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I just raided for an experiment...mgf/igf-1/igf-2/gh/slin


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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
One of my clients wanted to get into peptides and gave me a few extra to play with I said what the show is in 5 weeks (little less) so i'm gonna throw everything and the kitchen sink in....i have a basic outline...looking for ideas...I've been using gh/slin/igf-1 lr3 with great success (cue borat)'s what I'm thinking...i know igf-2 is relatively unknown...some say more carcinogenic...some say it's God on a bottle. I'm one who loves igf-1...never noticed any desensitization...anyways here's what i propose...

8 am 3ius gh
915. 40 minutes fasted cardio
1130 37.5mcg igf-1
1145 meal 1
150 100mcg ghrp-2
215 meal 2
400 meal 3
530 37.5mcg igf-1
615 7iu humulin sub q
630 train
800 1 iu gh/3iu humulin IM/250mcg mgf
845 meal 4
1100 25mcg igf-2
1115 meal 5
12 200mcg ghrp-2

phew. Eating 400-450g protein 200-250g carbs less than 30g fat
running 1000mg cyp, 700 mast, 350 primo, 100mg drol, 40 var
This is a freaking lovely cycle Plang, to say the least. Very interesting combo on the aas. Curious as to why you threw the drol in that stack? I'm guessing to maintain strength while on strict diet. Anyway, what do I know.
Can't wait to see how this turns out nontheless. Do keep us posted!
One of my clients wanted to get into peptides and gave me a few extra to play with I said what the show is in 5 weeks (little less) so i'm gonna throw everything and the kitchen sink in....i have a basic outline...looking for ideas...I've been using gh/slin/igf-1 lr3 with great success (cue borat)'s what I'm thinking...i know igf-2 is relatively unknown...some say more carcinogenic...some say it's God on a bottle. I'm one who loves igf-1...never noticed any desensitization...anyways here's what i propose...

8 am 3ius gh
915. 40 minutes fasted cardio
1130 37.5mcg igf-1
1145 meal 1
150 100mcg ghrp-2
215 meal 2
400 meal 3
530 37.5mcg igf-1
615 7iu humulin sub q
630 train
800 1 iu gh/3iu humulin IM/250mcg mgf
845 meal 4
1100 25mcg igf-2
1115 meal 5
12 200mcg ghrp-2

phew. Eating 400-450g protein 200-250g carbs less than 30g fat
running 1000mg cyp, 700 mast, 350 primo, 100mg drol, 40 var

I would be trying to eat my fist by 11:15 AM. That is a long time to to go fasted...
I would be trying to eat my fist by 11:15 AM. That is a long time to to go fasted...

It is....but it's by design....basically a mini-fast for 12 hours without food with exercise...a study was done similar and I modified it for my own use...I think it's why I've been able to eat so many calories and carbs and still drop fat....strength has been pretty steady too (that's why I keep the drol in too)
It is....but it's by design....basically a mini-fast for 12 hours without food with exercise...a study was done similar and I modified it for my own use...I think it's why I've been able to eat so many calories and carbs and still drop fat....strength has been pretty steady too (that's why I keep the drol in too)

interesting concept. can you link the study please?
It is....but it's by design....basically a mini-fast for 12 hours without food with exercise...a study was done similar and I modified it for my own use...I think it's why I've been able to eat so many calories and carbs and still drop fat....strength has been pretty steady too (that's why I keep the drol in too)

do you sip on BCAA's at all during that fasted state in order not to sacrifice muscle?

ive been doing intermittent fasting and like to use BCAA's
WOW!! That should be intense to say the least - hope it kicks some ass.

Btw visited the website and the prices are like :headbang: awesome, the purity is listed. I'm loving it.

Good luck
Protecting the intellectual work of others....
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I take in no substrates to burn I'm utilizing as much fat as possible...BCAAs also raise insulin....GH is anticatabolic and I take 50mg of drol, 20 mg of var and 80mcg of clen just to be sure...GH enhances the release of FFAs in the bloodstream as well as from exercise...but it takes about 2 i want to release them and increase the release with exercise...but give my body time to use them as fuel...if doing fasted cardio and using GH first thing in the AM you are shortchanging the possible fat loss by eating right away. Plus the second half of the day is geared towards tissue accrual...with insulin, mgf, gh, igf compensates for any possible muscle loss by design.
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Slight change in plans...because I'm using so many insulin pins...I didn't have enough to freeze the igf-2 in syringes in 25mcg I'm just going to do 100mcg each night since I recon'd with BW and not igf-1 is in AA (previously always used BW and prefroze doses) and after this first mg I gone I'm going back to BW...Guess I'm goiing to have to Order another igf-2...
Happy growing

Awesome stuff you have going on plang. Looks like you have a good plan of attack. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous :banghead:. Good luck and keep us updated bro. This thread could be very helpful.
One of my clients wanted to get into peptides and gave me a few extra to play with I said what the show is in 5 weeks (little less) so i'm gonna throw everything and the kitchen sink in....i have a basic outline...looking for ideas...I've been using gh/slin/igf-1 lr3 with great success (cue borat)'s what I'm thinking...i know igf-2 is relatively unknown...some say more carcinogenic...some say it's God on a bottle. I'm one who loves igf-1...never noticed any desensitization...anyways here's what i propose...

