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How many times can you bench press 2 plates (225lbs) with perfect form non-stop?

Alright....time review the workout logs kept all these years.
I believe it has to be completed within 30 seconds also unless they changed that. I did 27 once in 30secs back in my 20s, I was never a strong bencher.

That's an interesting thought which may be true. Let me call one of my hangout buddies from college who played in the NFL and ask him. Text msg time.
Personally hit 56 at one point when I have a private workout back in the day with the Titans. The first 30-35 reps were always with one single breathe...then rest at the top bang out a few more and so on. Have to keep the weight moving and keep that time under tension low. Im gonna have to try a rep out with 225 again to see what I can do now. Maybe 30-35 the first try. It’s all about the rhythm

That's friggin diesel! Back in my competitive days, I could squat 405 x 40 (no wraps, belts, pads, etc) and bench press 225 x 27 (no wraps, belts, etc). All done with textbook form. FYI, I only did that set of 405 x 40 squats b/c my workout partners said "if you squat that 40 times, I'll suck your d*ck!" The original set was supposed to be only 405 x 25 but that comment just lit a fire under my ass. And no, he didn't have honor his part of losing the bet but I did get to torture him when it came time for his set of squats. HAHAHA!

Btw, I weighed 210 at the time.
That's an interesting thought which may be true. Let me call one of my hangout buddies from college who played in the NFL and ask him. Text msg time.
There isn’t a time limit to complete the reps. But the faster you do it the less time under tension per rep so it’s in your best interest to pump them out
That's friggin diesel! Back in my competitive days, I could squat 405 x 40 (no wraps, belts, pads, etc) and bench press 225 x 27 (no wraps, belts, etc). All done with textbook form. FYI, I only did that set of 405 x 40 squats b/c my workout partners said "if you squat that 40 times, I'll suck your d*ck!" The original set was supposed to be only 405 x 25 but that comment just lit a fire under my ass. And no, he didn't have honor his part of losing the bet but I did get to torture him when it came time for his set of squats. HAHAHA!

Btw, I weighed 210 at the time.
405 x 40 is no joke. Damn and at 210? Crazy! For years anything over 5 reps in legs was high reps to me 😂. I’ll go reps of 50 in leg press or 25-30 lunges/step-ups (per leg) but sure as heck not squats or deadlifts Not happening here...I don’t wanna be traumatized from a 40 rep squat and never want to workout again Lmao
That's an interesting thought which may be true. Let me call one of my hangout buddies from college who played in the NFL and ask him. Text msg time.

My buddy (former NFL player) finally texted back and said there is no time limit for the bench press test.
My buddy (former NFL player) finally texted back and said there is no time limit for the bench press test.
I believe they removed the time limit and added a 315 category at some point like a decade ago.
I puked immediately after that set of 40. It about killed me and I have never once flirted with the idea of even considering doing something that ridonkulous again. I kind of wish camera phones were ubiquitous back in the early 2000s like they are now.
You ever try the "Nascar 500" at the end of a leg work out? Depending on your general grip strength, grab a pair of DBs (no wrist straps) and you do walking lunges with arms extended with a DB in each hand. Our gym was big enough that we could walk around the floor of the gym in an oval pattern which was about 90 steps +/- 10 or so. It hurt like a motherscratcher but the pain was worth watching my two training partners fall down every 8-10 steps. HAHAHAHA!!!
At first, I grabbed the 50 lb DBs and then they started talking sh*t. The only course of action was to put the 50 lb'ers back and grab the 75 lb DBs. They used the 50 lb'ers. Again, I wish I had this on video. It took them FOREVER to finish. One guy started crawling as if I wouldn't notice. LOL.
27 reps back in the day, touch and go in good form and no bouncing off the chest or an exaggerated arch either. Weighed about 220lbs. Went on to do 455 for 3 raw!
30 Times near the end of my bulk.
I’ve always been envious of guys that could bench press heavy weights like it’s effortless. Sadly for me I’ve had to really work to get up to 2 plates. That just seemed like an impossible task. But years of working out, eating right, AAS, etc have finally gotten me to the magical 225. Still not impressive by any means to other strong mofo’s out there but yesterday I managed to eeek out 27. My ultimate goal is to rep out 3 wheels for 10-12 reps. Maybe one day if I keep at it. Btw, I’m 6’2” and weigh 230lbs.

I’ve always been envious of guys that could bench press heavy weights like it’s effortless. Sadly for me I’ve had to really work to get up to 2 plates. That just seemed like an impossible task. But years of working out, eating right, AAS, etc have finally gotten me to the magical 225. Still not impressive by any means to other strong mofo’s out there but yesterday I managed to eeek out 27. My ultimate goal is to rep out 3 wheels for 10-12 reps. Maybe one day if I keep at it. Btw, I’m 6’2” and weigh 230lbs.

Nice job Cage..
I admit I had the genetics or lack thereof to be a good bencher.. short arms and big chest from birth.. just happy I can still push the iron around at my advanced age... 5'9 265 btw 49yo
Nice job Cage..
I admit I had the genetics or lack thereof to be a good bencher.. short arms and big chest from birth.. just happy I can still push the iron around at my advanced age... 5'9 265 btw 49yo

Thanks bro! I’m the total opposite, long arms, long torso, and legs. Being shorter definitely has its perks in the bodybuilding world for sure! Just means I gotta work harder and keep plugging away is all.

Personally hit 56 at one point when I have a private workout back in the day with the Titans. The first 30-35 reps were always with one single breathe...then rest at the top bang out a few more and so on. Have to keep the weight moving and keep that time under tension low. Im gonna have to try a rep out with 225 again to see what I can do now. Maybe 30-35 the first try. It’s all about the rhythm
31 reps nowadays apparently is all I have. Was fun attempting it again however. 😝 🤦‍♂️ It really comes down to technique and rhythm. No fn way I can hit what I did when I was a youngster, not even if my max were higher. That dynamic speed strength is long gone.
Now if I could either fix the miniDV Camcorder and/or splice one of the miniDV tapes, you all might get to see clips of some fairly heavy lifts (weak compared to many of you freaks on here) with pristine technique. The DIY camcorder repair has been an ongoing struggle for over a year but this guy isn't about to quit anytime soon. Although, the Fall season may be an ideal time to accidentally throw the broken electronics away. 😂

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