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IGF LR3 and mucle cells


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Are there any proof that IGF LR3 will create more muscle cells or is it just a "copy-and-paste" statement that has eventually turned into a truth?
Taken from an extrenal link from Wiki...

Here are some of the reasons why IGF-1 will revolutionize the world of performance enhancing substances, and why athletes will risk - are risking - their health to use it.

IGF-1 has been shown to increase the rate and extent of muscle repair after injury and increase the rate of muscle growth from training. And not only are existing muscle fibers repaired quicker, IGF-1 is responsible for hyperplasia, which is an increase in the amount of muscle fibers.

Hyperplasia is the Holy Grail of performance enhancing benefits, and occurs when muscle fibers actually split, therefore creating more muscle fibers. Hypertrophy is simply an increase in the size of the existing muscle cells, and occurs from weight training and from steroid use. Hyperplasia plus hypertrophy equals a new breed of amazing athlete.

But wait, there’s more:

Rats that were given IGF-1 and did nothing were bigger and stronger than rats that weren’t given IGF-1 but exercised. And I’ll bet you guessed that rats that were given IGF-1 and exercised were the biggest, strongest rats in the house. The positive effects of IGF-1 on the rats continued for months after the rats stopped getting the supplemental hormone, whereas the exercising rats immediately lost size and strength as soon as they stopped exercising.

In another study the muscle fibers of 27-month old rats - old age for rats - that were given IGF-1 during middle age, exhibited no deterioration of muscle fibers that indicate the classic and inevitable signs of aging. These rats did not lose any fast twitch muscle fibers - the fibers responsible for power and speed - and had the same speed and power output that they had when they were six months of age.

To quote Dr. Sweeney, “So we were able to conclude that IGF-1 could prevent all of the hallmarks of age-related atrophy and loss of skeletal muscle function in mammalian aging, at least based on the rodent model, and now we’re hoping to pursue this in larger animal models.”

Dr. Sweeney also says that IGF-1 could be used as an instant muscle builder for members of the general population.

And here’s the final and most compelling reason why IGF-1 is being used right now, and why the demand for this hormone will increase exponentially as time goes by: IGF-1 is undetectable by both blood and urine testing. Because IGF-1 can be injected directly into the muscle, it never enters the blood stream. Therefore, a muscle biopsy is the only way to determine if a person has used IGF-1. And the anti-doping forces will never, ever be allowed to take muscle biopsies from athletes.

In a January 18th, 2004 New York Times Magazine cover story by Michael Sokolove, Dr. Sweeney says (page 30) that after presenting his IGF-1 info at an American Society for Cell Biology conference he was contacted by a high school football coach from Pennsylvania who wanted Dr. Sweeney to treat his entire team. Do you think by now world-class athletes - with world-class money - are interested in IGF-1?

Included in this article (page 28) were additional details with regard to the results of studies, in which rodents given IGF-1 before birth and at four weeks of age experienced a 35% increase in strength in targeted muscles, did not lose any size and strength as they aged and did not lose any of these gains when they stopped training.

Later on in the article Dr. Sweeney admits that athletes could already be using IGF-1. Elisabeth Barton, an assistant professor who was involved with Dr. Sweeney’s studies, says that creating a human athlete along the lines of these super mice “is easy.”

She goes on to explain, “It’s a routine method that’s published. Anyone who can clone a gene and work with cells could do it. It’s not a mystery.”

Dr. Sweeney added that there’s no limit to what can be done with IGF-1 and gene therapy with regards to building a better athlete. To make a sprinter faster Sweeney said, “I’d put the whole leg on bypass. I would put (IGF-1) in through the blood. It would be more efficient than injections (directly into the muscle), which you would need a lot of because you’re dealing with large muscles. But this is nothing a vascular surgeon couldn’t do.”

So to recap, IGF-1 provides almost permanent muscle-creating, muscle-repairing, and anti-aging benefits and is totally undetectable. Do you think athletes are chomping at the bit to get their hands on this stuff?
I have seen permanent changes from IGF that I never saw from anything else.
I have seen permanent changes from IGF that I never saw from anything else.
Which brand are you using bro? PM me if you like. I've got 4 vials that I am now using as my test of the stuff.
IGF alone used in medicine as treatment for children with short stature and it able to make them grow to normal size, it is approved by FDA 5 years ago.

GH ---> IGF is the main growht stinulating pathway in our body.

There is certain conditions when IGF may not work and if you have any doubts then never use IGF when you ill and check your globulin/albumin ratio if globulin of higher side, it would be better to wait for some time before using IGF.

I think most cases where it was reported that IGF1LR3 did not work, exactly related to this kind of condition.
Which brand are you using bro? PM me if you like. I've got 4 vials that I am now using as my test of the stuff.

I use PEL... Spend over a grand on 8 vials a few years ago. That lab is gone now though.
I saw the greatest changes in the injected muscles, but there were some overall increases in muscularity and decreases in bodyfat.
what is the normal doseage for IGF? I take 20mcg PWO in the worked muscle. Someone said I should be taken 50mcg PWO. I have seen a big difference in the way my body looks though on just what I'm taking. Like my clevage or the depth of my chest when flexed was never this deep before... ever.
what is the normal doseage for IGF? I take 20mcg PWO in the worked muscle. Someone said I should be taken 50mcg PWO. I have seen a big difference in the way my body looks though on just what I'm taking. Like my clevage or the depth of my chest when flexed was never this deep before... ever.

I would do 100 mcg a day. Expensive but you will love the results. As soon as I have the money I will be running a cycle with 100 mcg a day most likely with test an Tren but that will be awhile from now.
I would do 100 mcg a day. Expensive but you will love the results. As soon as I have the money I will be running a cycle with 100 mcg a day most likely with test an Tren but that will be awhile from now.

100mcgs is excessive, especially for somebody who is relatively new to igf. I've done 5 cycles of lr3igf at 40mcgs, 60mcgs and 80mcgs. What it did for me was help with pumps, and made me a bit more vascular. I would recommend hgh over igf anyday because to IMO, hgh's benefits outweigh igf's benefits and it more versatile with w/e your goals are.
I would do 100 mcg a day. Expensive but you will love the results. As soon as I have the money I will be running a cycle with 100 mcg a day most likely with test an Tren but that will be awhile from now.

Wow, no way could I afford that. Damn! At least not till next year when my truck payment is done.

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