I've used both & think Humalog is the better choice, since it's onset & activity are short, hence easier to control. I also have found that you don't need nearly as much carbs as once thought. The concensus used to be 10g per iu, but I found this to be too much, & an amount that ends up making you fat easily. I take a 10iu shot of Humalog, then immediately drink a shake consisting of 40-50g simple carbs & 50g whey isolate. Then 1 hr later I have a fat free meal consisitng again of, not too much carbs, & protein. Usually tuna, turrkey or chicken with a mix of stratchy carbs like yam or rice, again not too much stratchy carbs, & raw veggies. I don't eat any fat for the duration of humalog's activity which is approx 4.5 hrs. Although I've never had any problems regarding hypoglycemia with insulin, I keep pure dextrose around 'just incase'.