I've had severe elbow tendinitis for a while now. The last couple days have been terrible. I sleep with ice packs on my elbows, haven't been to the gym in a couple days, been going lighter, mega dose fish oils and ibuprofen for the inflammation, stretching my triceps tendons whenever they feel tight(i know that heavy skull crushers are to blame and like an idiot i kept doing them for a while). It hurts so bad it feels like the tendon is going to tear off the bone. And I'm just sitting here trying to rest!
Anyway.. any treatment methods I've read (I studied the topic extensively this week) have said to reduce pain, reduce inflammation via ice, nsaids, etc. Well no shit. But is this really helping the problem? Or just masking the painful symptoms/indicators of injury until the problem resolves itself?
1) The human body's response to injury is inflammation. Is this not to protect the injury and/or also to heal it? I'm not finding too much information on this. Why exactly does the body do this? (thought: We get fevers in response to some ailments because our body is trying to burn a virus/whatever via higher temperature. Instead of reducing the fever, I went with it and I often bundle up and keep very hot, often to find myself better in a day or two)
2) With tendons getting little blood flow as it is, wouldn't reducing blood flow via ice etc slow or nearly halt the healing process? Ice is not helping me much thus far.
3) Is it possible that inflammation isn't necessarily a bad thing in some cases? Perhaps the human body is trying to do something in response to the trauma? Or is the purpose of the inflammation to cause pain to alert us to treat it? Perhaps to "cushion" an injury?
I've never really understood this. Seems elementary but like many things, if you think deep, you can begin to wonder about some things you'd never think twice about at the first passing thought.
Anyway.. any treatment methods I've read (I studied the topic extensively this week) have said to reduce pain, reduce inflammation via ice, nsaids, etc. Well no shit. But is this really helping the problem? Or just masking the painful symptoms/indicators of injury until the problem resolves itself?
1) The human body's response to injury is inflammation. Is this not to protect the injury and/or also to heal it? I'm not finding too much information on this. Why exactly does the body do this? (thought: We get fevers in response to some ailments because our body is trying to burn a virus/whatever via higher temperature. Instead of reducing the fever, I went with it and I often bundle up and keep very hot, often to find myself better in a day or two)
2) With tendons getting little blood flow as it is, wouldn't reducing blood flow via ice etc slow or nearly halt the healing process? Ice is not helping me much thus far.
3) Is it possible that inflammation isn't necessarily a bad thing in some cases? Perhaps the human body is trying to do something in response to the trauma? Or is the purpose of the inflammation to cause pain to alert us to treat it? Perhaps to "cushion" an injury?
I've never really understood this. Seems elementary but like many things, if you think deep, you can begin to wonder about some things you'd never think twice about at the first passing thought.
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