know some guys think just cuz its sub q it isnt neccessary but i always do it. also are you cutting it with bac water or acetic acid? i have knots from acetic that will not go away
ME again,
still can not find out what my problem is.
changed injection spots. also injected just the Water. no problems then.
so it musrt be the HGH. also used different brand of hgh, also got red , swollen itchy sore. have to say not so bad like on the IP stuff.

what i found out so far:
could be angle of needle not deep enough..
could be HGH is fake...
could be GH antibodies. Some people produce these when external GH is added. I have not been able to get any good reports on the repercussion. Some say they will just render the external GH useless and some say it will also render your own natural GH useless as well.... very bad if so
Is the antibody story true ???

It's not your BW (you proved that), it's not sterile matter (as the other queried or you still would have had an issue when you tested the BW - you swabed then too right?) - it's a COMMON problem with these Chineese suppliers. Your GH is GH, but it's also contaminated via the necessary E.Coli process.

Again, dump the stuff or be prepared to develope GH antibodies against it. Redness, burning/warmth, itching, bumps are all an immune system reaction to a substance your body is considering to be foreign!
It's not your BW (you proved that), it's not sterile matter (as the other queried or you still would have had an issue when you tested the BW - you swabed then too right?) - it's a COMMON problem with these Chineese suppliers. Your GH is GH, but it's also contaminated via the necessary E.Coli process.

Again, dump the stuff or be prepared to develope GH antibodies against it. Redness, burning/warmth, itching, bumps are all an immune system reaction to a substance your body is considering to be foreign!

thanks for your input. but does that mean i cant use any HGH or is it just the stuff i got right now??
this is a new one on me, i get those reactions, sometimes, not everytime.....what are you saying 123, your body would eventually fight off the gh and it wouldnt be effective?
Norbert - this will occur using the GH you have right now, but not necessarily against all GH (see below).

Wasp - that's exactly what I said. Your body won't fight it off, it will become immune to that GH, thus rendering it ineffective.

There are the claims though, using contaminated GH can however make your body immune to portions of even well made rhGH. However this matter is debatable. I still wouldn't fool with junky GH - toss it.
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yours body is not gonna become immune to GH,if anythin it will become immune to the bacteria causing the irritation,not the gh itself
yours body is not gonna become immune to GH,if anythin it will become immune to the bacteria causing the irritation,not the gh itself

While I too agree with this line of thinking, which is exactly why I kept saying the issue is directed at that "particular" GH and stated it's "debatable", I think it's wise that you see the flip side of this agrument. The manufacturers of Jintropin, GeneScience claim otherwise:

**broken link removed**
What’s the consequence of using low quality cheap hGH brand or 192 amino acid hGH ?
"Most low quality cheap hGH brands does contain hGH, but they also contain lots of E.coli host protein contamination. When injected (or when you injected 192 amino acid hGH), you would feel the hGH function, but in the meantime, your body will quickly generate antibodies to hGH. In a few months, your body’s hGH will stop functioning, and any new injection of hGH will be useless . Therefore it is key to always stick to the highest quality hGH--Jintropin™. Jintropin™ is the only hGH in China that causes minimum antibody formation, therefore, it is the best for long term use."

In my opinion, it's best NOT to test out their claims. The risk far out ways the possible reward. The smart thing either way is to simply toss away the junky GH and begin using another.
welp, beggars cant be using ghpro, no way im tossing, and will be using mexi next................and that above could be self promotion , who knows, too many damn things to worry about in this game

i did notice after putting the raw powder in fridge b4 mixing the irritation has all but stopped, maybe the lower temp killing off something? i dont know
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definitly just change ur sponser,if same thing happens ,its probabky just how ur body reacts,which would suk for u,but i bet youll be fine
0i did notice after putting the raw powder in fridge b4 mixing the irritation has all but stopped, maybe the lower temp killing off something? i dont know

No, the fridge isn't going to correct irritation matters (immune system reactions). What will correct it is time. Inject crap enough and your body will form enough antibodies against that GH that not only will all the reactions cease, so will the effectiveness. This part's not debatable.
While I too agree with this line of thinking, which is exactly why I kept saying the issue is directed at that "particular" GH and stated it's "debatable", I think it's wise that you see the flip side of this agrument. The manufacturers of Jintropin, GeneScience claim otherwise:

**broken link removed**
What’s the consequence of using low quality cheap hGH brand or 192 amino acid hGH ?
"Most low quality cheap hGH brands does contain hGH, but they also contain lots of E.coli host protein contamination. When injected (or when you injected 192 amino acid hGH), you would feel the hGH function, but in the meantime, your body will quickly generate antibodies to hGH. In a few months, your body’s hGH will stop functioning, and any new injection of hGH will be useless . Therefore it is key to always stick to the highest quality hGH--Jintropin™. Jintropin™ is the only hGH in China that causes minimum antibody formation, therefore, it is the best for long term use."

In my opinion, it's best NOT to test out their claims. The risk far out ways the possible reward. The smart thing either way is to simply toss away the junky GH and begin using another.

