"What the heck is 'balut'?" Any Filipino/a's here? They'll know. As I look at the ingrediants more (and the proposed benefits) I realized that Humanofort is essentially a Philippino food in pill form
Humanofort is taken from chicken embryo's right?
Balut is a chicken egg that is cooked like a hard boiled egg but with one main difference- the timing of the boiling... they are hard boiled while the chick is in the embryo stage. When you crack it open, it's a hodge-podge of chicken parts: partly developed head, maybe some small feathers, some yolk, etc. Sounds and looks disgusting but many Filipino's love it (my wife is a Filipina).
So what's my point?
1) Many Filipino's talk of the proposed benefits of eating balut: increased sex drive, better joints
2) If you are ever on the West Coast where there are a lot of Filipino's and you've run out of Humanofort, buy some balut! haha
Humanofort is taken from chicken embryo's right?
Balut is a chicken egg that is cooked like a hard boiled egg but with one main difference- the timing of the boiling... they are hard boiled while the chick is in the embryo stage. When you crack it open, it's a hodge-podge of chicken parts: partly developed head, maybe some small feathers, some yolk, etc. Sounds and looks disgusting but many Filipino's love it (my wife is a Filipina).
So what's my point?
1) Many Filipino's talk of the proposed benefits of eating balut: increased sex drive, better joints
2) If you are ever on the West Coast where there are a lot of Filipino's and you've run out of Humanofort, buy some balut! haha