A cool new function on IE 8 is this InPrivagte Browsing which 'supposedly' does not store cookies, temp internet files, etc, etc....Supposedly stores none of your internet activities. So can any hacks out there tell us how 'private' this function really is? Can the admin of the computer override this function and track you or is this actually really 'private'?? Something tells me no. Whats the real story on this option? If its not my computer am I still 'private' or is there a back door or another option to bypass this? I am very skeptical of anything IE says is 'private'...Come on computer experts...give us the real story. Would be nice to have a browser that keeps you 'private' but I'm just not buying it, especially with IE. Please either expose this myth or confim it as this could really be the next step in anonymous surfing. Thank you friends.