Just got news from the IFBB EUROPE... it's now official the IFBB at amateur levels are now officially banning Dream tan ... its now PROTAN or JAN TANA...
They said they are losing a lot of money from venue sites because the athletes are staining everywhere with dream tan... I like pro-tan but its very tedious to apply ... dream tan gets the job ready in 30minutes and even less with a roller!
if people ware responsible there would not be any problems with stains; but we know how careless some peeps are, any way i like dream tan easy to apply plus goes great with my skin tone, i hope they don't ban it in the usa.
lol! i do it now. i put on at the room and carry me a bottle of jan tana like im using it. next show i will use pro tan hot quick bronze reddish brown posing gel. its new and it is the best i think. its waterproof and also has hot stuff mixed in it. very warming
Are you saying they have banned people from bringing it in to the venue? If thats the case you can apply a few coats before you attend the venue. Put clothes on and you should be fine until your up.