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Mar 26, 2010
anybody know a good brand of humanofort? where to get it and dosages?

thanks all!!!!
anybody know a good brand of humanofort? where to get it and dosages?

thanks all!!!!

Yeap,hernonspantry.com, The stuff is excellent, it just improves so many things in your body. When used on cycle it just seems to amplified the effects of what you are on and minimize side effects, and when off cycle it helps recovery and restoring you to normalcy.
I make sure all my clients take post contest as well after using stimulants for a while it helps big time.
great product. a staple. order from hernonspantry.com. top 2 legal supps for sure.
I've only read good things about this product. I'll be coming off soon so I'll look to pick some up.
Is this typically run in cycles, or can it be taken as long as seen fit?Edit: Found that a lot get one an never off with over all well being
Saw in HernonsPantry that it is said 1 am, 1-2 pm (dfntly 2 if 200+) Was thinking going 4 split am/pm.

Might get on the preorder list for Nov.

Use to be a stim junkie and saw someone post taht after using it for a while almost reset his sensetivity to stims. Interesting.
Last edited:
Is this typically run in cycles, or can it be taken as long as seen fit?Edit: Found that a lot get one an never off with over all well being
Saw in HernonsPantry that it is said 1 am, 1-2 pm (dfntly 2 if 200+) Was thinking going 4 split am/pm.

Might get on the preorder list for Nov.

Use to be a stim junkie and saw someone post taht after using it for a while almost reset his sensetivity to stims. Interesting.

You can take it long as you have any stress in your life.
why not emeric?

Sorry, it was my mistake, and I made the correction , my post should say: you can take it as long as you have any stress in you life.
Sorry, it was my mistake, and I made the correction , my post should say: you can take it as long as you have any stress in you life.

so emeric my cortisol levels shoot up during my cycle

so should i take humanofort during cycle?

and is it effective running it for years.. or does it need to be cycled to remain 100% effective
Phil I'm unclear

We are backordered until Oct 31..........still taking orders so first come first serve. HERNONSPANTRY.COM

Phil: So you are out of stock and you are presently accepting orders... and you won't be shipping out until Oct. 31... Is that right??? Or did I read that wrong.

Thank you,

so emeric my cortisol levels shoot up during my cycle

so should i take humanofort during cycle?

and is it effective running it for years.. or does it need to be cycled to remain 100% effective

Yes you should take it during the cycle, and you can runn it for years, is very effective for people sufering with depression also.
I've been diagnosed with chronic anxiety and depression and take zoloft and clonazepam. It's helps but not much. Would this help me and how exactly does it help with depression, like what's it mechanism of action to help with depression?
I've been diagnosed with chronic anxiety and depression and take zoloft and clonazepam. It's helps but not much. Would this help me and how exactly does it help with depression, like what's it mechanism of action to help with depression?

Your body dozn`t regenerate enough NGF (nerve growth factor) and that cause anxiety and depression. NGF promote natural cell survival, which alleviates anxiety and depression. Humanofort contains many growth factors one of them is NGF. The mechanism of action of the Humanofort is on two levels:

1. Normaliz the adrenal cortex activity(androgens, gluco-corticoids, & mineral-corticoids)

2.At the cellular level (exert cyto-stimulating, cyto-protective, & anti-oxidative properties)

Medical significance
NGF has the potential to help treat several diseases of the nervous system. It has shown this through numerous clinical trials. It has been shown to reduce neural degeneration.[12] It has also been shown to promote peripheral nerve regeneration in rats.[13]

There is strong evidence demonstrating the role of NGF as an inflammatory.[14] This may one day be used for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.[15] Also, it could possibly promote myelin repair.[16]

Also, NGF has been shown to play a role in number cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary atherosclerosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.[17] Reduced plasma levels of NGF and BDNF have been associated with acute coronary syndromes and metabolic syndromes.[18][19] NGF could also be related to various psychiatric disorders, such as dementia, depression, schizophrenia, autism, Rett syndrome, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa.[20] NGF has also been shown to accelerate wound healing. There is evidence that it could be useful in the treatment of skin and cornea ulcers. [21]

NGF is known to have insulinotropic, angiogenic, and antioxidant properties. NGF suppresses food intake.

It has also been tied to Alzheimer's disease.[22][23][24]

[edit] Cultural significance
In 2005, Enzo Emanuele and coworkers at University of Pavia found that nerve growth factor (NGF) has high levels when people first fall in love, but these levels return to as they were after one year. Specifically, four neurotrophin levels, i.e. NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4, of 58 subjects who had recently fallen in love were compared with levels in a control group who were either single or already engaged in a long-term relationship. The results showed that NGF levels were significantly higher in the subjects in love than as compared to either of the control groups.[25][26][27]

Pietro Calissano has suggested that nerve growth factor may contribute to increased longevity and mental capacity.[28] Centenarian Rita Levi-Montalcini has been taking a daily solution in the form of eye drops, and has stated that her brain is more active now than it was four decades ago.[citation needed]

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