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I'm now coaching full time - no parachute!

@gauge22-v2 She was incredibly sweet, and not bad to look at whatsoever.
Been there done that. But for me it was at the 30 year mark. I was devastated.

Then my wife said . . . “What would you do if your knew you could not fail?”

And I did.

Then a whole new world opened up for me and I have never looked back.

I am certain you and your new business, knowing you like we do, will thrive beyond your wildest expectations.

Have fun in this new chapter of your life.
Last edited:
Sorry you came out on the bad side this time but sounds like an amazing oppty to do something you love and make a big difference to people. I always loved coaching and training. Wishing you a successful and fulfilling new career!!
That’s awesome man. I’ve really wanted to do some lifestyle coaching (no competitors) on the side for years. I think about it all the time and just need to start I guess. Best of luck and maybe I’ll pick your brain a bit. I gave you a follow, my IG is the same as on here @scmtnboy
Now following you on Instagram, I wish you every success in your new endeavour and I´m really happy for you because I´m sure you´re going to enjoy this career path a lot more than the previous one.
Been there done that. But for me it was at the 30 year mark. I was devastated.

Then my wife said . . . “What would you do if your knew you could not fail?”

And I did.

Then a whole new world opened up for me and I have never looked back.

I am certain you and your new business, knowing you like we do, will thrive beyond your wildest expectations.

Have fun in this new chapter of your life.
Thank you. Always appreciate the guidance and wise words. A man I can aspire to be like, with all your adventures and character.
Thanks again everyone, really appreciate all the support. Though I feel the time is right, it is still an odd feeling to be outside the corporate world after so long.
All I can do is give it 100% and do what I believe in.
Good for you man! Tha t's such an awesome achievement in life. I hope it goes well for you. One day I'll get a lifestyle coach
Subbed in tour insta

Wish the best to you

You the reason i came to proM from gh15

I always looked uo to you growing up

Much love and respect my brother
@hawkmoon, when you received your severance package what stopped you from rejoining your field with another company? Sounds like financially you have the freedom to pursue your passion now which most likely swayed your decision some. What did the wifey think about this new adventure?

Congrats on taking the scary leap into your dream. I know that had to be nerve wracking. Personally I couldn’t do it. I wish you the best of luck moving forward!!!

I'm currently considering a switch to more "bodybuilding" style training for a while; I still love olympic lifting but I am feeling beat up to hell from it and think it's time to give the high impact training a break for a bit.

I'll hit you up towards the end of April when my current coaching block for oly lifting finishes and see if I can use your services.
Thanks again everyone, really appreciate all the support. Though I feel the time is right, it is still an odd feeling to be outside the corporate world after so long.
All I can do is give it 100% and do what I believe in.
That's got to be a great feeling honestly. I'm still stuck in the corporate grind, and can't wait to get out
Website design is excellent.

I also saw your first video on youtube, good stuff.

Good luck, but honestly, I don't see that you need it.
Thanks again for the support guys, especially the feedback on the site and the YouTube videos.

Some people have asked why now and peripheral questions so here goes:

As I approach my 55th birthday later this year, I find myself reflecting on my future career trajectory. With the standard retirement age being 60 in this region, and the common practice of companies offering retirement bonuses, I realize that my window of being maximally useful to a corporate entity is narrowing.

As a non-native in Japan, I face a unique set of challenges in the local job market. My proficiency in Japanese, while sufficient for daily interactions, doesn't extend to the level required for business fluency. This limits my opportunities, especially since I prefer not to work for a Japanese company due to personal preferences.

Financially, my situation is stable. The severance package I received was generous, complementing my accumulated assets and successful investments over the years. This financial security, coupled with Japan's affordable living costs and reliable healthcare, gives me the confidence to pivot towards a different career path without compromising my moderate lifestyle.

On a more personal note, my passion has always been in teaching and sharing knowledge. This began when I first came to Japan in 1995, working in a prep school, and continued throughout my corporate career, where I frequently conducted research and educational webinars for clients. The question I've asked myself is, "If not now, when?"

This career change is also aligned with the support and aspirations of my wife, who shares a similar entrepreneurial spirit. She has spent most of her career in finance but is keen on exploring new ventures. The 'C' in my business name, CMT, is for her if she wants to join.
If I were you I would carve a niche market in purely 40+ who want to either get in shape or back into shape. You have real in the trenches through the years knowledge of training diet etc and know how to adapt as the years roll on I.e. injuries etc as opposed to some 20+ something instagramer

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