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I have not been sick in 2.5 years.

Massive G

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 13, 2004
thanks to vitamin D. I used to get bronchitis at least 2-3 times a year.
There is something really bad going on out there-bad strain lots of people sick it sounds like a TB clinic in my office area and I have been around more sick people in enclosed areas recently more than ever.

I have not had one degree of sickness in 2.5 years and I can trace it back to the use of Vitamin D, 2-4000 iu's a day in the summer and 4-6000 iu's a day in the winter. I have a huge bottle at work and will actually go around handing them out to the sickos to try and help them.

to me the most important benefit of Vitamin D is that is makes your immune system almost impenetrable.

Thanks goes to Dante (DC) who emphasized the importance of this (prohoromone) to me almost 3 years ago
I know a lot of people are like "yea vitamin d works we know" but I have written about it numerous times since then as John Meadows and others have and it is pretty much a miracle compound. Cheap and affordable and get the D3 OIL based capsules. I have given D3 to family members and freinds who were sick with the flu, bronchitis and etc and it knocked the sickness out in less than 3 days.
Mass there is something to this Health thing....

People give me Shit for taken all these Protien drinks, Amino tabs, vitamins during the day. But i tell you what I haven't called in to work in 4yrs and i'm never sick. When I ate McD's & burgerking and was 28% Bf i was always hacking and sick. Now it's the same overweight people that don't take vitamins and eat out that are always sick. Same people too! They will be sick with one thing or another 3wks out of the month. These are people in my office that sit down the hall from me. The same ones that shake their head when i pull out my Amino tabs and pop a few!
thanks to vitamin D. I used to get bronchitis at least 2-3 times a year.
There is something really bad going on out there-bad strain lots of people sick it sounds like a TB clinic in my office area and I have been around more sick people in enclosed areas recently more than ever.

I have not had one degree of sickness in 2.5 years and I can trace it back to the use of Vitamin D, 2-4000 iu's a day in the summer and 4-6000 iu's a day in the winter. I have a huge bottle at work and will actually go around handing them out to the sickos to try and help them.

to me the most important benefit of Vitamin D is that is makes your immune system almost impenetrable.

Thanks goes to Dante (DC) who emphasized the importance of this (prohoromone) to me almost 3 years ago
I know a lot of people are like "yea vitamin d works we know" but I have written about it numerous times since then as John Meadows and others have and it is pretty much a miracle compound. Cheap and affordable and get the D3 OIL based capsules. I have given D3 to family members and freinds who were sick with the flu, bronchitis and etc and it knocked the sickness out in less than 3 days.
great post massive! between you and john i have become a believer in D3, i take it twice daily. the benifits are so numerous its silly.
I ran out a few weeks ago and i ended up getting that bug that was going around. fFsrt time I have been sick in 4 years.
Vitamin D studies 'inconsistent': doctors warn
**broken link removed**

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Vitamin D and calcium have been hailed as a possible antidote for cancer, heart disease and more, but a panel of US and Canadian doctors said Tuesday that the duo's only sure benefit is bone health.

After reviewing about 1,000 studies on the supposed links between low vitamin D levels and higher risk of serious diseases, the panel concluded that they showed inconsistent results, sometimes due to shoddy research methods.

The experts also issued new guidelines -- the first since 1997 -- for North Americans, saying people should take between 700 and 1,300 milligrams of calcium and anywhere from 600 to 800 international units of vitamin D each day.

Most people "probably don't have vitamin D deficiency, that is the first message," said Glenville Jones, a Canadian doctor who was on the 14-member committee for the US-based Institute of Medicine.

"We think there has been an exaggeration of the public's interest in vitamin D deficiency. (People) should be reassured that vitamin D deficiency is quite rare in North Americans at this point in time."

Just by eating a balanced diet and possibly taking a vitamin supplement in the winter, because sun exposure boosts vitamin D levels, most North Americans would have no difficulty meeting the recommended allotment, he said.

The panel's establishment of new guidelines offer a more solid recommended daily dose than the 1997 approach of suggesting adequate intake (AI) amounts.

The previous recommendations set the amount of calcium at between 210 and 270 milligrams per day for babies, 500 to 1,300 for children aged one to 18, 1,000 per day for adults aged 19-50 and 1,200 for those 50 and older.

