I juiced for about 10 years off and on. I have not done a cycle in about 18 months. What can I buy over the counter to boost testosterone naturally?
Thank you all!
there is a natural product called Horny goats weed.
I know some guys who have taken it and they say it was good nothing like viagra though...
Horny Goatweed is an AChe inhibitor.All its doing is enhancing sexual arousal ,which isnt increasing test levels.Sound familiar? Viagra
Your comparing apples to oranges when you state these OTC substance's increase Test levels.If that were true than yohimbine would increase test levels,which it doesnt.Since I feel more aggressive & perhaps train harder on it,is it increasing my test level? NO.......What you "feel" you get from a substance isnt what its actually doing .I could name 1/2 a dozen other OTC substance's that have properties of increased energy,along w/vaso dilation,that most of you would be convinced is raising your test levels.Does that make them such?
Horny Goatweed is an AChe inhibitor.All its doing is enhancing sexual arousal ,which isnt increasing test levels.Sound familiar? Viagra
Your comparing apples to oranges when you state these OTC substance's increase Test levels.If that were true than yohimbine would increase test levels,which it doesnt.Since I feel more aggressive & perhaps train harder on it,is it increasing my test level? NO.......What you "feel" you get from a substance isnt what its actually doing .I could name 1/2 a dozen other OTC substance's that have properties of increased energy,along w/vaso dilation,that most of you would be convinced is raising your test levels.Does that make them such?