currently i,m using dnp 600mg a day split in 3 doses.
the caps contain the powder form wich isnt that strong as the crystals and weight loss isnt that much so far.
As the others have said, powder is stronger than crystal. If you feel that you're not getting much of an effect, keep in mind that 1) under-dosing seems to be a common problem, especially with foreign sources and 2) there's a lot of variation in personal tolerance to DNP, so if you haven't run it before and have nothing to compare it to, it's possible that you just have a high tolerance and will need relatively higher doses for a given effect.
how long can i stay on this dose safely?
There's no period of time to which you need to limit your cycle length. In the original clinical research, people were kept on DNP for months at a time to over a year, with long-term results. Since the body develops a small tolerance to DNP, the dose was slowly increased, as needed, to keep weight loss humming along. It doesn't take much DNP to accomplish this. They usually used a few 75mg jumps in the clinical research.
The reason shorter cycles are so popular nowadays is because guys typically run high-dose inferno cycles. These necessitate a psychological break, if nothing else, after a couple of weeks. But cycles like this are a poor way to run it, IMO, especially since it's much more dangerous. I've always espoused longer, low-dose cycles, for as long as you need to reach your goals.
Even at lower doses, you might choose to use DNP cyclically. You might discontinue use every few weeks for a psychological break or maybe as part of an anabolic phase in which you focus on building muscle, like with Lyle McDonald's UD2.0. Whatever the reason, you can start back up on the DNP as soon as you want to. The only reason I'd see someone waiting is if he wanted to ration his DNP, resuming use only after his sensitivity to the drug had been reestablished. In his extensive 1937 research, Simkins said "Tolerance to the drug is established rapidly, so that to produce a consistent loss of weight the dosage must gradually be raised. On the other hand, the acquired tolerance is rapidly lost if the drug is discontinued for as short a period as two weeks. The dinitrophenol may then be resumed at a lower dosage level with its original effect on the patient. It is remarkable how sensitive many patients are to a slight increase in the dosage." Considering it doesn't take much DNP to overcome any tolerance, I'd just stay on a low dose, increasing it as needed, until you reach your goals.
Water weight is a common problem while on cycle, so if the "weight loss isnt that much so far," not to worry. It's to be expected. When you end your cycle, you'll lose the water weight within half a week to a week and a half, at which time you can gauge your true progress.
Hope that helps,