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I hit a nerve... Ouch!!!

Drift Wood

Dec 2, 2009
So after 9 years of shots I hit an f'ing nerve. I don't know if anyone else has done this but it's an incredibly painful and creepy feeling. I poked my quad and my whole leg jumped... I tried to finish the shot but it was far too painful... 3 days later I still hurt... the pain goes from the injection site down to my knee, the whole nerve is tender.

Anyone else have an experience like this??? I'm wondering when the pain will go away???
You hit part of the sciatic nerve. Now you know what sciatica is like.

This happened to me when receiving an injection in my back for back pain. The f***ing doctor wasn't careful and hit the nerve. Excruciating pain shot down my whole leg, and I jumped about a foot off the table.

The pain will go away gradually, but you may still have discomfrot, tingling or numbness up to 8 months out, if my experience is any guide.

To limit nerve damage and to hasten nerve repair, take ALCAR, NAC, and alpha-lipoic acid, all available OTC in a health food store. You can look up the research in pubmed.

Oh, and take a course of NSAIDS (up to 8 advils a day, with food) - inflammation makes nerve damage worse. This is one tissue that does not benefit from inflammation, ever.
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Vive: not my sciatic bro... but definitely a nerve... I'm icing it hoping that the pain will subside... it's such a strange feeling. Now I'm 3 days behind and I'm pretty freaked about doing another shot... after 9 years you might think I was totally used to shooting myself...
happened to a friend of mine, only he couldnt really lift his leg after it , his leg kinda went dead, he hit some nerve in his ass or somethin
I've had my leg jump involuntarily when injecting in quads. Quads hurt no matter what anyway. I've injected in my right glute nad didn't hit a nerve but must have gotten pretty close to sciatic nerve. Hobbled for days.
You wanna be carefully when doing quads, bis and tris, there are a lot of nerves in those areas and some big ones in the quads. If you go slow enough you can feel the nerve before you actually hit it and readjust your pin before going for it. I learned the hard way you can literally bend a pin with a nerve, and its not fun.

The pain can take up to a week to go away, especially if you still injected near the nerve cause its extra pressure on it.
i have hit nerves a few times just a gliche, but i have heard of someone hitting somthing a nerve or somthing rather and there arm was unmovable for a while, long while, talk about inconveinent, dont know if its true, any say so?
Guys, Quad is correct. Sciatic is down the back and splits from the spine out and down the back of the leg. When hitting the glutes be very careful not to go too far over towards the middle or you may find your sciatic nerve in a grand way. If you do hit this you will know................You will think you have been hit with a tazer by the cops. This can be serious as you can possibly cause nerve damage. YOU DO NOT WANT THIS.

To the OP what you have done is hit what is called a motor unit. Be careful!!
i have hit nerves a few times just a gliche, but i have heard of someone hitting somthing a nerve or somthing rather and there arm was unmovable for a while, long while, talk about inconveinent, dont know if its true, any say so?
MOTOR UNITS............Look it up. Very interesting!

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