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HOw much does the manager at your gym make??

Steak Helmet

Sep 4, 2002
I am just curious if anyone knows how much the manager of their gym makes, and what kin of monthly bonus does he/she get for new members?

I am currently managing a gym, and I do everything...from fixing equipment to plumbing to personal training to book work.
i own a couple of gyms here in the midwest. it really all depends on the gym (size, membership numbers, ect). i know some managers that make as much as $45,000 but, that is rare. again, most gym managers do not make good money unless you go to work for a gym chain or someone who owns numerous gyms and incorporates them under one umbrella. so, i am sorry, but can not really answer without knowing all the above. pm if you want.
I just got hired as the General Manager at Golds Gym. the owner owns two in our city and three in california. my salary was set at $4,000 a month plus commition. I don't get bonuses as far as I know, but I did get benefits. the GM's at 24hr fitness in my town make a grip though. my buddy salarys over 60k a year and gets a % on monthly gross. so they do pretty damn well. But I live in the northwest and have no idea on how things run else where. hope this helps bro. feel free to PM me if you'd like.
good luck and be safe...

i was thinking of buying a gym

the building is a lease and it has;
2 bench presses
1 incline press
1 shoulder press
1 squat rack
1 smith machine
2 leg press machines
2 hamstring machines
2 leg extension machines
shoulder press machine
2 pec dec machines
1 bench press machine
2 bicep machines
2 tricep machines
2 sitting machine back row machines
1 calve raises machine
1 donkey toe calve raise machine
rack of barbells for curls 25,30,35,40,45,50,60,70,80,90
1 bent over back row machine
1unit consisting of 4 cable options pushdowns, seeted rows, upright rows, and back pull down movements
1 big cable machine to do cable cross overs, upward and downward option
set of dumbells that go form 20-70 in intervals of 5 pounds and70-150 in intervals of 10
1 set of dumbels that go from 5,8,10,12,15,20,25
1 set of dumbels 15-60 in intervals of 5 pounds
2 tred mills real nice ones
6 bikes old ones
6 stair climbers
3 flat benches
3 incline benches
3 sitting benches
3 decline benches
alomost all cable equitment and machines and benches are apex
the owner was wishing to sell this gym for around 175000 canadian which is about something like 120000 american i guess, do you guys think this is a good deal or a shitty deal
mind you the equitment is alittle old but it all works great there is a couple rips here but it all works.
I do the same thing Lats does for a living. If you would give the particulars, I too could give you some sort of idea how much would be reasonable. The one thing you have to remember is, how much money do you bring in for the owner. I don't know about Lats, but I'm not making too much money with the way the economy is right now, so unfortunately I'm not able to pay the GM what I'd like to. One of my gyms has a $5000 rent along with a $1500 power bill each month. Along with the 30 or so other bills, there's not a whole lot left for employees. If your owner or owners is making a killing, then it's only fair for you to make good money if you are part of the reason the gym is doing well. One of the perks I give my manager, and you may be doing this also, is to personal train people on the side without having to pay out any of the money to the gym. He makes an extra 2-300 bucks a week from this. Feel free to ask me any ?'s you may have, and good luck.
there is a big name chain in my area and I know the manager makes 60K but he is involved in overlooking 4 gyms. Also 24 hour fitness gm in my area make 60K +
AH it depends on alot of factors, you said the building is a lease? So you wouldn't own it, also is the gym up and running? Ask to see his books and how long it would take you to profit from your 175,000 investment or how long to pay back a loan! Do you have room to expand the gym? Do you have room for more clients? Is the gym at full capacity? Also pm these above gym omners and gm as I am sure they could be a great asset to you? There has to be a reason why he is selling his gym, find out why? Like cooter said the economy is shit so will be your gym sales
Re: i was thinking of buying a gym

anabolic_hippie said:
the building is a lease and it has;
2 bench presses
1 incline press
1 shoulder press
1 squat rack
1 smith machine
2 leg press machines
2 hamstring machines
2 leg extension machines
shoulder press machine
2 pec dec machines
1 bench press machine
2 bicep machines
2 tricep machines
2 sitting machine back row machines
1 calve raises machine
1 donkey toe calve raise machine
rack of barbells for curls 25,30,35,40,45,50,60,70,80,90
1 bent over back row machine
1unit consisting of 4 cable options pushdowns, seeted rows, upright rows, and back pull down movements
1 big cable machine to do cable cross overs, upward and downward option
set of dumbells that go form 20-70 in intervals of 5 pounds and70-150 in intervals of 10
1 set of dumbels that go from 5,8,10,12,15,20,25
1 set of dumbels 15-60 in intervals of 5 pounds
2 tred mills real nice ones
6 bikes old ones
6 stair climbers
3 flat benches
3 incline benches
3 sitting benches
3 decline benches
alomost all cable equitment and machines and benches are apex
the owner was wishing to sell this gym for around 175000 canadian which is about something like 120000 american i guess, do you guys think this is a good deal or a shitty deal
mind you the equitment is alittle old but it all works great there is a couple rips here but it all works.

