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- Mar 11, 2007
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- 74
Hi everybody ,I'm new here so I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a 44 y/o iron junky from the Netherlands,( so please forgive any grammar mistakes ) been training on and off since I was 20. I actually quit bodybuilding a few times in the past , in some cases even for several years due to all kinds of different reasons but some how I allways wind up in the gym again, its an addiction. I have had my share of competitions individually as well as in mixed pairs. I wouldnt considder myself a good bodybuilder but I guess I still am seen as a big guy in most gyms over here.
I joined this forum in search of good information concerning running HGH and IGF-1 in my next cycle, maybe even insulin. Here's my situation:
I have 8000 mcg of IGF-1 available and no problem for me to obtain HGH as well as whatever AAS and slin. I'm 5'11 , my current bw is 255 lbs at around 12 % bf.
The only product I do not want to use becase of personal negative experience is test cypionate, other than that I respond well to almost everything. My favorite products in order of best results are : Test suspension, Oxymethelone,Trenbolone,Test enanthate , Dianabol and Deca.
Last cycle I ran consisted of Tren , Test enanthate, Winstrol oil based and Masteron..... almost finished now.
I'm not a millionaire so I'm not planning to go over 4 IU of HGH p/d but lets say I'm planning to run my next cycle for 8 weeks. What would you guys advise me as on how to get the best results from my IGF-1 in combination with HGH and would you advise to run insulin along or not ?
I'd be much obliged to anyone who will share their valuble knowledge.
I joined this forum in search of good information concerning running HGH and IGF-1 in my next cycle, maybe even insulin. Here's my situation:
I have 8000 mcg of IGF-1 available and no problem for me to obtain HGH as well as whatever AAS and slin. I'm 5'11 , my current bw is 255 lbs at around 12 % bf.
The only product I do not want to use becase of personal negative experience is test cypionate, other than that I respond well to almost everything. My favorite products in order of best results are : Test suspension, Oxymethelone,Trenbolone,Test enanthate , Dianabol and Deca.
Last cycle I ran consisted of Tren , Test enanthate, Winstrol oil based and Masteron..... almost finished now.
I'm not a millionaire so I'm not planning to go over 4 IU of HGH p/d but lets say I'm planning to run my next cycle for 8 weeks. What would you guys advise me as on how to get the best results from my IGF-1 in combination with HGH and would you advise to run insulin along or not ?
I'd be much obliged to anyone who will share their valuble knowledge.
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