8 am 3ius gh
915. 40 minutes fasted cardio
1130 37.5mcg igf-1
1145 meal 1
150 100mcg ghrp-2
215 meal 2
400 meal 3
530 37.5mcg igf-1
615 7iu humulin sub q
630 train
800 1 iu gh/3iu humulin IM/250mcg mgf
845 meal 4
1100 25mcg igf-2
1115 meal 5
12 200mcg ghrp-2

phew. Eating 400-450g protein 200-250g carbs less than 30g fat
running 1000mg cyp, 700 mast, 350 primo, 100mg drol, 40 var

Do you work??? ;) Why take 3 grams a week AAS when your calorie deficient to lose fat?

I ask because I'm researching AAS to use after running a mass cycle of Sust&Deca this winter. So far, I'm going with either Primo or Anavar. I'd like to hold onto as much gains as I can while dropping fat over a couple months. Also, I don't want to hit the HPTA too hard while calorie deficient.

Good luck with your cycle! Pics look impressive also.
Good question....In te offseason I generally used a gram of test, gh, slin.....I have the type of metabolism that when I start doing cardio I can eat enough cals and protein for growth (3500-3800 and 400-450g protein) with proper timmg of food and supplements, actually "grow" into a show. Offseason=minimum amount of gear letting my teainnf and diet be my anabic and pre contest=up the doses and take in the minimum amount of cals to elicit comes from knowing my body well and building up from a measley 135lbs at age 18 to a stage ready 210-215 and a offseason weight of 240.

Took 100mcgs of igf-2 last night and I'm not sure if it was that or the switch from ghrp-6 to ghrp-2 at night but I slept like a baby and only had 5 hrs of sleep. Most report 6 helps sleep and 2 does not.
Update so far......

Tuesday was my first day of the massive early to tell much but thus far

-I've gained about 10lbs of water...I'm very lean already so while i don't have the same grainy look...I look big for this point of my diet...I'm sure once I drop everything but the igf-1 out the last week the water will come off. Skin seems "thicker" too...I attribute most of this to the igf-2.

-muscles feel full and strong all the especially...I had no low bodyfat aches and pains while I lift....stronger contractions

-muscle recovery between wokout is workout partner is a big guy...320-330 and on a decent amount of gear and gh and his chest was still beat up from Tuesdays workout even today...I was ready to hit it yesterday as I had no soreness...definitely think the mgf helped in this regard. I'm going to explore higher doses of mgf in the offseason....

-I am much more "regular"...I put the igf-2 sub q around my belly button and I notice that for the next 2-3 hrs post injection I "clean out" but not diarrehea (sp?)

Tried a different dosing scheme today....I alternated 25mcgs of igf-1 or igf-2 before meals today....extremely full today. Muscles feel like thy are ping to explode.
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Another note...I switched from ghrp-6 to ghrp-2 at night....even though I go to bed lately at 3am and wake up at 8....I feel very refreshed when I wake up compared to the ghrp-6. Huge difference for me.
Hey bro just make sure you dont mess things up this close to your show. You look amazing and your goal is in site. I know you know your body very well i just want to remind you not to get somewhere you cant get out of.
Hey bro just make sure you dont mess things up this close to your show. You look amazing and your goal is in site. I know you know your body very well i just want to remind you not to get somewhere you cant get out of.

Thanks ks.....yeah I'm dropping everything but the igf-1 a week out...unusually leave gh in...but i tend to hold a bit of water on gh...I know what u mean though...i feel like i lucked into all this stuff at once and rheblast 4 weeks I when i lose my chest and shoulders a bit so hopeully Incan come in crazy when the water falls off one week out
Update..... I feel good but I do have a good bit of water retention in my lower abs, knees, elbows, ankles and face.....generally I don't need an AI even on a gram of test but I'm going to have to get one soon...either aromasin or letrozole. But I definitely feel stronger and my joints are pain free...I just don't look like I'm 4 weeks out but I know it's just water....and if I can bare it ulimately it should help me push a bit harder with the poundage on my weights and when I cut my test down and growth out I should look better than ever. That's the plan anyways. A friend gave me some tiratricol and I started 4mg a day...I know it's mild but I think t3 for my body type is too strong anyway...definitely makes me hotter and gives me a bit of diarrhea (sp?)....t3 does the same.
Cant wait to see your results bro.

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