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New member
Feb 19, 2007
My doc recommended me taking hmg with hcg.. how do you take hmg? Intramuscular, or subq? also, what dosages? how many days on?
As far as I know dosing of HMG is alot less than HCG, it seems general consenses that its best to do your HCG at 250IU a day, and from what Ive read its 10 to 15IU a day of your HMG, I dont know what your purpose for HMG is but its the FSH part rather than your LH, and the only reason for taking it is to increase sperm production, (there doesnt seem to be a direct link between sperm production and testosterone production)
It takes 72 days to create a working sperm and as there doesn't appear to be any research on whether taking exogeneous FSH prevents your natural production, I personally dont come of it, You can take it Intramuscular or sub-q, same as HCG I personally take the HCG sub-q but like to take the HMG intramuscular, I only do this because HMG can aid in preventing infertility and this is the only side of AAS that scares me, I therefore want to make sure that I get what I put in, probably pointless but its peice of mind and its a slin pin anyway so I dont see a problem with it.
HMG usually comes in a 75iu vial. If your dr. recommened this, he should have also told you how to take it. I recommed using it 3x per week(m,w,f) and it can me taken im or subQ just like HCG.
Kev 245 said:
As far as I know dosing of HMG is alot less than HCG, it seems general consenses that its best to do your HCG at 250IU a day, and from what Ive read its 10 to 15IU a day of your HMG, I dont know what your purpose for HMG is but its the FSH part rather than your LH, and the only reason for taking it is to increase sperm production, (there doesnt seem to be a direct link between sperm production and testosterone production)
It takes 72 days to create a working sperm and as there doesn't appear to be any research on whether taking exogeneous FSH prevents your natural production, I personally dont come of it, You can take it Intramuscular or sub-q, same as HCG I personally take the HCG sub-q but like to take the HMG intramuscular, I only do this because HMG can aid in preventing infertility and this is the only side of AAS that scares me, I therefore want to make sure that I get what I put in, probably pointless but its peice of mind and its a slin pin anyway so I dont see a problem with it.

I usually do a 1month cycle of hmg with hcg 3x per week. I only do this every 4 or 5 months though. I may think about adding this to my permanent hcg protocol of 500iu 2x per week while on HRT. I will maybe use one vial 2x per week, but im wondering if over time the hmg can desesatize fsh production?
Kev 245 said:
As far as I know dosing of HMG is alot less than HCG, it seems general consenses that its best to do your HCG at 250IU a day, and from what Ive read its 10 to 15IU a day of your HMG, I dont know what your purpose for HMG is but its the FSH part rather than your LH, and the only reason for taking it is to increase sperm production, (there doesnt seem to be a direct link between sperm production and testosterone production)
It takes 72 days to create a working sperm and as there doesn't appear to be any research on whether taking exogeneous FSH prevents your natural production, I personally dont come of it, You can take it Intramuscular or sub-q, same as HCG I personally take the HCG sub-q but like to take the HMG intramuscular, I only do this because HMG can aid in preventing infertility and this is the only side of AAS that scares me, I therefore want to make sure that I get what I put in, probably pointless but its peice of mind and its a slin pin anyway so I dont see a problem with it.
HCG acts like LH in the body and in turn acts simalar to FSH and TSH; it is heterodimeric (initiates prophase of mitosis) with an alpha subunit identical to LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).
HMG is LH and FSH with HCG.

As far as the IM of SQ. Inter-muscular injections tend to "act" faster in the body by "dispensing" the drug faster, SQ injections tend to hold the drug longer. If I were to inject HCG and/or HMG Inter-muscularly I would do it everyday for sure, could get away with EOD doing it SQ. Doses of 250iu for Hcg and 7.5iu for Hmg seem good.

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