At first i thought LE when he said something like where could i get me contact me. Maybe he is just a dumbass and whoever actually helps him is a dumbass. People like that could mess up a creatine drink......
Shit like that is hard for me to ignore... On one hand i want nothing to do with it and just turn my head..But on the other Id like to give advise and try and keep him from really messin himself up....
First, these are the exact idiots that give our sport a bad name. As to answer his que3stion . . hmmm, a part of me tells me to educate and the other part tells me as I have seen in the gym time and time again . . "I have been doing it like this for a long time." At this point you just want to raise your hand and smack the idiots. But, even when you educate they go back to doing what they believe is right.
I read the first post and was like.."what an idiot" then I read the second post and busted out laughing. The last post about taking testosterone and sticking it your ass was also hilarious!