Does anyone really understand how to achieve Hyperplasia (while on GH, of course)? We were working out today and one of the national bbers in the gym started talking about it. He said that super high intensity close to the point of vomiting would help invoke it. He also said that it occurs in the fast twitch muscle fibers.
Does anyone really know how to reach the splitting of muscle fibers?
Thanks for any knowledge on the subject!
for what it may be worth, I beleive that it may also be genetic. I also was lead to beleive that the formation of a calous on your hands was a type of hyperplasia, meaning that the body will use it's cell splitting ability to protect against future pain or injury.
I have heard that stretching can increase natural igf in the muscle used and the body will split cells to cope with this new demand being placed on the muscle, however this is not an onoing thing as the muscle stops releasing this igf once it can cope with the demand placed upon the muscle, so it is self limiting as the body can only stretch so far. I must say though that i have seen very little evidence to support these claims.
when using synthetic substances, the body in response to muscle stimulus will respond anabolically with hypertrophy and hyperplasia, to what degree, I am not sure, and which method works better I have also seen little evidence to support which really works the best. I have heard that the combination of low and high rep training helps promote this, but yet again there is nothing to support these claims that I have seen, I would enjoy to read some evidence.
Logically speaking, as the body uses hyperplasia to help protect the body (in the way of forming a calous to protect the skin cells) , it would make sense to really overwork the muscle, through over stimulation or over training, but again I can not confirm this.
On a personal note, I in my training have used IGF and can note the effects, I was trying to promote the growth of faster twitch muscle fiber, whether it was placebo effect, or actual cell growth, I noticed a performance boost while using IGF, I beleive the results theoretically should be evident as the new cells start to mature. This is from an atheletic point of view.
I would enjoy more knowledge on this subject.