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insurance questions regarding gyno surgery (serious)

Matsuo Munefusa

Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 21, 2010
hey I have two small lumps behind each nipple. I've been very careful with AIs and dosage never exceeding 700mg total (test + deca) with anti-prolactin drug (dostinex). I've been on test at 200mg for a long time now (with nothing else). Yet I still have these lumps.

They are not very noticeable but they are somewhat sensitive (even a little painful when struck the wrong way, ie while I was stacking firewood one log bump my nipple and it hurt).

I dont see any other way around this other than surgery. I've tried letro + nolva and they went down a little but the mammary gland tissue appears here to stay.:banghead:

I do not have insurance currently as I am very poor. I plan to get insurance to cover this surgery...it falls under the breast cancer act (if gyno is painful men can have their insurance cover most of the surgery usually).

I have a few questions for those knowledgeable about insurance and this gyno operation.

1) What kind of insurance do I need to cover this? What provider do you recommend and what level/type?

2) How long should I be on insurance before I go in and tell them my problem (is there a problem with 'pre-existing conditions' I need to worry about?)

3) What should I tell my doctor in order to expedite the process (ie get me a referral to a surgeon)? Im not asking for help to lie...but help in what I should divulge (ie AAS use?)

Again, I'm very poor so the shorter I can stay on insurance, the better.

4) Can I pay month-to-month or do all require a year sign-up???

thank you very much...very sincere thanks.
Not sure on how long you should/have to be on insurance to go in to have a surgery like this ,but then again I'm not sure who would besides an actual insurance agent. I talked to the breast cancer specialist about it and they sent me what the bill would be, I have pretty good insurance through Anthem and I was still going to have to pay somewhere in the 1-1.5k range after insurance covered the rest. Its nice if you can't get a plastic surgeon to do it, because that is much more expensive. Just be sure to talk to him and find out what kind of incision he will be doing. I have heard that cutting around the aereola is much better in terms of the scar healing properly and not leaving any permanent scarring behind. You can set up a payment plan with most insurance providers, I know thats what I was going to do with mine. I just haven't gotten around to having the surgery yet. Waiting for a period of downtime from work/school.
thanks for that info...I guess I will start calling specific providers soon about questions...this is my first place I stop for information as Im sure there are more like us researching this issue. I'll probably have to get the payment plan also.

I dont compete so as long as I wont look mutilated when I take my shirt off I'm fine with the general surgeon doing it as long as he's doing a method that is satisfactory.
I got mine covered by insurance BCBS but I regret the decision. The incision sucks (looks like '--v--' and it's obvious I had surgery - he cut into my skin. If you don't care about the appearance of your chest afterwards and are really opting for surgery to remove painful lumps then go for it. If not I'd save up the money.
I got mine covered by insurance BCBS but I regret the decision. .

Was yours considered Cosmetic surgery?

I have had trouble finding a doctor who would give a referral for the diagnosis of Gyno. They have referred to it as "Cosmetic" and insurance wouldnt cover it, because it wasnt a necessity.

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