Here is a portion of the insert from Saizen:
Growth Hormone Defi cient Pediatric Patients
As with all protein pharmaceuticals, a small percentage of patients may develop antibodies to the
protein. Anti-growth hormone (GH) antibody capacities below 2 mg/L have not been associated with
growth attenuation. In some cases when binding capacity exceeds 2 mg/L, growth attenuation has been
described. In clinical studies with Saizen® involving 280 patients (204 naive and 76 transfer patients),
one patient at 6 months of therapy developed anti-GH antibodies with binding capacities exceeding
2 mg/L. Despite the high binding capacity, these antibodies were not growth attenuating. The patient
was subsequently shown to have a hGH-N gene defect. Thus, genetic analysis should be undertaken
in any patient in whom anti-GH antibodies with high binding capacities occur. No antibodies against
proteins of the host cells were detected in the sera of patients treated up to fi ve years.
Any patient with well-documented growth hormone defi ciency who fails to respond to therapy should
be tested for antibodies to human growth hormone and for thyroid status.
In clinical studies in which Saizen® was administered to growth hormone defi cient children, the
following events were infrequently seen: local reactions at the injection site (such as pain, numbness,
redness and swelling), hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, seizures, exacerbation of preexisting psoriasis
and disturbances in fl uid balance.
Humatropin insert:
4.6 Hypersensitivity
Humatrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or diluent. Localized reactions are the
most common hypersensitivity reactions.
5.13 Local and Systemic Reactions
When somatropin is administered subcutaneously at the same site over a long period of time, tissue atrophy may result. This
can be avoided by rotating the injection site [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)]. As with any protein, local or systemic allergic
reactions may occur
Parents/patients should be informed that such reactions are possible and that prompt medical attention should be
sought if allergic reactions occur.
6.2 Clinical Trials Experience
Because clinical trials are conducted under varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed during the clinical trials
performed with one somatropin formulation cannot always be directly compared to the rates observed during the clinical trials
performed with a second somatropin formulation, and may not reflect the adverse reaction rates observed in practice.
Pediatric Patients
GH Deficiency
As with all protein pharmaceuticals, a small percentage of patients may develop antibodies to the protein. During the first
6 months of Humatrope therapy in 314 naive patients, only 1.6% developed specific antibodies to Humatrope (binding capacity
0.02 mg/L). None had antibody concentrations which exceeded 2 mg/L. Throughout 8 years of this same study, two patients (0.6%)
had binding capacity >2 mg/L. Neither patient demonstrated a decrease in growth velocity at or near the time of increased antibody
production. It has been reported that growth attenuation from pituitary-derived GH may occur when antibody concentrations are
>1.5 mg/L.
In addition to an evaluation of compliance with the treatment program and of thyroid status, testing for antibodies to
somatropin should be carried out in any patient who fails to respond to therapy.
In studies with GH deficient pediatric patients, injection site pain was reported infrequently. A mild and transient edema,
which appeared in 2.5% of patients, was observed early during the course of treatment.
Here is a portion of the insert from Saizen:
Growth Hormone Defi cient Pediatric Patients
As with all protein pharmaceuticals, a small percentage of patients may develop antibodies to the
protein. Anti-growth hormone (GH) antibody capacities below 2 mg/L have not been associated with
growth attenuation. In some cases when binding capacity exceeds 2 mg/L, growth attenuation has been
described. In clinical studies with Saizen® involving 280 patients (204 naive and 76 transfer patients),
one patient at 6 months of therapy developed anti-GH antibodies with binding capacities exceeding
2 mg/L. Despite the high binding capacity, these antibodies were not growth attenuating. The patient
was subsequently shown to have a hGH-N gene defect. Thus, genetic analysis should be undertaken
in any patient in whom anti-GH antibodies with high binding capacities occur. No antibodies against
proteins of the host cells were detected in the sera of patients treated up to fi ve years.
Any patient with well-documented growth hormone defi ciency who fails to respond to therapy should
be tested for antibodies to human growth hormone and for thyroid status.
In clinical studies in which Saizen® was administered to growth hormone defi cient children, the
following events were infrequently seen: local reactions at the injection site (such as pain, numbness,
redness and swelling), hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, seizures, exacerbation of preexisting psoriasis
and disturbances in fl uid balance.

And your point?

Just an FYI - we're not talking Saizen in this thread - we're talking Chineese brands which DO have issues depending on source. However if everyone was using Saizen or something even remotely similar, your above reference would be helpful. ;)
Are you still having this problem? I have the exact same story. I bought batch from sponsor. The exact same yellow tops. Started using with sterile water. One week later had bad red, sore, welts about the size of a quarter. I got a response from the source to use BAC water. He also said it was 191aa and very good stuff. I switched to BAC water and am still getting the red welts in the dime size shape. I'm going to try products from other source and see what happens. Have you solved your problem or learned anything else? Oh yea did the pregnancy test and came out negative. Might be fake or unsanitary goods.
Again, dump the stuff or be prepared to develope GH antibodies against it. Redness, burning/warmth, itching, bumps are all an immune system reaction to a substance your body is considering to be foreign!
Agree! DUMP IT
Don't risk your health/life over a couple hundred bucks. Take your lossses and get some new stuff. Your hospital bills will bemuch higher than cutting your losses now.

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