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Increasing amount of shots=less acne?


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Hello guys

I'm currently on a sust only cycle at 700mg per week. Gains have been great so far, held a bit of water in my face for the first 3 weeks but it appears that my face has slimmed back back. Everything is going well, apart form the acne. It isn't the worst I've ever had it, but its bad enough to the point where you look in the mirror and think, "I don't really feel like going out on the town with my skin looking like this".

I'm taking 250mg on Mon/Wed/Fri, I was wondering if I maybe split up the dosages to another shot, say roughly 0.75ml a shot and taking it Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat do you think this may stabilize blood levels and make my acne sides less harsh? Either way, any tips that may be able to help me out? I'm about to introduce 2 tanning sessions a week as well to see if that helps.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
given the esters in sus250 i don't think you would see a difference from my past experience STEELE

Thanks for the reply. Do you have tips how to reduce the amount I am getting, or anything that has helped you in the past?
From what I understand, the acne actually comes about from the conversion to estrogen. It's the estrogen that causes the acne. Get on either femera or arimidex to stop the aromatization.
Hello guys

I'm currently on a sust only cycle at 700mg per week. Gains have been great so far, held a bit of water in my face for the first 3 weeks but it appears that my face has slimmed back back. Everything is going well, apart form the acne. It isn't the worst I've ever had it, but its bad enough to the point where you look in the mirror and think, "I don't really feel like going out on the town with my skin looking like this".

I'm taking 250mg on Mon/Wed/Fri, I was wondering if I maybe split up the dosages to another shot, say roughly 0.75ml a shot and taking it Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat do you think this may stabilize blood levels and make my acne sides less harsh? Either way, any tips that may be able to help me out? I'm about to introduce 2 tanning sessions a week as well to see if that helps.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

There are several reasons people get acne from gear use, over production from your sebaceous glands, DHT levels, your hormones in general are changing, but know that the more your blood levels are consistent and less like a roller coaster, that the less bad sides of any drug you will see.

it does make a difference. the better you can stablize your dosages the better it is. i used to do test 800mg a week. i used to take it all in one day. and got acne on my back and face. then began splitting in 2 shots and low and behld no more acne. same dose just able to stablize the levels. honestly studies say it shouldnt matter but real world sas it does. all i can say it is try it and see if it makes a difference for you. bottom line...we are all different. and you cant go by a book cuz....you aint a book.
keep us posted on how it works for you.
god bless


I am prone to acne, and when my levels fluctuate - even slightly - I break out like a teenager. When I pre-plan my injections and keep my blood levels stable then I am perfectly clear and not breakouts.

Sus250 is a self-tapering drug (thus the blend of short/long esters), so keeping levels stable is more difficult than with a straight ester such as enan or cyp, for example. Believe it or not, with Sus250 you might want to try daily shots to stabilize your levels.

Hope this helps.
Thanks very much for your help guys, really appreciate it! Lol don't think I'd be able to handle daily shots if I'm honest! If I was to shoot 4 times a week, what way do you think may be best? Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri?
every other day comes out to 4 x a week. try that.
god bless
750 mg sust a wk and some other stuff and no acne for me....I must be lucky
Didn't break out from my last cycle until the very end and it was much worse during and shortly after PCT. Never anywhere but around my shoulders and a bit of my back by my rear delts. Tanning helped. I also got some acne annihilator too, and I gotta admit fellas, it helped.
Good luck bro.
Acne is not related to the number of shots you take, but the amount of sex hormones (estrogen, dht, testo) in your body. Your body uses the same co-enzymes to process the sex hormones as it does the amount of dietary fat you eat. The nature of survival and pro-creation will thus favor the processing and utilization of the sex hormones over dietary fat. Thus the unprocessed fats will end up in the the pilosebaceous glands where they will meet bacteria and become infected, and inflammed. Certain areas on your body will be affected more based on your hereditary. Acne is an internal problem so taking a topical anti-acne approach will only dry out your skin as well as irritate it.

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