There are a 1000 other things to consider. It is VERY difficult to figure, but here are a few things to consider.

Number of members paid in full and for how long.
Number of members who pay month to month on a contract.
How long are the contracts.
You can take # of months owed by all members and get that figure.
How much are the expenses?
How good is the lease, how long is it and what is the renewal rate.
How are the core employees and will they be staying?

Give you an idea I bought a health club 12,000 sq ' 1200 members for $90,000 BUT most were paid in full.

There are MANY MANY factors to consider.

Do you have the skills to run a health club?
Can you train people to sell a membership? This is where most clubs make the bulk of their money.

If you can't stomach the thought of selling someone a 3 year member ship contract when you know they will never use it more than 1 month than I suggest you NOT get in the gym business.
When i was an asst. manager at Bally's i made between $50-$70k per year. The GM at that club made over $80k. HOwever, I made more money than some of the GM's at smaller clubs. It all depends on size and type of club. Some GM's at 24hour fitness are into 6 figures. The trade off, though, is you have to work for a sleazy place and put up with alot of bullshit. I got so damn sick of sales:(

i agree with cooter. many people see the large number of people using the facility and assume that the owner has to making a ton of money. that is very far from the truth. lets assume that the gym is 12000 square feet and the lease is $7500.00 a month. (that is actually low compared to what i have seen in many areas) after that you have insurance , utilities, payroll, lease of equipment or loan to buy the equipment, advertising ect. sometimes there is very little left over. i have gone a month or two in the past not paying myself and just making $$$ off the personal training i do. as far as buying it, well get your self a good accountant and take him the books to look over and have your lawyer ready to look over the contract.

I have been tryiong to open my own gym for the past 2 years. I wrote a business plan and presented it to a couple of banks. Well, since the whole 9/11 thing, the banks told me that it is a high risk business at this time. I looked at some of the Census reports and there have been only 2 business that have been profiting since the 9/11 attack. One is coffee shops and the other is fitness facilities.

I was curious if you would like to help me out with getting things really going? I know what it takes to run a gym and the long hard hours it takes to make it profitable. I have been managing/owning a gym for the past 4 years. The reason I put owning the gym is in fact due to the owner living 1100 miles away. I handle every aspect.
Steak Helmet said:

I have been tryiong to open my own gym for the past 2 years. I wrote a business plan and presented it to a couple of banks. Well, since the whole 9/11 thing, the banks told me that it is a high risk business at this time. I looked at some of the Census reports and there have been only 2 business that have been profiting since the 9/11 attack. One is coffee shops and the other is fitness facilities.

I was curious if you would like to help me out with getting things really going? I know what it takes to run a gym and the long hard hours it takes to make it profitable. I have been managing/owning a gym for the past 4 years. The reason I put owning the gym is in fact due to the owner living 1100 miles away. I handle every aspect.
I think you figured it out bro - you need to own your own gym, not work for someone else. While your owner lives miles away, he's still the one with his butt on the line and should be making the money. Don't take this the wrong way!!! - while I'm sure you are an excellent manager, you could probably be replaced with equal talent within one week. The rewards come with the risk. I'm looking into doing the same thing :)

steak helmet, ill be glad to help. just pm what ever questions you have and ill do my best to give you a detailed answer. look forward to hearing from ya. lats:D
ask patk. he started out as an asst manager and worked up to regional man. in charge of several gyms. and this is for one of the major chain gyms. so, he probably has some good insight for you.
The GM's for the clubs I work at make 6 figures, AM's can make any were from 50- 80+k. Even the FM's can make good amount of $$$. The down fall is the hours that are put in.
I was a Assistant Manager for NYSC and made a shitty salary for the amount of hours I put in.
With that experience I went to a local gym that has two locations and I am wearing more hats but only working 40 hours a week and I get profit sharing monthly so I am makign out much better. Still not great long term but with even more experience now I hope to either take it to some place I can moake 50+k in New york or start my own super nice gym in about 5 years or so.
Dr.S said:
When i was an asst. manager at Bally's i made between $50-$70k per year. The GM at that club made over $80k. HOwever, I made more money than some of the GM's at smaller clubs. It all depends on size and type of club. Some GM's at 24hour fitness are into 6 figures. The trade off, though, is you have to work for a sleazy place and put up with alot of bullshit. I got so damn sick of sales:(

I worked for Ballys waaaaaaaay back in the day...infact when i was there it was holiday health club...I did sales only and worked on commision and i made $48,000..and that was back in 1986-1987....i was tired of the pressure sales, back stabbing and lead stealing, return to join was too cut throat.

After 18 months with them i did not sell by projected $32,000 in memberships , i only brought in $28,500 so they canned me ...easy as that..i went back to Baking at $8/hr and was happeri working 70 hours a week starting at dishonest and minipulating was not for me, i hated the sleezt side of sales

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