For vitamin D, the old recommendations were 200 international units for those under age 50, 400 IU for people 51-70 years old and 600 IU for those over 71.

Jones declined to characterize the new guidelines as higher than before, saying it would be like "comparing apples to pears."

Humans need calcium to help clot blood and for proper functioning of muscles and nerves, and vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium. Inadequate calcium has been shown to lead to bone fractures and osteoporosis.

The experts noted that some populations are likely to need more Vitamin D than other groups -- including breastfed babies, people with dark skin and those living in northern latitudes where daylight exposure is limited.

Also, the panel did not entirely rule out all benefits from Vitamin D or all studies that suggested beneficial links.

"There are claims about vitamin D in heart disease, in cancer, autoimmune diseases -- you name it, there are claims out there that are not based upon a lot of studies," said Jones.

"Our dilemma is that there are mixed reports that are not all consistent," said Jones, who is a professor of biochemistry at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.

"Some of the studies are not well controlled," he said.

"We don't want to base public health recommendations upon a mixed conclusion where some studies say there is a benefit in cancer and other studies say they don't," he added.

Jones would not rule out the possibility that future studies could result in more certain benefits toward beating cancer and other diseases, but said "the only really consistent information that was well worth using was information on bone health."

The panel also set upper limits for both calcium (2,000 milligrams per day) and vitamin D (4,000 IUs per day), beyond which point risks such as kidney and tissue damage begin to mount.

"Higher levels have not been shown to confer greater benefits, and in fact they have been linked to other health problems, challenging the concept that 'more is better,'" the report said.
^^^^^^ I always love these studies. I too take 6000 iu of Vit D, and never been sick....

Bump for Vit D!!!
This all makes complete sense. I was taking Vitamin D for two years, and when I ran out once, I didn't restock. Ironically I got sick during that few months break from the vitamin. Since I've been back on-- nothing. Hackers and mucous drainers all around me at University and I stay fine.

EDIT: I take 5,000ius daily
Bump- me neither- never sick just gotta be careful of those fat soluble vitamins: A D E K can and will cause toxity in HYPERMEGADOSES. But hey- we are all athletes and need more than the average Joe.
That study= bullshit. Unhealthy humans means big dollars but if Vit D3 is slowing rates of breast colon and prostate cancer as well as making people generally healthier it will be shown to be ineffective or "dangerous" as in that study. Believe what you want but I'll continue to take my D3 at 6000 per day.
Thanks for posting. I will add this for sure..I work in a school and im around sick kids sneezing and coughing on me all day..
One question though to the OP...you mentioned Vit. D as a prohormone in your post? Is that a typo and if not could you elaborate on that please?
Right on MG! The thing is that most people are low in this as you know, especially in the winter. I remember a while back I went to see Dr Serrano. He noticed I was kind of depressed, which is not the typical me. He tested my Vit D, and I was below the 30-100 range...

here is the exact protocol he put me on to fix it.

10,000 IUs of D3 a day for 7 days, then 10,000 one time a week all through winter. By the end of that first week, I felt like a new person. It was amazing. I recently just had more bloodwork done (HDL was 60 RIGHT AFTER A CONTEST but that's another story,,,hahaha), and it is gettng toward the low end again, so I am back on 10,000 1 time a week.

Also guys, remember it's fat soluble, so make sure you consume some fat with it ok.

As always, great post MG, and something everybody should read.

I have been on vit D3 5000iu ED for over a year now.
While I have had a cold here and there - nothing serious. Considering the stress I deal with day to day and the packed trains etc here in Tokyo I consider it a victory :D
Thanks for posting. I will add this for sure..I work in a school and im around sick kids sneezing and coughing on me all day..
One question though to the OP...you mentioned Vit. D as a prohormone in your post? Is that a typo and if not could you elaborate on that please?

