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IGF1 LR3/DES for tendon repair dose/duration and carb intake?


Mar 14, 2009
Ive had tendonitis in both biceps and one tricep for many years now and think its about time that I tried to remedy things.

Was thinking about giving either of these a go, just wondering the dose and duration these should be run for, best time to inject subq or IM? Also what the score is with carb intake with these, particularly the LR3?

Many thanks

Anything else I need to know feel free to chime in :)
I've never used igf for injuries. I recommend Tb-500, ACT1, or BPC 157. BPC 157 has been used to heal tendon to bone injuries...full tears. All 3 of these peptides are for healing, and far superior to igf. If you insist on using igf, localized injections are the way to go. Consume a good amount of carbs(50-100grams) after taking it and you won't go hypo.
Thanks bro, Im pretty set on going with IGF tbh as dont know enough about the more exotic peps that you mentioned.

IGF just sounds safer to me, whats a good length of time to be running it as it works out pretty expensive at 100mcg ed. Would need 4 vials which starts getting pretty costly.

Would 3 weeks @ 25-50mcg bi laterally be enough for tendon repair purposes?
Thanks bro, Im pretty set on going with IGF tbh as dont know enough about the more exotic peps that you mentioned.

IGF just sounds safer to me, whats a good length of time to be running it as it works out pretty expensive at 100mcg ed. Would need 4 vials which starts getting pretty costly.

Would 3 weeks @ 25-50mcg bi laterally be enough for tendon repair purposes?

Hey bro...listen to JJ. If your a little worried about the 3 peps he mentioned, just do what I did and pick 1 to start with.

I started TB-500 with sore elbows and knees. Especially elbows to the point I could not train triceps with any intensity.

2mg every 4 days for 6 weeks or so, and then 2mg week for maintenance. You can get it in 2mg vials and recon with BW, and pin sub-q.

A lot more cost effective in my opinion than what your planning. I got mine when a sale was going on and spent less than $15/ week in supplies. When not on sale, use one of the guys discount code from Ergo.

Also, I have no pain whatsoever left. Heavy squats no longer bother me, and my elbows feel good as new, so I haven't even tried the other peps he mentioned.
Thanks bro, Im pretty set on going with IGF tbh as dont know enough about the more exotic peps that you mentioned.

IGF just sounds safer to me, whats a good length of time to be running it as it works out pretty expensive at 100mcg ed. Would need 4 vials which starts getting pretty costly.

Would 3 weeks @ 25-50mcg bi laterally be enough for tendon repair purposes?

Which is another reason why you should be using TB500. IMO you will not see much tendon repair with IGF; just not what its meant for.
Edit: I meant 25mcg in each bicep/tricep or 50mcg in each for 3 weeks or so.

So to clarify 50-100mcg ed split in 2 jabs.

50mcg ed, 1mg vial would last 3 weeks, any use for what I want it to do?
Ok, thanks for the heads up on the TB-500 guys.

Ive seen it being praised for its healing abilities but having only just heard about it and knowing nothing about it, I suppose I was a bit put off.

I was thinking that IGF is a naturally occuring substance in the body so that was my thinking behind going with that.

Been researching it and it does sound like some good stuff for gains and fat loss as well as for tendon repair.

Will research the TB-500, maybe its not as scary a substance as Im thinking lol

How long does the 2mg per week maintanence dose need to be run for then?
Ok, thanks for the heads up on the TB-500 guys.

Ive seen it being praised for its healing abilities but having only just heard about it and knowing nothing about it, I suppose I was a bit put off.

I was thinking that IGF is a naturally occuring substance in the body so that was my thinking behind going with that.

Been researching it and it does sound like some good stuff for gains and fat loss as well as for tendon repair.

Will research the TB-500, maybe its not as scary a substance as Im thinking lol

How long does the 2mg per week maintanence dose need to be run for then?

From what I have read/heard, it needs to be ran for as long as you want benefits. I also think I read that it had a 15 day half life, so you could see how long in between those 2mg doses you could go before using again.

I would much rather use this instead of taking pills everyday for something that doesn't give me as much relief.
So it doesnt permanently heal the tendons then?

Sounds like as soon as you stop using it, the problems persist. Maybe Ive got it wrong as Ive not had a chance to research IGF-1 much but I thought that the healing was permanent with this.

Have heard many positive experiences in regards to tendonitis using IGF-1 LR3 and/or IGF-1 DES. Cant seem to find much info on the TB-500 for some reason, will do some more digging when I get time though
for what its worth I am currently giving mgf(non-peg) a run for repairs on my tricep tendon... Ive been avg 150mcg at the site that is most tender and painful as well as 50mcg in multiple places in the immediate surrounding area so overall total 250-300mcg, primarily been dosing prebed along with my ghrp2 at 125mcg since im 128kg and thats the closest to the 1mcg/kg LOL in the last week after nearly daily dosing I am doing considerably better with less pain discomfort and feeling of weakness or sharp shooting during pressing movements...

I even tried a one time dose of 200mcg in the most painful part of either tendonitis or partial tear I've been coping with on the tendon that ties into the teardrop of my left quad... same protocol prebed and did it the night before a leg day, and I shit you not, the pain discomfort, all gone, nada since that dose...

since mgf is supposed to increase protein synthesis I made sure I got about 65grams of protein blended prebed as well by mixing 1cup of cottage cheeese with 1 cup of yogurt with 25g scoop of whey.. I usually do just the cottage and yogurt but figured add the whey to make most of mgf..
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