Sure can.
From Wiki:
Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids, the two major physiologically relevant forms of which are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D without a subscript refers to either D2 or D3 or both. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin of vertebrates after exposure to ultraviolet B light from the sun or artificial sources, and occurs naturally in a small range of foods. In some countries, staple foods such as milk, flour and margarine are artificially fortified with vitamin D, and it is also available as a supplement in pill form.[2] Food sources such as fatty fish, mushrooms, eggs, and meat are rich in vitamin D and are often recommended for consumption to those suffering vitamin D deficiency.[3]

Vitamin D is carried in the bloodstream to the liver, where it is converted into the prohormone calcidiol. Circulating calcidiol may then be converted into calcitriol, the biologically active form of vitamin D, either in the kidneys or by monocyte-macrophages in the immune system. When synthesized by monocyte-macrophages, calcitriol acts locally as a cytokine, defending the body against microbial invaders.[4]

When synthesized in the kidneys, calcitriol circulates as a hormone, regulating, among other things, the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the bloodstream, promoting the healthy mineralization, growth and remodeling of bone, and the prevention of hypocalcemic tetany. Vitamin D insufficiency can result in thin, brittle, or misshapen bones, while sufficiency prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and, together with calcium, helps to protect older adults from osteoporosis. Vitamin D also modulates neuromuscular function, reduces inflammation, and influences the action of many genes that regulate the proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cells.[5]
MG, Thanks for the quick come back...good info there.
Right on MG! The thing is that most people are low in this as you know, especially in the winter. I remember a while back I went to see Dr Serrano. He noticed I was kind of depressed, which is not the typical me. He tested my Vit D, and I was below the 30-100 range...

here is the exact protocol he put me on to fix it.

10,000 IUs of D3 a day for 7 days, then 10,000 one time a week all through winter. By the end of that first week, I felt like a new person. It was amazing. I recently just had more bloodwork done (HDL was 60 RIGHT AFTER A CONTEST but that's another story,,,hahaha), and it is gettng toward the low end again, so I am back on 10,000 1 time a week.

Also guys, remember it's fat soluble, so make sure you consume some fat with it ok.

As always, great post MG, and something everybody should read.


I found myself in the same boat. I went in to have some regular blood work done and my Dr. Informed me that my vitamine-d levels were really low. He put me on 50,000iu a wk for 8wks. I had been feeling depressed etc. When I read up on it I said to myself Whoa! I have been taking 2000iu a day for a couple months prior to my blood work. My Dr. Also told me that living in the Northwest this is very common. I have been here 10yrs. Now, I stay on top of my D regimen for sure now. Never had this problem growing up but all I do here in the states is work, home, gym and anything else is usually indoors cuz its raining and cold.
I take a large dose of D3 each day and still get sick! I dont seem to get sick quite as often and my symptoms seems less severe than the past but I still get sick plenty. Ive been sick the past 4 weeks straight. First I had a bad cold that lasted nearly 3 weeks and then I got a stomach bug. Ive got 2 little girls aged 7 and 8 yrs old though so maybe its because of them bringing stuff home. I am also substitute teaching now in the schools and probably pick up shit there too.
I take a large dose of D3 each day and still get sick! I dont seem to get sick quite as often and my symptoms seems less severe than the past but I still get sick plenty. Ive been sick the past 4 weeks straight. First I had a bad cold that lasted nearly 3 weeks and then I got a stomach bug. Ive got 2 little girls aged 7 and 8 yrs old though so maybe its because of them bringing stuff home. I am also substitute teaching now in the schools and probably pick up shit there too.

Do you feel you get sick more now after ur heart troubles compared to before? Or were you the kinda person that always got sick?

Just a note Vit D does have an evil side to it. Although rare and hard to over dose it but TOO high levels above 60/ 80 are not recommended either.
Do you feel you get sick more now after ur heart troubles compared to before? Or were you the kinda person that always got sick?

Just a note Vit D does have an evil side to it. Although rare and hard to over dose it but TOO high levels above 60/ 80 are not recommended either.

Well, when I was training and eating right I rarely got sick before the heart attack. In years past though I had a bad habit of overtraining and not getting enough sleep and then i would get sick a lot while i was teaching. I think the vitamin D has helped me in that when I do get sick its not quite as severe as it normally would be.
As far as the heart attack lowering my immune system, I would swear that it has somewhat. I have nothing to back this, but I do seem to get sick easier now than before considering I get plenty of sleep these days.
they also tried to link Vit.D to Pancreatic Cancer in that "study"... nice way to stir up fear.
I did hear on the news that if you get too much Vitamin D that you can get kidney stones. Im not sure how much truth there is in that, but it sounds like it might be valid. So dont go too crazy with the suppplement and take 2 caps because more is better mentality.

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